
The Longest Night of the Year and the Spiritual Meaning of Winter Solstice

The Longest Night of the Year and the Spiritual Meaning of Winter Solstice

The longest night of the year is traditionally a time of spiritual significance when we can reflect, restore and find…

7 years ago

5 Ways Geniuses Think Differently from Everyone Else

Geniuses may have more gray matter than the rest of us. However, what really makes geniuses different from the average…

7 years ago

5 Stone Monuments of Unknown Origin That Puzzle the Scientific Community

The reason why these five stone monuments were constructed still remains unknown. Why did people do the things they did…

8 years ago

Why Broken Sleep Is Our Natural Sleeping Pattern (and How You Can Benefit from It)

Did you know that broken sleep could be our natural sleeping pattern? It wasn’t the night before Christmas, in fact,…

8 years ago

British Woman Claimed to Remember Her Past Life with an Egyptian Pharaoh

This story may sound incredible as it claims to give the answer to the question if we all could have…

8 years ago

4 Underwater Cities That Hide the Mysteries of the Past

Did you know that there are many underwater cities of great beauty and history that are hiding deep beneath the…

8 years ago

3 Archaeological Discoveries That Challenge Mainstream History

New archaeological discoveries show us that history may not be exactly as we learned in school. Rather than thinking about…

8 years ago

5 ‘Impossible’ Engineering Marvels of the Ancient World

Through the engineering marvels of the ancient world, we learn the most about the civilizations that existed thousands of years…

8 years ago