
How Doodling Can Help You Maintain Focus and Strengthen Creativity

How Doodling Can Help You Maintain Focus and Strengthen Creativity

For as long as I can remember, I've had a bad habit of drawing during classes and meetings. All the…

9 years ago

How to Improve Your Memory Power with Brain-Boosting Activities

The human brain is probably among the most complicated structures in nature. It weighs at around 1.5 kg and consists…

9 years ago

Bionic Brain? Scientists Develop Memory Cells That Mimic Human Brain Processes

True artificial intelligence is on the horizon, it seems. Human brain cells, memory cells to be exact, are being tweaked…

9 years ago

Curiosity Changes Brain Functions and Enhances Learning

Have you ever wondered what happens when we get curious about something? Well, we obviously try to learn things concerning…

10 years ago

5 Amazing Facts about the Psychology of Learning and Memory

Psychological research has long been fascinated with how humans learn and retain memories. As a result of this fascination, research…

10 years ago

10 Life Hacks to Maximize Your Brainpower

Do humans really fail to use their brain's maximum potential? Movies like Limitless and Lucy try to show how humans…

10 years ago

FAB: a Psychological Trick That Affects Our Memories

It is said that the experience and lessons we learn are useful for the course of our future life, but…

10 years ago

10 Most Interesting Theories That Explain Why People Dream

There is a branch of science called oneirology which studies dreams. This discipline combines features of neuroscience, psychology, and even…

11 years ago