
What Is Claircognizance & 16 Signs of Those Who Are Believed to Have It

Published by
Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons)

We are all familiar with the term clairvoyance and take it to mean some kind of psychic insight into the future, but have you ever heard of claircognizance?

It helps us to understand what claircognizance is if we examine clairvoyance first.

The word clairvoyance is taken from the French word ‘clair’ meaning clear and ‘voyance’ meaning vision. A clairvoyant, therefore, is someone who is believed to see information about a person, an object, a location, or an event through psychic means.

There are other types of intuitive people who claim to be able to see into the future by using different means at their disposal. A clairsentient (sentient means the ability to perceive or feel things) is said to be able to sense the energy of a location, a person, or an object, whereas a clairaudient (audient means to hear or listen) is believed to hear internally or externally.

According to psychics, a claircognizant is a person who simply knows things about the future. Cognizance means knowledge or awareness and so claircognizants claim to have the psychic intuition of clear thinking.

So what are examples of claircognizance?

Say you are heading home and you always take a certain train. This time, you decide to pick up a coffee before you get on and you miss the train but instead run into a long lost school friend you’ve been trying to find for years.

Or how about you are driving to the store and you decide to take the scenic route instead of your usual route and you hear later there was a massive pile-up on the road you avoided?

These are all examples of claircognizance.

Here are more signs of being claircognizant, according to psychics:

16 signs of claircognizance:

  1. You can easily tell a fake person from a trustworthy one.
  2. People always come to you for answers to their problems.
  3. You get instant ideas and have to share them with others.
  4. You often interrupt people with these ideas, but you can’t help it, you’re too excited.
  5. You spend a lot of time thinking or writing on your own, many songwriters and authors are claircognizant without knowing.
  6. You can always find lost objects and others ask you to find theirs.
  7. You have an innate sense that tells you if something is not a good idea, even if it looks fine to others.
  8. You just seem to know facts about future events that haven’t happened yet.
  9. If someone asks you a question, you manage to come up with the answer even if you had no previous knowledge of what that question would be.
  10. When trying something new for the first time, you find it easy to picture the process from start to finish.
  11. You are a left-brain person, which means you are logical and organised.
  12. You love to read, especially non-fiction where you can learn something new.
  13. You never stop learning and often will start a new course for the love of gaining knowledge.
  14. The decisions you make at the last minute always end up being right and sometimes lead you out of a dangerous situation.
  15. You feel the urge to go to certain places and when you do, something good always happens.
  16. You are always experiencing little coincidences, like saying or typing the same word as someone says it on the radio or TV.

How to tell if you are claircognizant?

If you have ever felt that information just suddenly springs into your head from nowhere, and you receive guidance or knowledge that you know in your heart is true, you might be claircognizant. This is what psychics claim.

If it feels like you can somehow ‘download’ information from an unknown source whenever you want and you receive insights into everyday events, then this is another sign.

The difference between claircognizance and clairvoyance is whereas a clairvoyant will see things, a claircognizant just knows them in their own mind. They do not feel it, hear it or see it, they simply know it in advance, psychics argue.

What to do if you are claircognizant?

If you think you are claircognizant, you are likely to be very mentally clued up and sharp in your thinking. Psychics suggest that those who want to strengthen this ability should be aware of every time they ‘receive’ information and relax and allow it to come to mind.

It is vital to pay attention to your body and listen to what it is asking for in order for you to go to the next level. Pay attention also to any little coincidences that you might be overlooking as these could be signs of early claircognizant behaviour but you haven’t picked up on it yet.

If you believe you might be claircognizant, then allow your mind to go blank and just see what happens. If you get an idea that appears suddenly and with a BANG! then pay attention to it, it could be important. For this reason, people with a strong sense of claircognizance tend to be very sharp mentally, good at understanding complex or abstract concepts and they’re usually quite analytical too.

Those who fit the mould of claircognizant thinkers are those who tend to be constant thinkers who want to learn all the time and are always gathering information. If you believe that this is you, it might just be that with a little practice, you can hone your claircognizant skills and perfect this remarkable ability to intuitively know about the future.

Still, don’t forget that abilities such as claircognizance remain controversial and questionable. It’s still unknown whether they exist or not, so if you relate to the above signs, a more common-sense explanation would be that you simply have a strong intuition.


  1. http://www.ask-angels.com
  2. https://www.amandalinettemeder.com

View Comments

  • Well, I'd never given it a name or thought of it as anything special, I've always just considered myself a normal person, but I must say that I do fit the mold and have had many examples/experiences that confirm this. Interesting, thank you for labeling it and telling me that it's something extraordinary?!

  • This is... so creepy and amazing. I wish I could spend the time to list of dozens and dozens of small and large coincidences that happen to me. But it's at the point my family is basically like.. ok she is definitely on to something.
    Every single day I get tiny coincidences over and over. I'll talk about a song, bam it's on. Talk about an old childhood memory, my friend bring it up the next day. I'll be saying something I just thought of, and the radio will begin saying the same thing. I'll talk about someone too deeply and they end up passing away shortly. Or the opposite, I'll read something like a medical issue, and will suffer random symptoms after. but they pass. OR recently, Ive been blurting out weird non sense and saying sorry, only to realize what I said had deep significance for the person im with.
    Ex. my birthday was 2 days ago. My cousin said HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and right away I yelled back "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" instead of thank you. And she was like "wow.. when my dad was dying he ALWAYS did stuff like that. Like If I said happy fathers day, hed say it back." and yeah if this happened one time, id think nothing of it. But this in increasingly becoming a daily thing. I love it, I just wish I had some sort of control. Cause I don't recognize the 'coincidence' for anywhere from 1 minute to 1 week later.

  • Great, I didnt know it had a name. I just know things, I can't remember who taught me, I just know them accurately. I can tell a fake person. Sometimes I actually know what you're thinking.

  • I am just beginning to explore this topic. A little bit about me before I tell you about my abilities. I survived terrible physical and emotional child abuse, and severe neglect from both my biological mother and my foster mother. As a kid I would “feel” for emotional chaos so as to avoid abuse. As I got older, I seem to at times have an absolute clarity about things I should not have known. For example, I ran away from home at 17, and my father used to drive the same street I would walk in order to find me. One day he did, and as I sat in his car I “sensed” something I should not have been able to know, that 25 years later, my doctors confirmed. I dismissed it at the time because it seemed outrageous and I didn’t understand empathic abilities. Reading this page, I would guess what I have is a combination of clairvoyance and claircognizance.

    I’m also a very strong introvert who can’t be in crowds very long, and has live with and been around narcissists. My questions for you are what can I do to develop my abilities and cope as I do so, and how do I protect myself from narcissists, who prey on empaths?


Published by
Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons)