decision making

Debt Problems: Consumer Society’s Tool of Manipulation and Control

Debt Problems: Consumer Society’s Tool of Manipulation and Control

Life isn’t always fair, and debt problems remind us of this fact. Debt is controlling, so make wise decisions to…

5 years ago

4 Ways Social Conditioning Secretly Affects Your Behaviors and Decisions

We all like to think we have free will and make our own decisions in life, but in actual fact,…

5 years ago

3 Interesting Decision-Making Theories Which Explain the Choices We Make

Decision-making theories come are quite useful. When it's time to make an important choice, there's no need to delay. Whether…

5 years ago

What Is the Gambler’s Fallacy and How It Affects Your Decisions

Do you make decisions based on probability, or take the chance? Maybe you have a gambler's fallacy thought process. If…

5 years ago

Why Kant’s Philosophy Is Extremely Relevant to Modern Society

What can Kant's philosophy offer to modern people? The answer is: surprisingly much. Immanuel Kant was born in 1724 in…

5 years ago

What Is the Halo Effect and 5 Ways It Distorts Your Perception of Others

Have you ever thought you could tell what a person was like just from a superficial impression of them? You…

5 years ago

6 Types of Moral Dilemmas in Life and How to Resolve Them

What are moral dilemmas? Moral dilemmas are situations where an individual has to make a choice between two or more…

5 years ago

6 Reasons Why Introverts Make Great Entrepreneurs

Did you know that some of the greatest entrepreneurs and inventors were, in fact, introverts? Most people tend to underestimate…

5 years ago