
19 Seasonal Affective Disorder Symptoms That May Explain Your Mood in Winter

19 Seasonal Affective Disorder Symptoms That May Explain Your Mood in Winter

Seasonal affective disorder symptoms are estimated to affect around 20% of people in the US. Could you be among them?…

6 years ago

5 Lessons the Fall Season Teaches Us about Life

The fall season is a special time of the year. No other season teaches us so many profound lessons about…

6 years ago

6 Summertime Struggles Only a Socially Awkward Introvert Will Understand

Summertime is probably the most popular time of the year. What can be better than warm sunny days filled with…

7 years ago

In Iceland, There Is a Beautiful Tradition to Gift Books to Each Other on Christmas Eve

There is an amazing Icelandic tradition to gift books on Christmas Eve. There seems to be nothing more festive than…

7 years ago

The Longest Night of the Year and the Spiritual Meaning of Winter Solstice

The longest night of the year is traditionally a time of spiritual significance when we can reflect, restore and find…

7 years ago

5 Reasons Why Introverts Love Autumn

If you are an introvert, then you probably love autumn, just like I do. I can say with certainty that…

8 years ago

Top 5 Weirdest Christmas Traditions around the World

Christmas is mostly about celebrations, such as giving gifts, decorating the house, or going to church. However, not everyone celebrates…

8 years ago

5 Reasons Why Fall Is the Best Time for Reflection and Self-Discovery

Growing up, I used to hate fall. For me, this time of the year was associated with the end of…

9 years ago