Remote Neural Monitoring: Is It Possible to Spy on Someone’s Thoughts?

Published by
Yiannis Alexiou, B.Sc., M.Sc.

How many times did you have thoughts that you never wanted to share with anyone and have been constantly worried at the thought of someone ever finding out about these thoughts?

All of us have been through this process, and the new and improved technologies being developed around the world, supposedly to deal with crime and terrorism, and inadvertently intrude on one’s privacy, should probably bring us all to the brink of paranoia. These technologies are funded by governments at the highest level and some of the countries involved include the USA, UK, Spain, Germany, and France.

Recently, the infamous National Security Agency (NSA) of the U.S.A. has developed a very efficient method of controlling the human brain.

This technology is called Remote Neural Monitoring (R.N.M.) and is expected to revolutionize crime detection and investigation.

The below information is based on the statement by Robert C. Gunn, Ph.D., NSA clinical psychologist currently indicted for human and constitutional rights violations of Mind Control.

R.N.M. works remotely (ever wondered why have we all been driven relentlessly towards wireless systems?) to control the brain under the objective to detect any criminal thought taking place inside the mind of a possible culprit.

The inevitable question: How can you isolate a criminal thought if you do not have a comparative measure of non-criminal thoughts?

This undertaking is based on two principles:

  1. The research studies have shown that the human intellect thinks at a speed of about 60 bits per second and, therefore, does not have the capability to contest with supercomputers acting via satellites, implants, and biotelemetry.
  2. The human brain has a characteristic set of bioelectric resonance structures. By using supercomputers, the R.N.M. system can home in on it, and send messages through an embedded individual’s nervous system in order to affect their performance in a preferred way.

The entire system has been developed after about 50 years (!) of neuro-electromagnetic human experimentations, claimed to be involuntary, but there is no evidence to support this claim.

According to some scientists involved in this program (their names are not revealed for obvious reasons), within a few years, it is expected that DNA microchips, under the guise of medical breakthroughs that will be presented to launch the disease cure processes on speed and efficiency, might be implanted in the human cerebrum, which would make it inherently controllable. R.N.M. would then have the ability to read and govern a person’s emotional mental procedures along with the involuntary and visions.

At present, around the world, supercomputers are watching millions of people at the same time, with the speed of 20 terabits per second, particularly in countries like the USA, Japan, Israel, and a number of European countries. A similar program is supposedly underway in Russia.

How does R.N.M. work? It employs a set of programs functioning at different levels, like:

  1. The signals intelligence system which applies electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), to excite the brain for the system and the electronic brain link (EBL).
  2. The Brain Stimulation system that has been planned as particle emission intelligence, which means receiving information from unintentionally created electromagnetic waves in the environment. However, it is not related to radioactivity or nuclear detonation.
  3. The recording machines that have electronic equipment to examine electrical action in human beings from afar. This computer-generated brain charting can always record all electrical events in the cerebrum.
  4. The recording aid system deciphers individual brain maps for security purposes.

The underlining technology of this system takes into consideration that the electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject’s verbal thoughts. R.N.M. can send encrypted signals to the audio cortex of the brain directly circumventing the ear.

This encoding assists in detecting audio communication. It can also perform electrical mapping of the cerebrum’s activity from the visual center, which is achieved by avoiding the eyes and optic nerves, consequently projecting imageries from the subject’s mind onto a video display. With this visual and audio memory, both can be visualized and analyzed.

The machinery involved can, remotely and non-invasively, detect information by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in 30-50Hz, 5 mW electromagnetic emissions from the cerebrum.

Evoked potentials are called the spikes and patterns created by the nerves, as they produce a shifting electrical pattern with an ever-changing magnetic instability, which then puts on a constant amount of electromagnetic waves. The interesting part about this is that the entire exercise is carried out without any physical contact with the subject.

The EMF emissions can be decoded into current thoughts and audiovisual perception, in the subject’s gumption. It sends complicated ciphers and electromagnetic pulse signals to activate evoked potentials inside the mind, consequently generating sound and visual input in the neural circuits.

With its speech, auditory and visual communication arrays, R.N.M. allows for a comprehensive audio-visual mind-to-mind connection or a mind-to-computer association.

The mechanism needs to decrypt the resonance frequency of each specific site to modulate the input of information in that specific location of the cerebrum.

Furthermore, R.N.M. can detect audio via microwaves, and features the broadcast of precise directives into the subconscious, producing visual disorders, illusions, and instillation of words and numbers into the brain through radiation waves.

With all the given paybacks for tracing the unlawful and traitorous activities, there are many alarms and dangers being pointed out by human rights advocates and scientists. The agencies of human rights, worldwide, have criticized the system as an affront to the basic human rights because it violates privacy and the dignity of considerations and events of life.

Several countries have opposed it and refer to it as an offense on their human and civil rights. Along with other biological concerns voiced by scientists, R.N.M. remains a controversial technology, which is being used in many countries for security maintenance and surveillance.


