Remote Neural Monitoring: Is It Possible to Spy on Someone’s Thoughts?

Published by
Yiannis Alexiou, B.Sc., M.Sc.

How many times did you have thoughts that you never wanted to share with anyone and have been constantly worried at the thought of someone ever finding out about these thoughts?

All of us have been through this process, and the new and improved technologies being developed around the world, supposedly to deal with crime and terrorism, and inadvertently intrude on one’s privacy, should probably bring us all to the brink of paranoia. These technologies are funded by governments at the highest level and some of the countries involved include the USA, UK, Spain, Germany, and France.

Recently, the infamous National Security Agency (NSA) of the U.S.A. has developed a very efficient method of controlling the human brain.

This technology is called Remote Neural Monitoring (R.N.M.) and is expected to revolutionize crime detection and investigation.

The below information is based on the statement by Robert C. Gunn, Ph.D., NSA clinical psychologist currently indicted for human and constitutional rights violations of Mind Control.

R.N.M. works remotely (ever wondered why have we all been driven relentlessly towards wireless systems?) to control the brain under the objective to detect any criminal thought taking place inside the mind of a possible culprit.

The inevitable question: How can you isolate a criminal thought if you do not have a comparative measure of non-criminal thoughts?

This undertaking is based on two principles:

  1. The research studies have shown that the human intellect thinks at a speed of about 60 bits per second and, therefore, does not have the capability to contest with supercomputers acting via satellites, implants, and biotelemetry.
  2. The human brain has a characteristic set of bioelectric resonance structures. By using supercomputers, the R.N.M. system can home in on it, and send messages through an embedded individual’s nervous system in order to affect their performance in a preferred way.

The entire system has been developed after about 50 years (!) of neuro-electromagnetic human experimentations, claimed to be involuntary, but there is no evidence to support this claim.

According to some scientists involved in this program (their names are not revealed for obvious reasons), within a few years, it is expected that DNA microchips, under the guise of medical breakthroughs that will be presented to launch the disease cure processes on speed and efficiency, might be implanted in the human cerebrum, which would make it inherently controllable. R.N.M. would then have the ability to read and govern a person’s emotional mental procedures along with the involuntary and visions.

At present, around the world, supercomputers are watching millions of people at the same time, with the speed of 20 terabits per second, particularly in countries like the USA, Japan, Israel, and a number of European countries. A similar program is supposedly underway in Russia.

How does R.N.M. work? It employs a set of programs functioning at different levels, like:

  1. The signals intelligence system which applies electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), to excite the brain for the system and the electronic brain link (EBL).
  2. The Brain Stimulation system that has been planned as particle emission intelligence, which means receiving information from unintentionally created electromagnetic waves in the environment. However, it is not related to radioactivity or nuclear detonation.
  3. The recording machines that have electronic equipment to examine electrical action in human beings from afar. This computer-generated brain charting can always record all electrical events in the cerebrum.
  4. The recording aid system deciphers individual brain maps for security purposes.

The underlining technology of this system takes into consideration that the electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject’s verbal thoughts. R.N.M. can send encrypted signals to the audio cortex of the brain directly circumventing the ear.

This encoding assists in detecting audio communication. It can also perform electrical mapping of the cerebrum’s activity from the visual center, which is achieved by avoiding the eyes and optic nerves, consequently projecting imageries from the subject’s mind onto a video display. With this visual and audio memory, both can be visualized and analyzed.

The machinery involved can, remotely and non-invasively, detect information by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in 30-50Hz, 5 mW electromagnetic emissions from the cerebrum.

Evoked potentials are called the spikes and patterns created by the nerves, as they produce a shifting electrical pattern with an ever-changing magnetic instability, which then puts on a constant amount of electromagnetic waves. The interesting part about this is that the entire exercise is carried out without any physical contact with the subject.

The EMF emissions can be decoded into current thoughts and audiovisual perception, in the subject’s gumption. It sends complicated ciphers and electromagnetic pulse signals to activate evoked potentials inside the mind, consequently generating sound and visual input in the neural circuits.

With its speech, auditory and visual communication arrays, R.N.M. allows for a comprehensive audio-visual mind-to-mind connection or a mind-to-computer association.

The mechanism needs to decrypt the resonance frequency of each specific site to modulate the input of information in that specific location of the cerebrum.

Furthermore, R.N.M. can detect audio via microwaves, and features the broadcast of precise directives into the subconscious, producing visual disorders, illusions, and instillation of words and numbers into the brain through radiation waves.

With all the given paybacks for tracing the unlawful and traitorous activities, there are many alarms and dangers being pointed out by human rights advocates and scientists. The agencies of human rights, worldwide, have criticized the system as an affront to the basic human rights because it violates privacy and the dignity of considerations and events of life.

Several countries have opposed it and refer to it as an offense on their human and civil rights. Along with other biological concerns voiced by scientists, R.N.M. remains a controversial technology, which is being used in many countries for security maintenance and surveillance.


  1. Robert C. Gunn, Ph.D., Arbor, Michigan, NSA clinical psychologist currently indicted for human and constitutional rights violations of Mind Control. Extracts from the passage of the affidavit of the indictment.
  2. Declassified documents by NSA of the MKULTRA project
  3. R.G. Malech Patent #3951134 “Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves” USPTO granted 4/20/76

View Comments

  • And some people think they could thwart a case or switch a case or the witnessed situation to get rid of that person who witnessed the stuff by flipping memory using forced memory mind harassment NANO communication implant technology! Do we want this? This is the kind of stuff real "electronic targeted individuals" go through and it is illegal as heck and the thugs go away laughing and thinking they won't ever get arrested for anything anymore because they figured out a (system that beats the system) and they have friends who get paid big time to so get the result they want!!

  • Filing law suits and passing law against it isn't going to solve this problem. The only way to solve this problem is to find a way to counter it, their has to be a way. Hell I'm surprised this whole planet hasent bein leveled out yet. Hell if they can see though your own eye's and hear though your own ear in real time!! hell where do you see where this is going? what do you think about that? Take some time to think about it for a while!

  • Dear All,

    All of you are being deceived by a hidden technology that is capable of remotely stimulating your brains.,405977,psychologist-persons-with-schizophrenia-believe-their-inner-voices-in-their-heads-are-strangers.html

    According to the article,

    "The psychologist added that there is also a group of healthy persons who do not meet the criteria for mental disorders, who also hear voices in their heads. According to research carried out in the Netherlands, this affects as much as 5 percent of the population. These people have no difficulty with normal functioning and do not feel discomfort because of the voices, therefore do not meet the disorder criteria. "It happens, for example, after the loss of someone close a relative can hear that person talking. It is called a psychological phantom. This phenomenon is somewhat similar to phantom pain that can occur after amputation, when severed limb seems to hurt. And this due to the fact that there is stills its representation in the brain."

    "Neuropsychologists may explain auditory hallucinations with stimulation of the auditory cortex. "We know that when auditory cortex is stimulated, it begins to produce auditory experiences. Sometimes - we do not know why yet - this part of the brain is stimulated spontaneously. This means that without appropriate sounds, words from the environment, we can hear voices" - said the scientist and added that a healthy person would begin to hear voices or sounds, if he or she had an electrode implanted into the auditory cortex. Stimulation of the primary auditory cortex would make the person hear crackling and noise, and stimulation of the secondary auditory cortex - more complex listening experience, for example voices."

    Please follow the below link to know the truth,

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Published by
Yiannis Alexiou, B.Sc., M.Sc.