Categories: Unexplained Mysteries

5 Questions about Auras Answered by a Person Who Is Able to See Energy

Published by
Nick Harding, B.Sc.

Every person I meet who I let know that I can see energy tends to ask similar questions. So, I presume our readers here at Learning Mind may have similar questions.

The answers to these questions may astound some of you, as they completely defy conventional understandings and “preachings” from those who pretend to have opened their third eye. It is possible for ANY PERSON to learn how to see energy and auras, but it is also possible for any person to pretend that they can without putting forth the effort, and substantial sacrifice.

A lot of what you can learn from books or articles online are purely fabrications based on a reality which isn’t fully comprehended, comprised from lies that contain subterfuge from a lost past.

People with something to prove, who strive for purpose and can’t find one in reality, typically turn to something that the general public can’t disprove – due to this, the majority of teachings on the subject of energy observation have been misconstrued and are not factual.

This article is factual. I do not condone the use of misinformation and fabrications. We, as a people, have the right to attain knowledge in the basis of truth.

Every person has something to teach every other person – everyone you meet has something to teach you, and you have something to teach everyone you meet. For me, a holistic understanding of energy perception is a start.

1. What do the colors mean?

I don’t know. Nobody knows.

If somebody tries to tell you that the color blue means contention or peaceful intent, they’re lying.  If someone says that red means anger and frustration, it is highly likely that they are, too, lying.  These perceptions are media driven standards; the real colors are indiscernible and differentiate based on the observer.

Where I see the color yellow, another seer may see the color orange. The exact colors may be reflections of our persona or the deep understanding beneath our subconscious. The perception of colors may be entirely irrelevant when pertaining to mood; for all we know, the colors we see have nothing to do with personality or standing, and may have more to do with moral standing.

2. How does it influence your life?

I had mentioned in the beginning of this article that there are particular sacrifices with being able to see energy. Aside from being able to tell when someone is particularly angry and being able to understand an atmosphere in a room, there is one major adverse effect.

After having taught myself to see energy in everything I look at, my head hurts. I was diagnosed with chronic migraine syndrome at a very young age. I have left school on many occasions because of the immense pain in my head. It seemed like the more I did, the more I went around, the more my head hurt. After many years of dealing with these migraines, I ended up realizing that seeing energy wasn’t normal for everybody and found that the ability and the ailment were linked.

Imagine if everything you looked at was bright. Imagine if everything you saw had different flicker rates and radiated different luminescence. It’s hard to get your eyes to fully adjust and focus.

3. How can you tell if someone is angry, if color isn’t a factor in your observation?

Flicker rates. That is all there really is to it. It’s almost like the vibration is violent if a person is having violent thoughts. An angry person’s energy seems to shake. A calm, happy person’s energy more “dances”.

Honestly, this is VERY hard to accurately describe without being able to show it, but the aforementioned statement is the easiest way I’ve been able to find.

4. Can you see your own energy?

To an extent, absolutely. I can see my energy, how it flickers, and how it resonates with other people’s energy. I can see what color my aura is, or that my third eye chakra is prominent when looking in a mirror.

It’s sort of different, though, sometimes what I see and what I feel don’t entirely correlate with my previous understandings. For instance, sometimes my energy looks furious when I don’t feel particularly angry, myself. My question here is whether that’s because I’m more angry than I’m willing to admit to myself…

5. Resonates?

I have mentioned the resonance of energy in this article. Our energy resonates, or emits different vibrations and alters, when contacting another entity’s energy. When two lovers touch hands, the aura around their contact changes and brightens, becoming a beautiful sight. When someone who strongly dislikes another person comes in contact with them, it’s almost as if the atmosphere around their contact darkens and shrinks away.

This is incredibly difficult to explain, but after observing it for many years, it’s easier to tell how much two people like each other by seeing how their energy reacts when the other walks in the room than to ask them. I’ve been able to predict relationship results months before anything happens.

