What You Post on Facebook Reveals Something Important about Your Personality

Published by
Valerie Soleil, B.A., LL.B.

A new study reveals that what you post on Facebook and other social media can reveal personality traits such as self-esteem and narcissism.

Posting on Facebook has become a seamless action performed by almost everyone on a daily basis. Even though we tend not to put a lot of thought into what we are sharing with our friends, a new study finds that our posts can actually tell a lot about our personality.

According to Dr. Tara Marshall, the author of the study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, people who boast narcissism traits tend to post on Facebook about accomplishments, exercise and diets a lot more.

Dr. Marshall stated that narcissists tend to share such bragging posts because they tend to receive more likes and comments on such updates. Ironically, even though their friends politely like such egotistical displays, they often secretly dislike such bragging pursuits.

The study itself consisted of a survey conducted with the help of 555 avid Facebook users and individuals who like the social media platform.

Another interesting correlation found within the surveyed group of people was that people who have low self-esteem tend to more regularly post updates regarding their current romantic partner.

The study also showed that people who tend to post on Facebook about their children tend to be more conscientious.

Introverts and extroverts on Facebook

The study also found a direct correlation between the openness of people towards others and how often they share posts on social media. While introverts share less regularly, extroverts tend to often update their Facebook wall with posts regarding seemingly mundane activities and everyday life status updates.

What’s more, those with high openness were far more likely to share intellectual topics, due to their tendency to use Facebook for sharing all kinds of information.

What’s even more attention-grabbing is the response people have towards the like and comment ratio on their posts. According to Dr. Marshall, those who are rewarded with ‘likes’ on their posts tend to feel socially included, while those who don’t receive as many likes tend to feel ostracised by their Facebook audience.

Dr. Marshall further stated that the core aim of the study is to increase the awareness towards the effects Facebook posts have and to show what certain post types reveal about our personality.

The author of the study also shared that knowing how our posts affect others can help us avoid topics, which may annoy our Facebook friends and rather focus on more entertaining social media behavior and posts.

What do you post on Facebook? Do you find the results of this study accurate? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

View Comments

  • I totally expected this to be a crock... However, as far as these findings apply to me and my Facebook friends, it is totally on point! I feel it was correct too often (about 100%) to not be completely valid. Actually, I am amazed!

  • I would have to agree. I've thought or said these same things about my Facebook friends, numerous of times in the past & now. I've even seen a change in patterns over the years in them, and also myself. Great read!

  • I don't know about other people but I use facebook to know other's thoughts and share my own. I don't want or expect people to like and share my contents and the contents definitely doesn't define my personality. I rarely share my thoughts but it satisfies me that it's out there whether people like or comment on it doesn't matter because i know they read or will read or see it. Nothing or no one define a person, he/she can change whenever they want because nothing is permanent.

  • I post uplifting and positive as that is what I require and many others do too. It's soo much better than the news. I see beauty and quotes and share. With love

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Published by
Valerie Soleil, B.A., LL.B.