
Physics Behind the Akashic Records and Stress on the Mental Body

Physics Behind the Akashic Records and Stress on the Mental Body

Can modern science help us understand what is behind an esoteric term “akashic records” and how it is related to…

9 years ago

Synchronicity and the Secret of the Co-Creator

Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner to…

9 years ago

What If We Live in a Matrix and Reality Is a Computer Program?

Patterns and coincidences occur around us every day. We notice them in things like the flower of life and the…

9 years ago

How Meditation Helped Me Overcome the Fear of Being Alone and Find Myself

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you…

9 years ago

What Is Wrong with the World Today and What We Can Do about It

Many people are looking for the answers to what is wrong with the world today. The answer could be quite…

9 years ago

Quantum Theory Explains What Consciousness Is

For a very long time, mankind has questioned what consciousness is – whether our ability to think, our free will,…

9 years ago

How Numerology Explains the Evolution of Consciousness

“Number rules the Universe” ~ Pythagoras Are numbers really that important and can they help us explain consciousness? Everyone has…

9 years ago

The 6 Most Fascinating Studies on Consciousness [Infographic]

Studies on consciousness reflect scientists' and psychologists' struggle to understand and measure this phenomenon. With the topic being so hard…

9 years ago