
That Little Voice in Your Head: The Difference Between Logic, Intuition, Spiritual Guide and Ego

That Little Voice in Your Head: The Difference Between Logic, Intuition, Spiritual Guide and Ego

What is that little voice in your head that tells you what to do: logic, intuition, ego or spiritual guidance?…

8 years ago

6 Problems All Old Souls Experience at Some Point in Their Life

Old Souls can be defined in many ways, mainly that they are wise beyond their years and like spending time…

8 years ago

What Is Synchronicity and How to Recognize the Signs of It in Your Life

What is synchronicity? The term synchronicity (syn = with, chronos = time) was chosen by the psychotherapist Jung to describe…

8 years ago

10 Things Truly Authentic People Do Differently from Everyone Else

What is an authentic person? And how are authentic people different to everyone else? An authentic person is much more…

8 years ago

10 Signs the Universe Is Trying to Tell You That You Are Walking the Wrong Path in Life

Sometimes, when you find yourself in some awkward situations, this may indicate that you are walking the wrong path in…

8 years ago

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Necessarily Be Rational in Order to Achieve Your Goals

When it comes to planning, the traditional reasoning argued that you have to be rational in order to achieve your…

8 years ago

5 Tell Tale Signs That You Aren’t Living Your True Purpose in Life

Are you feeling that you're far away from your true purpose in life? It seems like lately we get so…

8 years ago

What Is an Empath and How to Find Out If You Are One

What is an empath? This article will shed light on energy-sensitive empaths and will help you find out if you…

8 years ago