Two years ago, something terrible happened in our family – my grandfather had a stroke. He fell into a coma and eventually died two days later. This profoundly shocked all of us not only because grandpa was deeply loved and respected by everybody who had the luck to know him but also because we couldn’t imagine that he would go so early and so suddenly.
Shortly after this tragic event, I started to have weird dreams. I was seeing myself visiting my grandpa at his home and feeling quite confused – I was simultaneously glad that he was there again and puzzled trying to understand how it was possible.
In my dreams, he never said a word and replied to my questions about him being there with an enigmatic smile.
These dreams were so regular that I began to wonder whether this might be my grandpa’s soul trying to communicate. If I was a religious person, I would certainly believe that it was so. But I don’t really agree with the views on soul and afterlife as promoted by most of the world religions.
I tend to think that human consciousness – everything that makes us who we are, including our thoughts, memories, and beliefs – is a kind of energy that leaves the body at the moment of death and gets dispersed in the surrounding environment. This basically means that a person’s energy can exist literally everywhere for some time after death and eventually finds itself becoming part of another, newborn creature.
You may think that this sounds quite similar to the known theory of reincarnation; however, the difference is that, in my opinion, it’s not the same soul that makes its journey through ages, traveling from one body to another, but rather a composition of different people’s energies that carries the experiences of multiple lives and individuals.
Moreover, I believe that it’s not only human energy that makes up each person’s consciousness but that all living beings on our planet participate in this eternal cycle of energy exchange. That’s why after death, a person’s soul returns to its starting point and becomes part of the environment again in order to reborn in a new body, saturated by the energies of the Mother Earth and other living creatures.
I wondered whether my grandfather was trying to send me a message or at least to say that he was fine and happy wherever he was.
I supposed that shortly after death, a soul might be in an intermediate state, unable to have the same strong bond with its body and the material world as before but capable of interacting with the living ones. Those who happen to have lost someone will agree that it’s much more comforting to think that your dear one continues to exist somewhere else, far from here, than to think that they have gone forever.
However, after some time, when I began to get used to the fact of my grandpa’s death, I got a chance to look at those dreams in a more rational way. I realized that there was the same pattern in all of them – my grandpa being silent and me having confused feelings.
Yes, unfortunately, it was purely the work of the subconscious mind and had nothing to do with the afterlife. During the last years of my grandfather’s life, I didn’t visit him often and thus found it even more difficult to accept his death than those who were next to him till his last minute.
I refused to believe that the next time I would visit my grandparents’ home, my grandpa wouldn’t be there, and my subconscious mind was trying to show me this confrontation between my expectations (grandfather being there) and the reality (my confusion).
So, if you have recurring dreams of the deceased too, first of all, analyze the content of your dreams and try to find similar patterns in events, surroundings, and your feelings. I know that the idea that your deceased friend or family member is trying to communicate with you may be exciting, but in most cases, it’s the work of your subconscious and not a message from the other side.
It is always hard to accept a less attractive truth, especially in the beginning when the pain of loss is still intense, but it’s necessary to let go of the past and find the courage to go on.
If you have had a similar experience, please share your thoughts in the comments below.
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Hi Anna
Thanks for sharing the valuable information.
I too had such dreams of my grandfather after his death. I could feel dejavu while reading your article. But recently I saw him again in dream but in a very unexpected way. I saw my family had assembled for my grandfather's cremation and one of my relatives told me that for last 10 years cremation was pending.
As we all moved to the room where corpse was lying, I moved ahead to see the face. Suddenly, corpse came to life and I could see my grandfather standing in my front, talking to me.
He said he could not done anything for me but as he was going forever, wanted to help me. I wanted to hug him. I remained quiet and fearless. As he turned to me, bent on knees and said to me, "I'll give you something- your voice" He touched my throat and turned into a child.
Soon I opened eyes and found my son was sleeping over me and time was 4:30am. After that day, my voice has become clear and audible which was not earlier.
What does it mean?
After that I saw one more dream in which I blessed with twin boys and these babies were speaking to me like a man. They told that they wanted to help me and tell everything.
Next day, I discussed to mom and she said these were the Angels.
Still, I'm confused which theory to believe.
Love your website Anna. Yours is a beautiful mind. I had a series of dreams, then received a text from an unknown person who seem to act as though he were there. Any thoughts, telepathy, spine tingle, chills, ears ringing. You with a slight smile would be incredible:)
I don't know some of these people. Years ago I dreamt of a coworkers dead mother who had passed away in another country. I was not sure who she was until I asked my coworker what she looked like. I recently dreamed of my x-husband's currently deceased girlfriend who I did not know. I have seen my grandmother and my brother. I can understand my family but woke up confused about this girl.
Thanks for the Infor:
I have had dreams of My Aunt from my Mother's side, like two times. I thought it strange but what really got me thinking was this dream of this guy who passed on and even though we were never related in anyway appeared in my dream only to be killed by his Brother again using a gun.Though guns are not things that can be easily accessed it has kept me searching for real answers to this kind of dreams.
My father has been deceased for many many years ago and last night i dream about him, that he passed away. In my dream there were thousands of people present in his funeral until it was very difficult for me to get close to his deceased bed. When i came closer, i saw him looking very healthy just like a healthy person alive. While in his real life months before his last breath, he was very very ill and very thin, he could hardly move himself left and right without help from each of us. Curious about the meaning of the dream, i went to look at the dream interpretation, there i found your website. After reading your articles i am so very relieved. I find it very rational and it does make sense. My father was a politician but a very honest one alive. His brilliant ideas or plans often were opposed by his boss and others that made him very frustrated and shorten his life. But my father was seldom put his anger on us, he was a very generous and a very wise figure father for all of us still today we have his finest moral that we carry day todays with us. I love my father very much. Thank you Anna.