  1. Robert C. Gunn, Ph.D., Arbor, Michigan, NSA clinical psychologist currently indicted for human and constitutional rights violations of Mind Control. Extracts from the passage of the affidavit of the indictment.
  2. Declassified documents by NSA of the MKULTRA project
  3. R.G. Malech Patent #3951134 “Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves” USPTO granted 4/20/76

View Comments

  • v2k is possibly real. and it's not schizophrenia. I read something that in 2018 some DR. hooked up an EMG test to someone and what they found out was the subject was subvocalizing the voices they were hearing. This means at very low levels inaudible to most and all people do this at some level, but their brains of these people didn't recognize it as their own voice so thought it was someone pumping in something into their brains but what they heard was a very low whisper and was only heard when a Microphone was touching their neck.
    But in v2k although I've read it's like a whisper but I've also read it can be loud too so...
    But in my research using a sonic weapon like what must have been used in Cuba a few years ago, they
    pumped ultrasound and I think infrasound hid into the ultrasound and that's what made them sick and or hear noises. RNM No I don't think as of yet I mean while the Frey's Effect is true which was published back in the '60s meaning they found a head hit with lots of microwaves at from a distance they could speak and the one who was hit hard by microwaves could hear the voice that seemed to be in their head. But other than that and that's enough crap to worry about, people being able to send their voices to you long distances without you know where or who, but inorder to control and or monitor people long distance they'd really have to have a very good knowledge of how you think first and that would take years or decades since even dumb peoples minds/brains are very hard to know what's going on inside of them. Plus to control no! you can't be told what to do what you don't want to do. AI that has come alive and we're not far if it's not already since Alexa has freaked a lot of people out lately, making them think they didn't have much longer to live so... SInce that's smarter than we are they if they've already become self-aware which I kind of think it's possible with what I feel that could monitor a person more efficiently but still it would still take microwaves been hitting your head 24/7 and your brain signal would have to be able to travel more than a few feet. I read they have a machine now that can pick up what you picture in your brain now in 2016, but yet you still need to be hooked up to the machine and not remote so...?

  • EMF radiation does this too. Meaning I've read that people who are sensitive to EMF radiation can cause auditory hallucinations as well so...
    5g Is dangerous I think it makes me sick and I don't even have a cell phone!
    I wear EMF clothing now to try and block some of it.

  • This is real.. similar instances have been going on for me. Where can we acquire info or other victims to speak with. The electronic shocks at night, even what seems to be the little devil on your shoulder.. yeah most claim it’s just the mind Of a Gemini or your crazy in the head.. shit is no doubt real..

  • In response to csa-ap hill, I would say that you should probably look into the patents on these things along with the work of Dr. Jose Delgado back in the 60s I think it was. This man along with those who worked with him and came after him bragged about having the capability to tap into a person's mind and to be able to control them like a robot without them knowing all remotely and through brain frequencies. It is very real and it appears to be a process from my experience, but once they have gotten your frequency sometimes done with satellites potentially or by way of a brain MRI this then allows them to just plug in your exact frequency and put you onto the brain to computer interface technology. The handlers are not always kind, I have been told they can kill me at any time this is communicated through Remote Neural Monitoring or Voice to Skull. I have had several attempts on my life, this was all done remotely and I tell the truth, this was once done using a cell phone nearby. It was made to feel like the symptoms of heart attack though the targeting of the mind is non stop and can at times inflict great pain, this does appear to be able to kill you if they apply the right frequency or pulse. This also slowly destroys the cognitive and executive and there is a capability to wipe a person's memories and to replace them if they so desire. I can assure you that this technology does exist, Barrie Trower is a physicist who has videos on his experience with microwave radiation frequencies targeting on groups of people for a slow kill or a fast kill. It appears that science fiction is not that far off and this has been done to people for decades in absolute secrecy. Elon Musk talking about Neuralink is not his invention at all, this has been around. Look at the videos by Dr. James Giordono, he is absolutely serious, most of what he describes, I can say has been done to me with absolute certainty. Look up Ramola Dharmaraj, Denovah Blackwell, Geral Sosbee, Peter Mooring, Myron May and Aaron Alexis both described these symptoms and reported to police, Miriam Carey reported to police that she was being stalked and was said to report that she was a prophet, a symptom of synthetic telepathy. I have seen the testimony of a number of Youtubers whose descriptions are quite similar to mine along with Renee Pitmann Mitchell who has outlined her targeting or how about the well known author Gloria Naylor who wrote about her targeting in her book 1996, she also described similar symptoms. Look up Dennis Kucinich Space Preservation Act of 2001 the original one that outlines these weapons, it was intended to ban them entirely before 911. There are Memoranda of Understanding and Executive Order 12333 and things of this nature that mention cooperation between agents and experimentation. The Bayh-Dole Act is a piece of legislation that is the product of the problem we are seeing with rampant technological development and experimentation along with the development of drugs and virus vaccine pathways, that legislation gives all types of grants to agencies like HHS and to universities and even contractors, experimentation is allowed by way of either Patriot Act or Executive Order 12333 add in the fact that HHS and others have immunity through Prep Act along with all types of immunity handed out in the form of qualified immunity and this is why no one gets heard. No one should assume that a person is mentally ill, there is an systematic campaign to discredit people along those lines.

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Published by
Yiannis Alexiou, B.Sc., M.Sc.