
20 Signs That You Are Here to Change the World

Published by
Christina Lawson, B.A.

Humankind evolves rapidly in today’s world and many people feel that they are here to change the world.

If you are familiar with the Mayan culture, you will know that the Mayans existed thousands of years ago, and yet predicted many future events accurately.

A crucial tool for these predictions was their calendar, which ended in 2012. Because of this, many people believed that in the year 2012 the world would end. Since of course, that did not happen, there has emerged a shift in New Age theories – 2012 did not mark the end of humanity, but a new beginning in human evolution.

We are now more than ever becoming innately aware of our desire to help others and, as cliché as it sounds, to use our individuality to change the world.

Here are 20 tell-tale signs that indicate you are one of those who are destined to do so.

1. You may have experienced a life-changing event in your life, which you now wish to channel and use to help others.

2. You feel a natural pull when it comes to helping others. It could be for anything – healing, connecting, succeeding, etc.

3. You often have ideas or visions that you feel might make the world a better, more beautiful place.

4. You may even daydream or night dream about healing and fixing any kind of damage.

5. You possess a high level of talent and creativity – this could be in the visual arts, poetry, music or art of any kind.

6. You sense that something is out of alignment with the world, and you want to contribute to the solution.

7. You may have had a difficult life growing up and did not have a stable family environment

8. You are deeply empathetic towards others’ feelings.

9. Because of your empathy, you are extremely sensitive and can result in the deterioration of your health – anxiety, depression and addictions are common side effects.

10. Oftentimes, you find yourself physically ill with fluctuating symptoms.

11. You absolutely love animals.

12. Another sign that you are here to change the world is that you have an intense desire to end suffering for all living creatures – humans, plants and animals alike.

13. You pursue success in a chosen field not only for personal benefit but also in preparation for your world-changing.

14. You feel isolated or lonely in the sense that you feel inherently different from those around you.

15. You feel an alluring connection with natural environments – the mountains, forests or sea for example.

16. Being surrounded by greenery and flowers makes your heart sing. You love gardening and watching things grow.

17. Major religions do not appeal to you; yet, you feel strong spiritual purpose and meaning.

18. You can feel a deep connection with certain places, cultures and languages.

19. You feel a desire to understand people who have mental illness and intellectual disabilities and may even have a disabled loved one.

20. Alone time is very appealing to you. You often feel drained from social contact and need peaceful solitude to recharge.

When I was young, I wanted to change the world. Now, I’m trying my best to not let the world change me.


Did any of these signs ring true for you? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below!

View Comments

  • Pretty much all bang on for me - i don't know what to do about it though and most of it causes great stress for me.
    Thank you for a great post though - very interesting :)

  • Yes. But I'm still trying to figure out what that purpose is. I've been raising kids for 20 years with 6 more years to go. Still don't know what I wanna be when I grow up but healing and food will probably be a part of it.

  • I always wish that I can afford to buy a new house or apartment, Living alone where noone can disturb me, I want to burry all pain from past. Some point above are true for sure, but I haven't any intense to change the world yet.

    Thank you. I enjoy reading your article :)

  • All true except the part about feeling important. I'm less than nothing and feel completely unworthy. What changes can be brought?

Published by
Christina Lawson, B.A.