ancient civilizations

Newly Found Fossilized Skull Shows When the Last Unicorn Roamed the Earth

Newly Found Fossilized Skull Shows When the Last Unicorn Roamed the Earth

Many ancient civilizations believed that the unicorn was a real creature. “The unicorn, through its intemperance and not knowing how…

8 years ago

The Mystery of Egyptian Hieroglyphs in Australia Deubnked

Egypt isn't the only place with hieroglyphs, and not all hieroglyphs have Egyptian origins. In the 1970s, there was a…

8 years ago

5 Unexplained Archaeological Discoveries That Keep Puzzling Researchers to This Day

Strange and mysterious, thought-provoking, and puzzling, these unexplained archaeological discoveries keep attracting the attention of researchers worldwide. The scientific community…

8 years ago

10 Ancient Cultures and the Unexplained Similarities between Them

The eternal symbols of ancient times are still so powerful and intriguing. What are these symbols? What did all the…

8 years ago

5 Mysterious Prehistoric Sites That Puzzle Researchers to This Day

Monumental constructions of past eras, such as prehistoric sites and cities, have always been intriguing to archaeologists who struggle to…

8 years ago

10 Remarkable Ancient Civilizations That Mysteriously Disappeared

Learning about ancient civilizations that disappeared is always fascinating, especially when the reasons for their disappearance are ambiguous or unknown.…

8 years ago

8 Most Intriguing Archaeological Findings of 2015

The current year is soon coming to an end. 2015 has offered us a handful of new and unexpected discoveries…

8 years ago

The Unfinished Obelisk and the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

The unfinished obelisk found in Aswan (Assuan), Egypt, is one of the biggest ancient obelisks. This impressive structure not only…

8 years ago