This also allows me to know who I ‘actually’ “vibe” with, and not just who I want to convince myself is someone I like being around.

Resonance also applies in many aspects aside from relationships; friendships aren’t even the bottom line. If a person likes a particular color, their energy will brighten when they’re near the color.

The things which make us happy are directly reflected in our energy – the energy we give off, feeding the world around us, is proportional to the feelings we have.

These are some of the questions I’ve been asked. If any of our readers have further questions, please, ask them – I’d love to give you more truths to accept in your life.

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  • Heya, I've been looking for an answer to this.
    One day I saw my friends' auras, one was glowing deep blue, one was shining white, and the third had no aura at all. It was really disconcerting. Do you know why they would appear as dull as an inanimate object?

    • Key,

      Disconcerting for sure, I can understand that. I can't say that the way you see energy or their auras was at all synonymous with how my conscious mind perceives the same factors, but I have seen similar patterns. In my case, specifically (again, it may be different for how you see), the girl who appeared to have the same type of aura as a table also had the strongest reaction when contacting other people. She had a tendency to drain everyone around her, pulling their energy into her own and deteriorating it into inanimate object energy. This was reflected in her actions, as well, she had a very strong entitlement complex and was very selfish, always seemed to destroy her friendships and relationships through it. I essentially pegged her as an energy vampire.

  • Hey Nick. I had a strange experience about 5 years ago. I was attending community college, and I was walking to the parking garage after class. I was coming up behind a young man (I think he was Asian, but that probably doesn't matter). He turned around and said, "You scared the shit out of me." I think he said that I have a strong spirit. I walked ahead of him, down a stairwell into the parking garage. I think he asked if I knew God (I was scared of this guy so I was trying to hurry on my way). He stopped in the middle of the stairwell, saying "Your spirit is so strong I have to stand 10 feet back from you." I hurried to my car, as I was scared of him.

    I'm just curious if you have any sort of explanation for this...

    • Rachel,

      Honestly, I see a person's energy before I see them physically, so it could very well be that you have the most powerful and bright energy he's ever seen. It doesn't actually hurt to look at someone who is really bright, so, unless you really do have some heavenly energy bursting from you, my guess is that this gentleman was flirting with you and trying to compliment you in a way which no other guy could.

      "Nobody has ever told me that before" is a good response to get when complimenting someone...

  • I met someone who said he couldn't read my aura. And he said that is the first time it has happened to him and he has been doing this for years. Why is it so?

    • Kuljeet,

      Interesting. In my opinion I don't think any person who can see or otherwise perceive energy is capable of adequately "reading" it beyond a speculative theory. When I see that someone is angry, to me, it's in how their energy "violently" pulses in and out without a pattern. 9/10 times I'm right that they are angry, but there have been many instances in which I misread it; with these same individuals, the way their energy moves when they're happy or sad is also different from how it I see it in most of the rest of the world.

      I guess what I'm getting at, here, is that not only does the way we perceive energy differ between individuals, but in some cases, the way energy is influenced by our own minds and bodies can be different as well. It is possible that he just wasn't accustomed to the type of energy you put out.

  • Hi Nick,
    Thank you for this article and being available to address questions. You mentioned the combined energy when people touch hands. What happens when two auras/ energy fields move close enough to 'touch' without any physical-body touching happening? Do they merge on 'impact'? My specific curiosity is, using touching hands as the example: is it possible for a person to physically feel the impact of their aura being touched either by another aura or an actual/physical hand? But I know your experience is in seeing the energies, not the sensation of feeling them.

  • At a church retreat, a friend and I were praying together, with our hands almost palm to palm. One palm each was up, and the other down, but we were not touching. Our eyes were closed for several minutes as we prayed. Afterwards, my friend opened her eyes and said, "You're glowing." She explained that as we sat there in silence, not moving, there was an amber glow where I was, that she perceived it even with her eyes closed.

    She speculated maybe it was my aura. It didn't sound like she has any prior experience with observing aura's though.

Published by
Nick Harding, B.Sc.