Categories: Unexplained Mysteries

Controversial Theory Suggests Humans Do Not Come from Earth

Published by
Yiannis Alexiou, B.Sc., M.Sc.

In another article, we discussed the possibility that Earth is a prison planet with the Moon as its guardian. Suddenly, Dr. Ellis Silver stipulates a theory that corroborates the prison part of that article.

Furthermore, Dr. Silver’s theory comes to give credit to older theories maintaining that the human being is not natural on this planet.

All of these theories are based on the differences between man and all the other species that inhabit the planet. Dr. Silver’s theory focuses on the claim that mankind is not suited to live on this planet, along with behavioral patterns that suggest as if we are here as a sort of punishment.

We will discuss Silver’s observations in conjunction with the rest of the theories in order to extract a conclusion. The basic elements of all the theories put together are:

1. Bad backs

Silver claims that the problems that spine and back problems humans face are a clear indication that our original environment is one of lower gravity. Earth’s higher gravity puts a strain in our skeleton and the result is the back pains.

2. Sunlight

Humans, in contrast with other species, cannot sunbathe for more than a given time per day without getting sunburned. According to Silver, this indicates that the human body was not designed for constant exposure to the sun.

3. Illnesses

Dr. Silver stipulates that humans are always ill because they evolved on a 25 hour per day environment instead of 24 as on Earth, and they have not adapted yet. The older theories add to this concept than in many cases, when there is an illness, humans are disabled and cannot carry out their workload, which rarely occurs in the other species.

4. Dislike of the Earth environment

Many people have a profound dislike for all foods that are naturally grown. An equal amount of people do not feel that Earth is their home.

Many have reported visions and dreams of other worlds with other circumstances and other living conditions much better than even the best conditions available on Earth. Dr. Silver sees is as an even further indication of human beings been brought here from someplace else.

5. Birth difficulty

Babies’ heads are too large, which presents a problem to women when there are giving birth, a problem which may result in fatalities to both the mother and the infant.

6. Growing up

Dr. Silver does not mention this point, which is a major issue for the older theories. In all species that inhabit the Earth, the offspring is capable of doing things in a relatively short time, which may vary from just a few minutes to eight weeks after birth.

Human offspring are completely helpless and powerless to do anything for at least ten years before acquiring some capabilities. It takes another five to ten years before it can perform the duties and the requirements of carrying their weight around. Something that is never seen in all other species put together.

7. Advances

The human being does something that no other species has been observed doing – we use external tools to overcome our physical shortcomings. Has anyone ever seen an elephant with an artificial leg? Or an owl wearing real glasses?

8. Behavior

Lions and the other carnivores will hunt to eat and they will engage in fights almost always for reasons of reproduction. Most fights in the animal kingdom are actually for reproduction and areas for feeding. And whenever there is a fight, when the victor is declared, the fight is over.

There is no observance in any other species than the human being for retaliatory attacks, pre-emptive strikes, and most of all weapon construction in ever-increasing lethal potential. Unless anyone has ever seen a mouse with an M-16 at hand and never bothered to inform anyone about it.

According to these theories, this is the most important argument to suggest that mankind is not from here. The inherently violent nature.

As stated by a World War II journalist in condemnation of mankind: “People kill each other because they like to.” (Ernie Pyle, war correspondent – responding to a question posed by Maj. General John P. Lucas).

He went on to say that when someone kills someone else, he lives that moment more vividly than any other moment of his life. At that specific moment, he is more than he will ever be again. Has anyone ever observed this kind of behavior in any other species?

Dr. Silver puts this issue into mankind being sent to a prison-like Earth until we learn to behave ourselves. It seems that after 4,000 years of recorded history, things are getting worse, not better.

The book that Dr. Silver published, as per his own words, is not a study, but ideas for debate. Strangely, this book resonates with other controversial theories like:

  • Mankind landed on Earth on starships to escape a destroyed world.
  • Mankind is brought here from a reverse universe, either through a random occurrence or through intentional action.
  • Mankind is brought here as an experiment of evolution.

These theories will be discussed along with their features in future articles. The focus on this one is whether there is validity to the claim that we did not evolve on this planet.

