
What Is Dark Matter? New Research Sheds New Light on This Unsolved Mystery

What Is Dark Matter? New Research Sheds New Light on This Unsolved Mystery

Dark matter is one of the unsolved mysteries in physics and astrophysics. This hidden matter, which is believed to form…

9 years ago

The Discovery of Gravitational Waves Is Now a Reality – What’s Next?

A long-time effort to detect gravitational radiation has finally led to a triumphant conclusion - for the first time after…

9 years ago

5 Mind-Blowing Physics Theories about the Universe and Reality

Since a century ago, new physics theories and ideas have led to many revolutionary results. Quantum mechanics and relativity theory and…

9 years ago

How Many Dimensions Are There? 11-Dimensional World and String Theory

What if there are more than three dimensions in our universe? String theory suggests there are 11 of them. Let's…

9 years ago

Astronomers May Have Discovered a Giant Alien Structure of Unknown Origin Around a Star

Brace yourselves! Apparently, there is a giant alien structure orbiting a star in a distant galaxy - over 1,500 light…

9 years ago

Collision of Binary Black Holes May Unravel the Mysteries of Gravitational Radiation

One of the most fantastic predictions of Einstein’s general theory of relativity has been the existence of gravitational radiation. Should…

9 years ago

How the Theory of Relativity Manifests in Our Life

Since Einstein’s introduction of his theory of relativity, this theory has been regarded as one of the most famous scientific…

9 years ago

The Collision of Two Supermassive Black Holes Could Shake the Universe

Maybe not today, maybe not a year from now and not even 50 years from now, but eventually the Earth…

9 years ago