
7 Ascension Symptoms That Show You Are Awakening

Published by
Kirstie Pursey

You may experience certain ascension symptoms as your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual structures transform to a higher level of consciousness.

What is Ascension?

Ascension is the process of spiritual awakening that moves you into a higher level of consciousness. When this happens, you may experience some ascension symptoms.

Through the process of ascension, your vibrational frequency is becoming lighter. This requires the discarding of egoic thinking and moving into a lighter realm of love and light. Through this process of Ascension, you will become aware of the interconnectedness of all things and will be able to let go of thought patterns and physical structures that cause stress and fear.

Ascension is a wonderful process that will lead to radical changes in the way you think, act, and interact with others. However, as with all spiritual changes, there may be some discomfort along the way.

You may experience some ascension symptoms as you go through this process of spiritual awakening. However, these ascension symptoms are not inevitable and are not caused by the ascension process itself.

They are actually a result of holding on to limitations and resistance to the process. By working through any Ascension symptoms you can reduce the discomfort and speed up the process of Ascension.

Here are 7 Ascension symptoms you might experience on your path to awakening

1.Heightened Sensitivity And Awareness

You may experience heightened sensitivity to the environment. You may find an increase in your sense of smell, touch, hearing, and taste.

These symptoms can sometimes be uncomfortable. You may develop food intolerances as your body purifies itself of what no longer serves you.

In addition, you may find you can no longer bear certain fabrics, artificial body care products, or chemical-based cleaners. You may also become sensitive to strong smells, loud noises, heat, and cold.

On the more positive side, you may become more present, noticing the beauty in things more than you did before. You may also get quite emotional on hearing beautiful music or looking at a wonderful sunset. As well as these symptoms you may also start to see auras and orbs or hear sounds that others cannot hear.

2. Physical Changes

You may experience physical changes in your body. This could be in the form of aches and pains. Common areas to hold tension and resistance are the neck and shoulders, throat, and jaw.

These symptoms may be because you feel like you are carrying a heavy burden or because you are afraid to voice your thoughts for fear of what others might think.

Practicing meditation, yoga, or Reiki can help these physical symptoms. You can also try spiritual cleansing, massage, chakra meditation, or a simple salt bath to help shift blocked energies. But remember they may be a call to change.

Notice how you feel after any activity. If it makes you feel lighter, more joyful, and energetic then it is obviously in line with your new awareness. If it makes you feel tired and achy or lowers your mood then see if you can reduce this activity in your life.

On a more positive note, your changes in sensitivity might have led you to choose lighter and fresher foods and to be more interested in taking care of your physical body. You may have also moved towards a more natural lifestyle and want to spend more time in nature.

These choices may have led you to feel physically fitter, healthier, and more energetic.

3. Changes in mood

Your heightened sensitivity may affect you emotionally as well as physically. As part of the ascension process, you may find that you experience rapid changes in mood. You may also experience increased empathy.

As well as being more sensitive to the emotions of others, you also find yourself dealing with emotional disturbances from the past. While this may feel uncomfortable, it is part of the process of healing and developing.

As well as these negative emotions you may also experience unaccountable moments of joy and bliss. You may find that you experience intense feelings of love for all beings. You may be overwhelmed to the point of tears by the beauty of a flower, the laughter of a child, or the tears of a loved one.

The important thing is not to deny or repress these feelings but to experience them. Allow yourself to cry or be angry if you need to.

Write a letter to someone who hurt you, or to yourself, to express these feelings. Talk to someone you trust if your feel it will be helpful. Or simply laugh, sing, cry or dance the feelings. You can also journal, paint, or express these emotions in some other creative outlet.

When strong emotions come up, breathe, face, and feel the emotion in whatever way feels appropriate, and then when you’re ready, let it go.

4. Changes in energy

You may experience drastic changes in energy. Sometimes you might wake with energy flooding through you and zest and enthusiasm for life and at other times feeling lethargic or depressed. This is all part of the process.

Try to go with your energy levels and rest when you need to. Pay attention to what might be causing these changes. Are certain people or situations leaving you drained, while others energize you? Follow these signs from your body. They are guiding you towards a more joyful and fulfilling life.

As a result of this process, you may also be more aware of where blockages in your body and energetic field are. You might notice tightness in your throat, shallow breathing, tension in the stomach, or constriction around the heart area.

It may now be possible for you to release these blockages by imagining light flowing into these areas. You can also use chakra meditation, yoga, or Reiki to help shift the blocks and allow the higher energies to flow more easily.

As you shift your energies to a higher frequency you may feel a bit disorientated and detached from reality. Practicing a grounding technique such as walking barefoot on the earth can help to stabilize you and maintain a balance between your physical and spiritual form.

Spending time in nature can also help you to remain grounded.

5. Changes In Sleep Patterns

Ascension can affect your sleep patterns causing you to need more or less sleep. A great deal of spiritual work, such as releasing old energies, healing, and integration, happens while you sleep. This can mean you experience vivid dreams or keep waking up during the night.

You might like to spend some time journaling or drawing if you wake up after a dream to help you integrate the dream knowledge. If you find it difficult to sleep try meditation or any spiritual practice that feels right for you.

6. Changing Relationships

Spiritual Ascension can affect your relationships. This is one of the things that often holds us back, as we are scared to lose the ones we love. However, those who are meant to be in our lives will embrace the new version of ourselves and we will find new friends and soul mates coming into our lives as we change.

