life purpose

6 Signs of a Spiritual Crisis or Emergency: Are You Experiencing It?

6 Signs of a Spiritual Crisis or Emergency: Are You Experiencing It?

Almost any experience can contribute to spiritual awakening. Observing nature might kickstart thoughts of the expansive universe, for example. The…

4 years ago

5 Ugly Truths about Life That Will Make You a Better Person

It isn’t always easy to become a higher version of yourself. There are ugly truths that must be faced in…

4 years ago

Feeling Trapped in Life? 13 Ways to Get Unstuck

It’s not always easy shaking the mindset of feeling trapped. You must learn how to free yourself from the stuck…

4 years ago

5 Lessons Coronavirus Lockdown Teaches Us about Life

With current coronavirus lockdown in many countries of the world, the regular flow of life has stopped. Basically, our lives…

4 years ago

What Is Downshifting and Why More and More People Chose It

Modern life is getting busier and louder by the day. Pressure mounts and stress becomes the norm, and we just…

4 years ago

Are You Putting Your Life on Hold? How to Live Your Life Right Now

There are many reasons you might not be living your life right now and be putting it on hold instead.…

4 years ago

What Is a Spiritual Atheist and What It Means to Be One

Spirituality can be a very vague term and has many unique definitions depending on who you ask. It is often…

4 years ago

6 Reasons Why Turning 30 Years Old Is Not As Terrifying As It Seems

If you are in your late 20s, you probably freak out at the approaching milestone of turning 30 years old.…

4 years ago