What is it about people that draws them to psychopath movies? Is it a desire to understand the deviant mind?…
Can a sociopath fall in love? Sociopaths lack empathy, are manipulative and pathological liars. They inveigle their way into people’s…
Did you know that one in every twenty-five people is a sociopath? That’s surprising, if not a little worrying. If…
If you are anything like me, then you are fascinated by deviant minds. For as long as I can remember,…
We’ve all heard about psychopaths, serial killers and sociopaths. Those of us who are interested in deviant behaviour know what…
Women make up half of society, yet, they commit under 15% of all murders. Clearly, female killers are rare. But…
Sociopaths move through society in the shadows. In terms of danger, female sociopath is the most powerful. With so many…
Don’t get caught out by a manipulative liar, especially when they have sociopathic tendencies. Look out for these signs and…