Why Is Dr. Silver’s Theory Unplausible?

As expected, the theory was met with criticism and skepticism from other scientists. For example, Dr. Silver completely neglects the fact that humans share a big percentage of their DNA with other living beings on Earth.

But there were also favorable opinions like the one of Prof Milton Wainwright of the University of Sheffield. According to him, life is constantly brought to Earth from other worlds.

In any case, Dr. Silver’s arguments are rather weak and should be perceived more as an extravagant idea to entertain one’s mind rather than solid evidence.

Until science finds irrefutable proof as to the origin of mankind, there will always be evidence and circumstances in favor of one theory or another. But it is beyond any reasonable doubt that man is quite a different species than any other on this planet. Science will have to prove why.


  1. Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence by Dr. Ellis Silver

View Comments

  • First of all we have to remember what is positive and negative are! As you'll know that if we absorb more negative then it will lead to that road and likewise for positive. The choice is yours to decide. Peace people !!

  • Interesting postulation. However, I would not call that a theory, since a theory needs actual evidence or real experience to derive a pattern from. All of the examples given here can be explained in very normal ways, through evolution.

    Real experience --> Hypothesis --> Theory --> Law. There is an order to it.

  • Is this guy supposed to be intelligent? How about billions of people without bad backs?
    2 Humans are also not designed for constant immersion in water or methane. They aren't designed to fly in such a light atmosphere, they....
    3 REALLY - we need a 25th hour and we won't become sick. Nothing to do with toxic GMOs. Nothing to do with pesticides and herbicides lacing the most toxic, least nutritious food on the planet. Nothing to do with a "medical system" that has DAMAGING standards of care, pumps you with toxic drugs and more toxic vaccines. Nothing to do with poisons in our water, over one third of our oxygen missing, radiation, heavy metal poisoning..... Nope - 25 hours, and we KNOW this because??? Was an environment made in which sick (and controls) were put in an artificial 25 hour environment? This assertion seems a tad RETARDED.
    4 So - your kid is raised with chemical "food" laced with poisons and chemicals that are increasingly proven to be addicting - and when those addictive substances are not available - it isn't withdrawal, or trained preferences - it is a throwback to life on another planet. Gotcha. Right. Check's in the mail.
    Memories of other places? Nothing to do with what one is reading or watching coloring one's dreams. It is just me who has dreams reflective of what i've been immmersed in. Great fantasy novel of Patrick Rothfuss - and a dream with a similar tone is there. SciFi - that might be present. Suspense - there might be suspense. Studying about the next farm season and all kinds of ag stuff happens. But nope - another world. Gotta be.
    5. What can be said. The human race died out hundreds of thousands of years ago because babies heads blocked the pelvis, the baby died, the mother died. End of story. When our second child was born in our apartment in SanFran w/midwives and friends - a warm olive oil rub made that aspect a non-issue, totally. But that is because a warm olive oil rub there and then is alien technology that we stole...
    6 In some societies, children bring in food before age of 10. In some societies, children of early teens were renowned warriors, scouts, and hunters. Physiology is not the same, and most of the actions of the animal kingdom are more controlled by instincts. Is he stating that we are designed wrong? On WHICH planet (and how is the 25 hour thing going to help) is the human growth cycle going to be part of a similar growth pattern for all beings of that planet? He needs to find a planet wherein the human time for growth is the norm for the local equivalent of their animal kingdom.
    7 - advances. Really, this technical farce of a civilization is better than what more "primitive" societies had? They didn't have homeless, abandoned old people. Prisons. Life = enough clean air, water, and food to survive. Shelter - domestic and portable (clothes) and a reason to live: and i prefer to live in love without damaging others. Not that my raging sarcasm here is indicative of that...We have crows using string to pull up food. Other animals using tools. We are in a unique position re: being land based, having manipulative digits, etc. All this ignores the intense genetic sharing we have with other animals and microorganisms. So perhaps he's saying we ALL came from somewhere else?
    8 Spiders and geese are known to rape. Discount the technological weaponry because that is a distraction. Not all humans "like to kill" and the single quote of a single man,in unique circumstances which he deeply believed in - is NOT definitive of the human race.
    Mother Theresa is a refutation. Mahatma Gandhi is a refutation. To PROVE his point he needs to find a (25 hour) planet in which there are "people" who are basically all militaristic - since he implies that this IS our major distinctive nature. Heck - guess i have to go back and un-leave the US Army because i was a conscientious objector. Convince them to give me another hour per day and a weapon so i can have my "most alive moment"...
    Tell you what - talk to Viet and Mideastern vets that have killed, and see how it HURTS them - even though they were intensely alive then, because yes - if you weren't FULLY TURNED ON to every stimulus possible you might not survive the next minute, much less that patrol.
    Second to last sentence "But it is beyond any reasonable doubt that man is a completely different species than any other of this planet."

