Albert Einstein

Collision of Binary Black Holes May Unravel the Mysteries of Gravitational Radiation

Collision of Binary Black Holes May Unravel the Mysteries of Gravitational Radiation

One of the most fantastic predictions of Einstein’s general theory of relativity has been the existence of gravitational radiation. Should…

8 years ago

How the Theory of Relativity Manifests in Our Life

Since Einstein’s introduction of his theory of relativity, this theory has been regarded as one of the most famous scientific…

9 years ago

Can Our Universe Be a 5D Black Hole?

It is a well-known fact that if you fall into a black hole, there is no possibility of escaping from…

9 years ago

Quantum Experiments Suggest That the Future Might Affect the Past

In the world that we live in, it is a well-known fact that causality forms sequences of events in nature.…

9 years ago

‘Spooky Action at a Distance’ Demonstrated by Quantum Experiment Proves Einstein Wrong

He may have been a genius, but have his theories met their expiration date? Some scientists believe this to be…

9 years ago

Top 10 Unsolved Mysteries in Physics That Still Puzzle Scientists

If it exists then it can certainly be measured and explained. Physics finds facts, or as near to facts as…

9 years ago

Is Time Real? My Thought Experiment on the Nature of Time

For this thought experiment, I present to you different views of the time. My own hypothesis of time is just…

9 years ago

Is It Possible to Travel Through a Wormhole in the Blink of an Eye?

People have been trying to cut down on their transit time to go from one place to another to the…

9 years ago