Finding a kindred spirit is one of the most joyous experiences a human can have. Here’s how to recognize the kindred spirits in your life.
For human beings, relationships are the most important aspects of life. We are social animals and the connections we make with others give our life meaning and fill us with joy. Particularly when we find our kindred spirits
Kindred spirits are the people in our lives who just ‘get us’. They seem to think about things in the same way as us and usually have the same values.
While a kindred spirit might be very different from us and have different interests, passions, vocations, and hobbies, there is still an underlying understanding and a shared way of viewing the world.
Many of our dearest friends are kindred spirits. But we can meet a new one at any time. When you meet someone new and just ‘click’ straight away, you are probably meeting with a kindred spirit.
Kindred spirit relationships often stand the test of time. These are the people who we can rely on in troubled times and who are ready to share our joy when things go well.
We may not see them often, but when we do, we pick up just where we left off as if no time had passed at all.
Some kindred spirit relationships are meant to be just for a period of time in our lives, while others are meant to last a lifetime. Members of our family can also be kindred spirits as can our beloved pets.
Many people believe that our kindred spirits are soul connections. We may have known them in previous lives or in the spirit world. Many people also believe that before each incarnation on earth, we choose the lessons we will learn and the people who will help us.
That is why we feel such an instant connection when we meet a kindred spirit for the first time. In reality, it is not the first time we have met them, just the first time in this incarnation.
You and your kindred spirit will share the same values in life. Often, kindred connections will have similar religious and political views though there may be some differences. You will find being in each other’s company easy as you rarely disagree about the big things in life.
A kindred spirit may not always think the same way you do, however, they will always respect your opinions. You can trust them never to let you down.
And you know you would never do anything to hurt them either. Your mutual respect for one another means you are always supportive and encouraging and never judge each other harshly.
While a kindred spirit will never let you down, they will be honest when necessary. This means they can teach you new ways of living, being, and thinking. They can help you to look at things in a more objective way.
A kindred friendship is not always sweetness and light. You are here to help each other develop spiritually and that takes work. However, the relationship will always feel supportive even when you are working together on more difficult issues.
That feeling of having known someone for a lifetime, even if you have only just met comes from an energetic match.
You and your kindred spirit will vibrate at the same frequency. This means you are always at the same or similar level. Because you are at a similar spiritual level, you have an understanding and can grow together each step of the way.
While some of our relationships are predestined to challenge us strongly, and may, therefore, be problematic, our kindred friends are more of a support network.
Often kindred spirits experience similar challenges and tests in life. If you are experiencing a challenge, such as illness bereavement or depression, you will probably have at least one kindred friend or relative who has been through something similar.
They have so much understanding and empathy for your situation that they are able to help you through the challenge.
Similarly, you will be able to help others when they go through some challenges that you have experienced.
Your kindred spirit is probably a lot of fun to be around. You can be totally yourself with them. There is no need to put on a mask or hide your truth from your kindred friend. There would be no point anyway as they would see right through it.
Your skills and passion probably complement each other, for example, one may be practical and one a dreamer, or one grows flowers and the other is a flower arranger.
Kindred spirits often form businesses together as they have complementary skills and a strong enough relationship to cope with the ups and downs of business.
Often, when you are struggling, your kindred spirit will call you out of the blue. They intuitively know when you need them. When you say you are fine, your kindred connection will know when it isn’t true.
They know the right questions to ask and the right words to say. They know when you need a hug, a pint of double chocolate ice cream or a kick up the backside.
Being with your kindred spirit always feels wonderful. Spending time in their company will leave usually leave you feeling joyous and uplifted. Even when one or the other of you are going through difficult times, you will feel comforted by each other’s presence.
These kinds of friendships and relationships are golden and we should do everything in our power to nurture them carefully throughout our lives.