
Golden Child in a Narcissistic Family and What Lies Behind a Perfect Image

Golden Child in a Narcissistic Family and What Lies Behind a Perfect Image

At first sight, a golden child may look like the perfect child who is likely to have a successful life.…

6 years ago

What Is an Inverted Narcissist and 7 Traits That Describe Their Behavior

Inverted narcissist is not a widely known term. Below, there are some traits that explain the behavior of an inverted…

6 years ago

Narcissistic People and the 7 Little-Known Facets of the Narcissism Spectrum

Here’s a startling truth: Narcissistic people are everywhere. In fact, almost every one of us has certain traits which place…

6 years ago

8 Weird Signs of Narcissism, Based on Psychological Studies

Narcissism is the new popular insult nowadays, it seems. However, these people do exist, and there are weird signs of…

6 years ago

How Narcissistic Personality Is Formed: 4 Things That Turn Children into Narcissists

What causes someone to develop a narcissistic personality? Is it their environment, their genes, or could it be the way…

6 years ago

7 Phases of Narcissistic Abuse (and How to Stop It No Matter Where You Are)

Narcissistic abuse has the power to hold its victim for long periods of time. There are phases of this abuse…

6 years ago

What Is Emotional Blackmail and 5 Personality Types That Use It

In today’s time and age, emotional blackmail has become a common behavior trait found in most people. It causes the…

6 years ago

You Were Raised by Narcissists If You Can Relate to These 9 Things

Most people have no clue that they were raised by narcissists. In fact, many of the traits that develop from…

6 years ago