
Long-Sought Aristotle’s Tomb Is Discovered in Northern Greece

Long-Sought Aristotle’s Tomb Is Discovered in Northern Greece

Aristotle's tomb has been finally found! The burial site of one of the most important figures in the history of…

8 years ago

40,000-Year-Old Stone Bracelet Is the Oldest Artifact Ever Found

This green stone bracelet might be the oldest artifact in human history. He who understands the past will understand the…

8 years ago

Are Megalithic Structures ‘Alive’ Or Just Barren Rock?

Do megalithic structures all over the Earth have any power or are they just rocks? The fear of the unknown…

8 years ago

What Is This Huge Pentagram in Kazakhstan Visible on Google Maps?

What is this mysterious huge pentagram in Kazakhstan and what does it mean? I never cease to find things that…

8 years ago

Newly Found Fossilized Skull Shows When the Last Unicorn Roamed the Earth

Many ancient civilizations believed that the unicorn was a real creature. “The unicorn, through its intemperance and not knowing how…

8 years ago

Scientist is Turning Each Element of the Periodic Table Into Music

Scientists have now found and interesting way to understand the periodic table of elements. With the advancement of technology, scientists…

8 years ago

The Mystery of Egyptian Hieroglyphs in Australia Deubnked

Egypt isn't the only place with hieroglyphs, and not all hieroglyphs have Egyptian origins. In the 1970s, there was a…

8 years ago

Celtic Astronomy Symbols and Jung’s Collective Unconscious: Is There a Link?

For years, researchers have been trying to explain the depiction of mysterious Celtic astronomy symbols. What do these Celtic astronomy…

8 years ago