
Synchronicity and the Secret of the Co-Creator

Synchronicity and the Secret of the Co-Creator

Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner to…

9 years ago

Breathtaking Angel Portraits by Conceptual Artist Peter Mohrbacher [Interview]

His work will surely take your breath away. Incredible conceptual artist and illustrator, Peter Mohrbacher builds a world of angels…

9 years ago

What If ‘God’ Is a Metaphor for Energy?

This article contains opinions that may be viewed as controversial. My intention is not to offend anybody, only to explain…

9 years ago

Thought Experiment: What Could Possibly Await Us in the Afterlife?

Every person, at some point in their life, asks the currently unanswerable question: "What is waiting for us after our…

9 years ago

5 Documentaries That Will Change the Way You Look at Science

These 5 documentaries may just change the way you look at science and weird phenomena. Sometimes, it can be really…

9 years ago

Is Time Real? My Thought Experiment on the Nature of Time

For this thought experiment, I present to you different views of the time. My own hypothesis of time is just…

9 years ago

Our Childhood Beliefs about Afterlife Stay with Us Through Adulthood

Do you remember your favorite superhero as a child? How about angels and demons? Do you have the same beliefs…

9 years ago

Is War a Method of Human Population Control?

We have often discussed that mankind is an ugly, violent, and horrendously criminal race. We have often discussed how we…

9 years ago