positive thinking

90% of People Fall into These 4 Personality Types, According to Human Behaviour Study

90% of People Fall into These 4 Personality Types, According to Human Behaviour Study

Did you know that there are 4 personality types which are prevailing in our society? At least, this is what…

7 years ago

Negativity May Reveal These 5 Unexpected Things about People

Negativity seems to have no place in the age of self-actualization. We're all striving to keep negative thinking out of…

7 years ago

What Causes Depression? 4 Possible Answers That Offer Practical Solutions

What causes depression? Is it something that you’re born with? Is it a chemical imbalance? Is it lifestyle-related, or is…

7 years ago

6 Unexpected Strengths of Those Who Have Suffered Emotional Neglect

Describing someone as having suffered through emotional neglect invokes the image of someone who is weak, a victim. Yet in…

7 years ago

When You Learn to Let Things Go, These 5 Miracles Will Happen in Your Life

Learning to let things go is a challenge that all of us must face up to at some point in…

7 years ago

Things That Cause Your Heart Chakra to Block and How to Open It

Heart Chakra (or known as anahata=unstruck) is the 4th element of the 7 Chakras which contributes to a harmonious development…

7 years ago

3 Great Reasons to Get Over Your Fear of Getting Older Now

Getting older is something which terrifies almost everybody, except, it seems, those who have actually experienced it. Here are some…

7 years ago

6 Inner Transformation Techniques to Reach Enlightenment

If you are on a journey of inner transformation, these long-term techniques will help you look within yourself and achieve…

8 years ago