How To Crack Open Your Pineal Gland

Published by
Amie Moses, B.Sc., B.A.

In order for us to tap into our deepest states of intuition, intelligence, and spiritual enlightenment, it is necessary to unlock, activate, and open your Pineal Gland.

Commonly referred to by ancient cultures and mystics as “the third eye,” our pineal gland sits in the center of our brain between our right and left hemispheres and is responsible for producing neurotransmitters such as serotonin and melatonin.

Yet, the pineal gland hasn’t bestowed the name “third eye” for just any random reason. Rather, when dissected from the brain, it is found that the pineal gland actually contains photoreceptors just like our own two seeing eyes and is actually activated by light transmitted through our two eyes.

This sunlight transmitted through our eyes stimulates the pineal gland’s production of serotonin and further works to strengthen the gland’s ability to break free of specific harmful chemicals that can encrust it. As well, the pineal gland is also stimulated by darkness, in which the gland responds by producing melatonin to help induce us into sleep.

Sun -> Serotonin
Moon -> Melatonin

How to decalcify and detoxify your pineal gland

As a result of our natural biological makeup, the pineal gland is not protected by the blood-brain barrier and, therefore, does not have an extra line of defense against harmful toxins that enter the bloodstream.

Specific toxins, such as synthetic fluoride and synthetic calcium, are specifically shown to have an affinity for the pineal gland, weakening its abilities to produce our neurotransmitters and receive photons of light from the sun, moon, and stars.

However, it is important to distinguish the difference between synthetic fluoride and synthetic calcium versus organic fluoride and organic calcium. If received from plant sources, such as vegetables and other organic foods, calcium and fluoride are healthy essential minerals.

Yet, when fluoride and calcium are synthetically manufactured through industrial processing and added to tap water, vitamin supplements, toothpastes, fortified cereals, and various other products, these synthetic minerals are shown to have detrimental effects on the pineal gland as well as numerous other organs of the body.

Before beginning to activate one’s pineal gland, it is necessary to remove the toxic chemicals that prevent it from working, such as synthetic fluoride, synthetic calcium, pharmaceutical medications, and other toxins mentioned above.

If you are drinking tap water, then look to replace this with purer and safer options, such as natural spring water, well water, reverse osmosis water, or carbon-filtered water.

From there, one can work to remove any vitamin supplements, mineral fortified foods, and toothpastes containing added fluoride or calcium.

Last but not least, one can take five minutes out of their day to install a carbon shower filter that works to remove chlorine, fluoride, used toilet paper particles and other impurities from tap water that can enter our bodies through the skin, pores, and lungs when we shower.

How to activate and open your pineal gland

After one has begun removing the impurities that prevent the pineal gland from being activated, they can start implementing practices that work to stimulate and grow their pineal gland’s functioning and abilities.

A great practice that one can do throughout their life is that of meditation. The act of meditating works to stimulate the chakra system of our brain and body that’s responsible for conducting and generating life-force energy. Meditating specifically guides bioelectric and zero-point energy to the pineal gland allowing for greater states of clarity and intuition to come into our conscious life.

After meditation, a more advanced exercise modality that works to activate the pineal gland, as well as all of the body’s chakra points, is that of Kundalini Yoga. The Kundalini which rests coiled in the lowest chakra of our spine is a transducer of energy which rises farther up the spine through the practice until finally reaching the pineal gland/third eye chakra.

Upon activating the Kundalini and growing its pathway to the pineal gland, one is able to merge the photon celestial energy of the sun and cosmos with that of the physical body which roots to the Earth.

Being that the bones of our skeletal system are technically piezoelectric crystals at the core, the Kundalini energy rises and flows through the crystal bones of the spine, activating the 33 vertebrae points one by one until reaching the crown and pineal gland energy points at the top levels of the upper spine.

Nutrition for your pineal gland

In the food category, numerous options are available for accelerating and detoxifying our brain’s pineal gland. As a foundation, one should look to comprise the percentage of foods in their diet to the highest degree of organic plants and animals as possible.

