
20 Signs That You Are Here to Change the World

Published by
Christina Lawson, B.A.

Humankind evolves rapidly in today’s world and many people feel that they are here to change the world.

If you are familiar with the Mayan culture, you will know that the Mayans existed thousands of years ago, and yet predicted many future events accurately.

A crucial tool for these predictions was their calendar, which ended in 2012. Because of this, many people believed that in the year 2012 the world would end. Since of course, that did not happen, there has emerged a shift in New Age theories – 2012 did not mark the end of humanity, but a new beginning in human evolution.

We are now more than ever becoming innately aware of our desire to help others and, as cliché as it sounds, to use our individuality to change the world.

Here are 20 tell-tale signs that indicate you are one of those who are destined to do so.

1. You may have experienced a life-changing event in your life, which you now wish to channel and use to help others.

2. You feel a natural pull when it comes to helping others. It could be for anything – healing, connecting, succeeding, etc.

3. You often have ideas or visions that you feel might make the world a better, more beautiful place.

4. You may even daydream or night dream about healing and fixing any kind of damage.

5. You possess a high level of talent and creativity – this could be in the visual arts, poetry, music or art of any kind.

6. You sense that something is out of alignment with the world, and you want to contribute to the solution.

7. You may have had a difficult life growing up and did not have a stable family environment

8. You are deeply empathetic towards others’ feelings.

9. Because of your empathy, you are extremely sensitive and can result in the deterioration of your health – anxiety, depression and addictions are common side effects.

10. Oftentimes, you find yourself physically ill with fluctuating symptoms.

11. You absolutely love animals.

12. Another sign that you are here to change the world is that you have an intense desire to end suffering for all living creatures – humans, plants and animals alike.

13. You pursue success in a chosen field not only for personal benefit but also in preparation for your world-changing.

14. You feel isolated or lonely in the sense that you feel inherently different from those around you.

15. You feel an alluring connection with natural environments – the mountains, forests or sea for example.

16. Being surrounded by greenery and flowers makes your heart sing. You love gardening and watching things grow.

17. Major religions do not appeal to you; yet, you feel strong spiritual purpose and meaning.

18. You can feel a deep connection with certain places, cultures and languages.

19. You feel a desire to understand people who have mental illness and intellectual disabilities and may even have a disabled loved one.

20. Alone time is very appealing to you. You often feel drained from social contact and need peaceful solitude to recharge.

When I was young, I wanted to change the world. Now, I’m trying my best to not let the world change me.


Did any of these signs ring true for you? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below!

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  • Over the course of the last four years of my life i've had a deep impulse to make something of myself. I am only 18 years old but when i was in 6th grade I was narrating a play for my school and my public speaking skills where apparently very pristine for a youngster. Adults said that I should one day perhaps consider becoming a politician or a lawyer. At that time I took the compliment lightly because i thought they were just saying that to raise my self esteem and whatnot. Time passed and I'm in 8th grade. I'm representing my school at a church where I was asked to read the gospel. I don't remember why i said yes, i'm sure I was reluctant at first and needed some persuading. As i'm making my way to the altar I get nervous and jittery. I'm sure you know what I mean, I started and was stuttering a bit and not speaking with confidence but then I felt this warmth and I took a quick glance at the crowd to see all eyes on me. I felt a moving sensation and alongside it came courage and ambition. I finished the Gospel in a good fashion. As I sat down I went into deep thought about what it was and I could only reason with it being God. I started considering being an actor, I love bringing emotion to people. Making them laugh and be happy, making them cry and reflect on themselves, the idea of acting was thrilling. I enter highschool and my ambition to join theatre was drowned by my insecurities of being judged. I saw the other kids in the group and they were differently odd like me but i wanted to have those cool friends and be around the cool group instead (huge mistake). Senior year rolls around and i've put soccer aside and had the impulse to actually get on the stage. My first play was named I hate Shakespeare, it was a comedy. On the night of my last performance I went to my friends house, that night I tried LSD for the first time. I did it not for the thrill of having a good time but out of pure curiosity. It changed for my life for the better. I became more in tune with the world around me. I later on in the year I experimented with psilocybin mushrooms. The result was me connecting all the dots in my life and finding my purpose. I no longer care about the negative things people say because this world can continue spinning without the negativity. Judgement of any sort does not affect me, I know who I am.

    My will to live is for this earth and to change it. I live in South Carolina. I plan on taking a gap year and then heading out to California where I plan on attending an acting college in LA.
    The world and the people around us are driven by out selfish desires of wanting more and never having less. Very few people give for the sake of giving. I want to become famous and be able to hold a position of "power" in society so my words have a meaning. I know this may all seem crazy and insane. I'm well aware that acting is a brutal career to undertake and most people give up...however something has never felt so right. I will carry out my purpose or I will sadly die trying. I can't see myself doing anything else. If you want to change the world all you need is ambition. You can never truly fail at anything in life until you personally decide to tell yourself to stop. :)

  • Hi I’m 17 and I knew forever that I’m very different from everyone around me but i attract everyone from the nerds to Jocks and I live to make people laugh and feel good and Every single bullet point applied to me. I have a bigness surrounding me all the time and I feel that truly I am meant to do something good for the world I get this weird feeling all the time that i have a very important mission

  • I relate to all of this since I was a kid I have felt so different and as if my path in life will not be the same as others on this planet. Since I can remember I've had reoccurring dream of floating in front of a sun and feeling the Ray's of energy flowing around my body. I feel as if it's a glimpse of what my future holds for me. I am 100% a empath I feel everything from emotions to sensations in my body. If I see someone get hurt I can feel the pain emotionally and physically. This has gotten so much stronger coming into adult hood. I feel everything and everyone around me. I have also for the longest time believe that I hold more than meets the eye. Will become bigger than anything anyone has seen before. I've dreamt of free the world for a long time because I cant standby any longer and see so much loss and pain in this world. I believe I will become the world's first vigilante the first super hero. It may seem crazy but I've felt this way for such a long time. In recent years I've seen my life and myself in many things I've seen and watched on tv like my story are being told threw movies and shows idk what to make of it. Recently GOT has touched that sense more and more I see myself wanting what Daenerys wanted to break the wheel and free the world and allow people to be free and live life equally as others rich and poor. I hate that the world is divided into these classes of rich, mid class, poor. Like great house in GOT only the powerful can live in comfort. I feel as if I will be the one to end all of this. To break the wheel once and for all and lead all humanity to a better world. The stars are waiting and we must push to achieve something more bigger than all of us. We do it together we break this wheel for all of us. When we do we will better off than when we were. I may sound crazy but this is the world I see and I want.

  • Hi everyone, for some reason, I have this overwhelming feeling that some day, I'm going to become a part of something which will revolutionalise the world. When I write it out, it seems pathetic but the feeling is undeniably intense. I truly believe that the beauty of the world is in the eyes of the beholder. I'm constantly seeking new knowledge and appreciative of the way in which the world works. Whenever I see any infrastructure (eg a skyscraper), my mind just switches to awe and imagines the process and effort required by the construction workers to create it. Whenever I learn about the human body, I think about the miracle of life and how every vein, artery and capillary has to be placed in the most precise orientation for humans to carry out their bodily functions. I feel as if there is so much to learn and explore beyond the material possessions which life has to offer. Again, writing it out, it seems pathetic, but this feeling resides at the very heart of my soul. I would love to get into contact with anyone else whose thoughts align with mine.
    My email is

Published by
Christina Lawson, B.A.