What Is a Heyoka Empath and Could You Be One?

Published by
Kirstie Pursey

An empath is a person who has the ability to feel the emotional state of another individual. There are many different types of empaths, however, Heyoka empaths may be the most spiritually attuned of them all.

What is a Heyoka?

‘Heyoka’ is a Native American word meaning ‘sacred clown’ or ‘fool’. This term is apt because it describes the way Heyoka use light humorous energies to open people’s minds and to heal. They work almost by tricking or joking with people.

This kind of empath sees life differently. They understand that sometimes the only way shift people’s thinking is to startle them out of it. They do this by showing them a completely different way of looking at things, often the complete opposite way.

The healing of a Heyoka is important, but they don’t take life too seriously. Heyoka empaths also behave as a mirror, reflecting other people’s behavior back to them so others can see themselves in a new way and begin to heal.

What do Heyokas do?

In Native American ceremonies, the Heyoka’s role would be to disrupt things in order to enable people to see things differently. This kind of empaths uses the energy of the sacred clown to open people’s eyes to new possibilities and different angles on a situation. They also have the ability to shift the energy of a group through their understanding of emotions.

Modern day Heyoka Empaths will often say or do something to shift energy and change perceptions. This allows others to begin to see clearly and heal. This kind of empath doesn’t heal in a conventional way, with crystals, their hands or through spirits. Instead, they create the space for others to become more aware of how they are behaving and thus heal themselves.

Heyoka empaths often heal through chaos and disruption. This is not always an easy or peaceful healing. However, it may be necessary for those completely stuck in a way of thinking that does not serve them.

Because Heyoka are empaths, they understand the emotions of others and are, therefore, able to provide the healing method suited to the individual’s needs. They might not heal someone completely all at once, however, he or she can lead someone through the next step on their journey to wholeness.

How do you know if you are a Heyoka?

Traditional signs that you are a Heyoka include being born breech, being dyslexic, being emotionally unpredictable, doing things backwards, being left-handed and thinking differently to others.

If you can feel other people’s emotions and instinctively know what they need to heal, you may be a Heyoka. You may also notice that when you have a deep conversation with someone, they often experience life-changing insights.

Perhaps you help people to heal through humor, or point out the ridiculous nature of a situation, in which case, you are using Heyoka energy. If you often find people are surprised or shocked by what you say or do, but then come round to your way of thinking and are able to move forward in their lives, then you are most certainly a Heyoka.


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org

View Comments

  • "Si vous êtes comme ça... vous êtes heyoka" heu... non !! L énergie peut être accompagner la personne un instant de vie sans pour autant qu'elle soit heyoka!! C est beaucoup plus complexe que ce qui est dit dans l'article!! Ensuite on ne se revendique pas heyoka, il faut qu'un autre heyoka nous reconnaisse... partir en quête de vision et rencontrer les wakynian.. rêver de la foudre!! Je suis photographe reporter... et je travail avec les hommes médecine depuis 1 an... Je suis Heyoka, et croyez le c est à la fois une malédiction et une bénédiction... Seul les fous rêves de devenir heyoka !!

  • Leave the photo Its a blessing to know some individuals are awaken instead of so much hate,racist,in this demented world.Iam a half native,but most times I feel full,especially since I finished my Vision Quest back a few years ago.Thank for the reminder.
    Marteen LoneWolf

  • I am Heyoka, I did not know that in childhood but as much as I remember I did all those things what described here and more happened what I can not explain. First I formulated this as sagittarius magnetism but really strangers want to come and start talking about things they would speak with their close ones (also intraverts). I have solved many problems with humor (also with agressive persons) - its easy.
    Anyone know answers to next questions;
    How many Heyokas have their own children ?
    Are Heyokas spirits originally from this world (Earth) or visiting souls outside here to voluntarely help?
    Are there existing persons with whom You can not find any solution? any experiences?
    todays world is not ready officially to accept Heyokas and same time many people need them

  • Wow
    I never realized that there was an actual name for what I am. I am happy to know that I am not"one of a kind"
    The world needs more people like us. Unfortunately, society tends to alienate anyone who stands apart from the crowd
    I pray that no one has to endure the level of rejection that I have experienced in my 53 years on this planet

    • often times i feel like me being here is a waste because of the rejection and not understanding. i am 44 years and i wish i could find someone who understands howi feel and what i endure everyday. So glad you shared your comment so i dont feel so alone

  • for all the people with the harsh comments, do your research before you start bashing on people. Thank you for this page, understanding and being of heyoka empath is such a relief. Always feeling like a fish out of water, no one understands you makes it very hard to live in this world.

Published by
Kirstie Pursey