
Photographer Creates Striking Portraits That Capture the Beauty of Solitude

Photographer Creates Striking Portraits That Capture the Beauty of Solitude

The world is such a social machine. It seems that the norm revolves around people, our interactions and relationships. There…

8 years ago

Artist Creates Digital Paintings of Dreamlike Worlds and Surreal Landscapes

There is another world, inside your imagination, where the nonsensical makes sense, or does it? Pushing the boundaries of the…

8 years ago

These Imaginative Artworks Convey Thought-Provoking Messages

Nothing is more fulfilling than art. What would the world be like without it? It can be safely said that…

9 years ago

Appennine Colossus: This Giant Renaissance Sculpture in Italy Has Secret Rooms Inside

Art makes life worth living, let’s face it! Without art, the world would surely be a dull place. There are…

9 years ago

Comic Captures What the World Is Like for Socially Anxious People

Like most mental disorders, social anxiety can alter your perception of reality, yourself and others. As a result, social situations…

9 years ago

Mind-Bending Landscapes and Unimaginable Creatures by Surrealist Painter Jacek Yerka

Surrealist painter Jacek Yerka creates unique artworks based on allegories and symbols. Flying houses and buildings, colorful gardens, trees and…

9 years ago

Computers Can Dream and This Is What Their Dreams Look Like

If computers could dream, what would it look like? Moreover, if computers were artists, would technology produce paintings akin to…

9 years ago

6 Brilliant Minds in History and Their Favorite Drugs

Whether it’s leading countries, being part of a creative community or just wanting to experiment – at some point, some…

9 years ago