What Is a Psychic Empath and How to Know If You Are One?

Published by
Kirstie Pursey

Have you ever thought about how empaths receive their information? Many rely on their psychic empath gifts and abilities whether they realize it or not.

If you have strong empathetic tendencies, it is entirely possible that you are a psychic empath?

Many empaths can feel the emotions of others to some degree. However, the psychic empath has an intuitive understanding of others and the natural world that goes much further.

Usually, people are born with this ability, however, it can grow and develop with experience. Many people don’t realize they are psychic empaths until later in life.

This ability is not the same as the normal human ability to feel empathy for other people. With empathy, people relate to another’s emotions, but they do not feel them as a psychic empath does. In addition, the extent of the information that the psychic empath can receive from others extends to beyond just basic feelings such as happiness or sadness. It can include a much broader spectrum of information that they sense from others and from the natural world.

Psychic empaths feel the world around them in strong emotional terms. Being a psychic empath is like having an extra sense: one that allows you to feel the emotional impact of the people, animals and even plants around you.

Psychic empaths have a variety of abilities and they may use just one or all of the different psychic gifts. If you recognize yourself as having any of the following abilities, you are probably a psychic empath.

1. Claircognizant Empath

If you are a claircognizant empath, you will understand the true nature of any situation. The claircognizant empath instantly knows when someone else is lying. A claircognizant empath will also know exactly what needs doing in any situation. This makes them excellent people to turn to in a crisis.

2. Telepathic Empath

Telepathy is a form of mind-to-mind communication in which thoughts are exchanged between a sender and a receiver. If you have this form of empathy, you will know what others are thinking. You will also be able to understand the thoughts and needs of animals and even plants and trees.

3. Psychometric Empath

Psychometry is skill where the empath receives impressions from objects.

If you have this ability, you will be able to receive information from inanimate objects such as jewelry, photographs and clothing. Such impressions can be perceived as images, sounds, smells, tastes or emotions. If you have a psychometric ability, you will be able to understand the past history of an object through simply touching it. You will receive such information as who the owner is/was, the events of their life and even the emotions they experienced while wearing or using the object.

4. Precognitive Empath

Precognitive empaths can feel a situation or event before it happens. These premonitions usually manifest in the form of dreams or emotional or physical sensations. If you are a precognitive empath, you may experience a sense of foreboding before something bad happens. With practice, this skill can be developed. It then becomes a useful form of intuition that can help guide your decisions and avoid potential disasters.

5. Geomantic Empaths

Geomantic empaths are finely attuned to the energies of the planet. If you are a geomantic empath, you will have the ability to read signals and energy transmitted from the soil, water, air or rock.

This skill is often used to detect water underground or recognize when very bad weather or some other form of natural disaster is coming. Many animals also have this ability, which is why they always know to run to high ground before a tsunami or flash flood.

6. Medium Empath

A medium uses his or her psychic or intuitive abilities to see the past, present and future events of a person by tuning into the spirit energy surrounding that person. A medium empath can also communicate with spirits and beings on the non-material plane.

Being a psychic empath can be very useful, but it is not always easy. Psychic empaths may be particularly sensitive to their environment and can suffer from unexplained allergies and physical symptoms. And while the talents of a psychic empath are significant, their gifts may not work at optimal levels at all times. This means they cannot solve everyone’s problems all the time, including, if not especially, their own.

Often, the first step to take if you think you might be a psychic empath is to learn to distinguish your own emotions, thoughts and senses from those of others.

Once you have done this, you need to learn how to shield yourself so that you are not bombarded with an overload of information all the time. With practice, the psychic empath learns to tune in their gift when they need it and switch it to the background when they are trying to get on with other things.

Even with these forms of protection in place, most psychic empaths need considerable time alone to keep emotionally balanced.

We would love it if you would share your experiences of being psychic empath with us.


  1. www.thoughtco.com

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  • Similar to the psychometric empath, is it possible to touch someone and get information and senses from them? I feel like i can take on a person just by them tpuvhing me.. With some i can feel icky from them- like violated by there energyy and vulnerable.

    There's this other person who i think takes on lots of people's energy throughout their day due to their job, and when they make pyshical contact with me, i pick up all of that - just stuff i have no readon to feel.

  • Many years there was something around or about me. I had finally let go and its amazing, but yet I feel out control. Every trait they mentioned above is what I can do but just one that is still a question. Geomantic Empaths. I am drawn to the ocean and stars my peace zone, but fear the ocean as I know it will take me. Since I was young every time I go to the beach, the waves pull me under and when I regain myself it does not feel like if I was drown yet I took in water... My abilities are enhanced but still need supervision cause its overwhelming. I zone in on people that I don't even know, I know when death is near and birth even before conception. I can look at picture or touch a part of you all is unveiled. Just to know more do more to help and guide

  • My first Empath ability to show was being precognitive, Back then I was called high-strung because I didn't have a clue of what was happening to me by the age of 12 I knew my father was about to die at just 47. I went to school and someone looked out the classroom window and said hey, your next door neighbors are here and I knew. My abilities have grown stronger and I know I am not Looney Tunes, just chosen for this path. All six resonate with me, some are strong than others. I thank God and my abilities for saving my husband as I was adamant I did not want him going this day. he drove a semi truck and I saw the accident the night before. Flames were everywhere and he did not move in my dream/vision. When I told him he called in and quit on the spot. Another driver took his (hubbies) load and he perished in an accident. From that time own my family takes my fore-warnings to heart. never told this to anyone but family. I guess I feel comfortable enough to share. Rhonda

  • Greetings, I'm new here and am happy to be here. As physic abilities go I do see visions of various things depending on what is going on around me.
    Since I have had suicidal tendency in the past, my energies are open to these souls. The messages are usually that they understand how they could have better treated the problem. Some times it's very grafic, most times it's a simple message. The hardest part is telling the family 💖

  • i have had vivid dreams for years i saw the nine eleven the maylasia plane disaster and the france shootings all to late even before they happened i couldnt understand were thesedreams were coming from some were the night before some months before i used to think i was cursed with this awful headache i once heard a voice in my head the number 9 off this women in the corner of the bedroom the following week i won 90 pounds on the national i have never won anything in my life

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Published by
Kirstie Pursey