    Can you say definition of "species"? We aren't quite aardvarks.

  • How about this, all ancient cultures say the same thing! They all say their origins are from the stars and they all built megalithic structures that correspond to the place in the stars they say the human race originated from! Academia is teaching that these people never interacted, they never exchanged ideas or culture but yet they all say the same exact thing! They all built huge structures that pinpoint or correlate to the place they say they came from! They all built to align with either Sirius, Orion's Belt, Taurus, Pleiades and there is a lot of information to prove this is so! Read Wayne Herschel's website because he makes a compelling argument and he shows you irrefutable proof of what he says! From the comments I read on this page some of you may be a touch to arrogant and self centered to consider his words but others who visit and read might not be! While, I don't agree with or think that Islam is in any way related to the God of Judea or Christ, I know Christ would not appreciate anyone bashing or dishonoring anyone else period! Christ, taught and only brought love and acceptance as his teachings. He even told his disciples that he spoke in parables so they wouldn't understand AND NEITHER WOULD THE MASSES! Truth is being hidden because peace is not profitable and that remains true into present day! It is far more lucrative to breed war and inequality and strife then it is to live in balance with nature and more importantly, each other! Stop hating one another or letting denominations of different faiths, teach you how your better or less than one another. The whole point of religion is suppose to bridge the divide and bring people closer but instead it breeds contempt and hate for your fellow man! I think these are the secrets and the mysteries that Jesus was teaching and the reason he said few will understand and hear is because man is so self centered and egotistical about what he thinks right and wrong are! Jesus' message was loud and clear, put your differences aside and see the plight of your fellow man and hold all human life sacred! ALL HUMAN LIFE IS SACRED, CHRISTIAN, MUSLIM, JEW, BUDDHIST, HINDU...ALL HUMAN LIFE!

  • Bad backs: the rapid rise in brain size of homo sapiens over the last few million years have outpaced structural skeleton changes
    Sunlight: other animals can sunburn, and humans lost their fur rapidly over the last few million years
    Illness: humans are not always ill; some illnesses have been rising in many developed countries because of extremely increased interaction between many individuals and over-sanitation of the environments of children (which prevents proper development of the immune system)
    Dislike of the Earth environment: most people are fine with Earth, and many believe totally preposterous things. This is an ad populum fallacy. Also, anecdotes about supernatural experiences or memories are not evidence.
    Birth difficulty: see bad backs
    Growing up: this was the quick-and-dirty evolutionary solution to the birth difficulty. The genes for premature birth (and hence smaller head size at birth) were present in the population, but the genes for a much larger birth canal were not.
    Advances: lots of animals "use external ways to overcome their physical shortcomings" including tool use in other apes, beaver dams, and termite colonies. This is a very enhanced property in humans but by no means indicative of an alien origin.
    Behavior: Many groups of animals will attack other packs in retaliation, and lots of animals have been shown to engage in fun-seeking behavior (including killing for fun).

    Even if all of these supposed claims about behavior and traits were true, they would not imply that humans were an alien species – the similarities VASTLY outweigh the differences, including the fact that not only do we use the same genetic, cellular, developmental, and body-system structures as other apes, but that we even use DNA at all, and we share almost all of it with our closest relatives.

Published by
Yiannis Alexiou, B.Sc., M.Sc.