
5 Signs You Might Be a Lost Soul (and How to Find Your Way Home)

5 Signs You Might Be a Lost Soul (and How to Find Your Way Home)

In a world that values logic and rational thinking above all else, it is little wonder that there are many…

7 years ago

Why Nice People Are Not Going to Change the World

Nice people are not the ones who can actually make a difference in the world. Here's why. What's the first…

7 years ago

Having Anxiety Attacks Makes You Strong, Not Weak! Here’s Why!

Anxiety attacks equal strength, not weakness. I used to have a beaten-down mentality about my mentality, but not anymore. I…

7 years ago

Why You Shouldn’t Worry about Being Normal in a Sick Society

Many of us struggle with the idea of being normal. But if it's actually society that's not normal, we can…

7 years ago

7 Reasons Why Shy People and Quiet People Are Not the Same

Being quiet is sometimes seen as a flaw, however, there are many good reasons to be quiet. Quiet and shy…

7 years ago

6 Profound Insights on Fear and Anxiety That Will Change Your Perception

Fear and anxiety will make you feel alone in a world with scary people, at least that was how I…

7 years ago

3 Reasons Why Empaths Often Feel Lost (and What They Can Do about It)

Often, empaths feel lost and confused about their gifts. However, it is possible to feel secure and happy and make…

7 years ago

10 Reasons Why Highly Intelligent People Have Poor Social Skills

Do you suspect that you're more intelligent than most people, while others assume that you're dumb or slow because of…

7 years ago