What is intuition and how to use it wisely? We all have felt at least once in our lives that there is an inner wisdom in us that directs us to better choices, but at the same time, we all have inner impulses that often lead us to the wrong places.
This inner wisdom is called intuition and its role is to warn us of impending danger and help us make reasonable decisions. It is something that pushes us to perceive truths and lies and protects us from all sorts of pitfalls, helping us better navigate life (some argue that it is the voice of our guardian angel).
But we do not always trust it. Maybe because it often does not agree with common sense. But it is our mistake: Intuition is a personalized, valuable tool, only if one knows how to use it correctly and not confuse it with impulses, irrational fears, and selfish desires.
There are two ways that might help you understand if the inspiration you have is intuition or some kind of impulse. If you happen to make a completely spontaneous decision, do not try to rely on your logical thinking. Instead, pay attention to how you feel. The right choice causes a feeling of joy and relief while the wrong one causes tightness.
Intuition works based on a flow of emotions, not thoughts (such as repulsion, feeling of danger, relief, sadness, joy, peace, restlessness), or sudden inspiration.
You can read more about making sense of what you feel and understanding whether it is a gut instinct or irrational fear in this article.
There are some people who act in accordance with their intuition, which is difficult for scientists to accept. So researchers at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Harvard tried to shed light on how the intuitive types think. They found that intuition is closely linked to religious faith, which means that faith in God may lead to a stronger reliance on intuitive thinking and vice versa.
As Amitai Shenhav, who took part in the research, stated, being able to make quick, intuitive decisions can give you great power in everyday life. And the brain’s ability to ignore all available (logical) data in order to provide an automatic, intuitive response is excellent. How does the brain do it? Science does not know yet. However, as Einstein said:
“The only real valuable thing is intuition.”
So, what is intuition? More likely than not, it is a little-understood mechanism in the human brain, which lets us make the right decisions in an unconventional way, i.e. by surpassing our logical thinking.
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great article thanks very much...
Excellent content and description Valerie, kudos Sense san.
Are there no laws regarding pervasive psychological manipulation of the masses by media, politicians, Etc... ad infinitum. No protections against fear mongering, fight or flight, sex as a panacea (though close, still not the only useful melding), hot cars for small boys, sin limites?
One wonders what wonders are accessible behind the opium for the masses. What could/would humanity focus on and accomplish when liberated from the status quo of present power brokers.
Knowing how to quiet your mind and use intuition is really an art. Thoughts so often get in the way and confuse us. That's interesting that people who have faith in God think more intuitively. Perhaps believing in a higher power makes people worry less and allows them to go with their intuition. Awesome article!