It can be hard to let go of people, but some people were only meant to be with us for a certain season of our lives.

7. You have a sense of longing

Sometimes, as part of your Ascension, you may have an experience of loss, longing, or nostalgia. There may be a sense of something you want or need but you just can’t grasp what it is. There may also be a feeling of longing for home, but with no idea of what home is.

The process of Ascension can lead us to feel disorientated. Journaling about these feelings often leads to more clarity. Make some quiet time to spend with yourself every day so you can learn more about who you really are, what your purpose might be, and what home means to you.

As you progress through the process you will find your spiritual home and you will find yourself.

How to deal with these symptoms

As far as possible stay open to the experience of all these Ascension symptoms. Blocking or resisting them will slow down the ascension process. Let go and allow the changes of Ascension to flow through your life.

Get help and support when you need it. If you have no one in your life that understands what you are going through then you can find a supportive community online or join a local group with a spiritual orientation. In this way, you will find people who will understand what you are going through and provide you with support and guidance.

If you’re having physical or mental symptoms, it might be wise to seek professional help to rule out physical causes.

There are always positive steps you can take to help you through Ascension symptoms. I recommend you develop a practice such as yoga, meditation, or journaling to help you integrate your new awareness.

Your practice can actually be whatever you find supports you, whether that is spending time in nature, art music, Wicca, angel meditation, or any other practice you find supportive. The key is to be consistent and make time to focus on your spiritual health and wellbeing every day.

Have you experienced symptoms of spiritual ascension? We’d love to hear about them in the comments. Your experience may help someone who is going through a similar process.

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  • I had a vision in my meditation. My future boyfriend (twin flame) was with me; I know him, but we have been separated. I feel he is returning soon. Together, we released a white bird (it looked like a dove), to the sky. It became glittery and eventually turned into a star. And then I heard, "Ascension." I was also shown the book, "Jonathan Livingston Seagull." I haven't thought of that book in years. I had to Google all of these symbols. I feel like it means together we are meant to be awakened, and to fly to new spiritual heights. The book symbol tells me that our mutual love and self-love (one in the same as we are one), will help us rise up. If this is all true, I cannot wait to see him again. I have had other signs of Ascension. The need to be in nature, the love for everyone, seeing the connectedness, the emotions and the need for simplicity because I see what matters and what needs to be left behind.

  • I am absolutely experiencing every symptom. Physically, it is knocking me out. My sleep is disrupted the past few nights. Been having very vivid dreams as well. Feels like an out of body experience. I have a tightness in my throat. Headaches, some dizziness as well, Ringing in my ears.

  • is it possible for the process to last months? Around the start of the year I basically stopped socializing as much, started staying home and just in general kept to my self. My mental state was worse than ever and I really lost myself. I've struggled to feel anything like me again, but I've slowly gotten better. I've never felt like that, I was completely overwhelmed. I kept feeling like something bad was going on. That all happened out of no where. I only really felt good after the pink moon, after I realized and understood a lot of things in a weird way, almost like an enlightenment. I am now filled with love, compassion and empathy though I'm afraid my wounds haven't fully healed

  • Sigh. *Tears*
    Thank you so much for this, I won't go deep into my story, however I am so glad I can remember the experiences I had in 2015 and 2017 when I was said to have Acute Manic Disorder, that was said to be off of me smoking marijuana and being into astrology. I NEVER AGREED, because I felt so aware at the moment. Yet, I was said to be "going crazy". :(
    I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

    The interesting point about this, is that during my first "episode"....on the very first day..... I randomly jumped in the car with 2 men, I told them I'm going to my mom (who is deceased by murder by my dad). In an exchange of conversation and a couple other things, before we left where I lived, they asked m if I have a computer I said yes, they said type in the word ascension.

    I was in a horrible accident in 2019, my car flipped over and I flew out of the windshield. I have no memory whatsoever. I blacked out interestingly enough that day. I survived and I am better than ever now. I had many fractures, however I only broke my left hand..... Yes... I am left handed. Lol

    I have so much to say, of course...but I will feel more comfortable talking to you personally, to be honest. This is amazing. In 2020 a few weeks ago I became alive again. I always wondered what the guy meant when he said ascension. I googled...."Define ascension" once again a few moments ago and saw spiritual ascension. ...and then came across this first.

    I'm from The Bahamas and this truly opened my eyes even bigger. THANK YOU.

  • The other night May 19, 2020 I am an Aries. I was lying in bed when I felt myself my soul come forwards and release back into me almost immediately. I was conscious and awake. Not sleeping. But I’m woke to my ascension bc my readings said to rest. I’ve been sick since April with Gallbladder attacks. So I started purging coincidentally under the Scorpio moon May 7, 2020. My angels have since led me day by day. I left my home and started getting better. But since I got home the source of my anxiety my now ex bf was blocking me from receiving love from him. Why? Upon the week of the Scorpio moon that Monday I was awakened at 330 am to go find my boyfriend. I found him at another woman’s house but I thought it was his home. I left to find clarity and returned to my sickness and him. This past Tuesday evening is when I feel as if I soul shifted maybe? This is so new to me!!! But when I came back to myself I felt different immediately. But I was made to feel like it was the meds helping me feel better. But I don’t believe peppermint oil made me come out of body!!!!