
What Happens When a Naturally Optimistic Person Suffers from Mental Illness

What Happens When a Naturally Optimistic Person Suffers from Mental Illness

I wake with the intention of being optimistic. But suddenly, my mental illness rears its ugly head and drops a…

7 years ago

10 Signs You Are Dealing with a Control Freak

Control freak is someone who has to have absolute control over themselves and the actions of others. In some cases,…

7 years ago

Top 10 Recurring Nightmares and Their Meanings

Have you ever woken up after dreaming about being chased or attacked? These are common recurring nightmares that most of…

7 years ago

5 Subtle Symptoms of Cognitive Decline Which Indicate Your Brain Is Slowing Down

There are many symptoms of cognitive decline which show that your brain is actually slowing down. It can happen at any…

7 years ago

9 Common Stereotypes about Anxiety We Are Sick of Being Labeled with

There is a lack of understanding when it comes to anxiety. Common stereotypes are enabling mental health stigma. While dealing…

7 years ago

How to Control the Amygdala of Your Brain to Turn off Your Anxiety

Is there a possibility that you can turn off your anxiety? The part of the brain called the amygdala can function…

7 years ago

10 Signs of Spiritual Illness (and How to Heal Them)

Many illnesses have their roots in our spiritual wellbeing. A spiritual illness affects us physically, but to cure it, we may…

7 years ago

Chronic Anxiety Makes Υou Do Things Τhat Others Misunderstand

It’s not about getting upset when something happens. Chronic anxiety is much worse, and unfortunately, misunderstood. It’s not so strange…

7 years ago