Eating organic adds a buffer to protect oneself from pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other harmful chemical laden substances that can wreak havoc on our mental and physical health.

Foods that could specifically support and help open your pineal gland are Tumeric (tea and raw), cacao beans, green plants and vegetables, wild harvested spring water, reishi mushroom tea, grass juices, beets, apple cider vinegar, and others.

Supplements one can use to help detoxify and activate the pineal gland are zeolite tinctures, bentonite clay, and organic MSM powder.

Begin activating your pineal gland today and tap into levels of your higher self that lay dormant, calling to be awakened.

View Comments

  • One question. how can we get a feedback of where we are?
    For example If I'm into fitness i see results and i can measure and i can judge it too.
    How can i measure and monitor this gland and detoxification of gland?

    Is there any feedback mechanism which gives the update that my pineal glands are detoxified and it's stimulating?

  • A post graduate where? Post graduate means you received a Bachelors degree, which in turn means you received a H.S. diploma.
    I ask because your use of the word "orientated".
    Unless you live in Britain, "orientated" is NOT considered a word in American English. It is considered slang...uneducated & any grade school teacher will correct you accordingly.
    I think you meant oriented. Which is a 4th grade word.
    I think you should ask for your money back from the "skool" you attend.
    Do you use the word "conversating" also? Try conversing. If you cant use words correctly, or spell them correctly - how...why, would you expect anyone to take you serious? It's quite laughable...and yes I am a grammar Nazi - somebody has to stop the decay of intelligence in Western Civilization. May as well be me & I may as well start with you. If you remember what you read here, I helped your life. If you interviewed with me, you just lost the matters that much.

    • Shamus, how bigoted do you have to be to assume that people, who don't speak english perfectly, have no education?
      Trying to stop the "decay of intelligence" by correcting grammar in comment sections, nice :D Helping someone's life by missing the point of their comment? Brilliant!
      If you interviewed with me, you just lost the job. Not being self-righteous matters that much.
      If you remember what you read here, I helped your life.

    • Hi Shamus, I think you need to re think your statement...I know many intelligent people that speak ebonix are caught up in the game...step aside and try to see from a different perspective...peace and try to spread love not shame even if your name is Shame-us : )

    • Shamus "grammar Nazi" O'malley, as others pointed out, you let little details detract from your taking of the overall point of a post. But, since you want everything to be so grammatically correct, shall we address yours? First, "cant" is a contraction of "cannot," and should have an apostrophe, as in "can't," but we'll chalk that one up to a typo. Then you go on to ask why anyone would take the poster "serious." Surely, grammar Nazi that you are, you realize that should not be an adjective, but an adverb, thus, anyone should take him "seriously." Next, we come to your point of being the one to "stop the decay of intelligence." You say, "May as well be me..." Surely you realize the correct usage should be "May as well be I"? Or are you speaking informally, as many do in comment posts, and using language of the "common people"? How can we "take you serious(ly)" as a grammar Nazi when you make such mistakes yourself?

    • Shamus' sentence structure is atrocious -- even grotesquely obscene -- and his application of punctuation alone renders consideration unbearable. Nevermind the crass, degenerate delivery and banal agenda which conjures an apropos image of monkeys flinging feces, and then sleeping soundly in it; oblivious.

  • Topamax is a drug that opens the Pineal gland. I have had several dreams to where I have left my body and soon returned. Although very scared to explore the other side. When the Pineal gland finally opens don't be scared your getting closure from the past. Healing your body and knowing how to heal yourself.

    • Topomax is a drug used for epilepsy; and in my circumstances dealing with headaches.
      I would not recommend people taking it unless they are prescribed it.
      Alas for me, while it stopped my 24hr headaches, I had to take the max dosage which all but left me in a continued need for sleep - not precisely useful in today's economy.

  • Because, Sean, for the most part ( although there are exceptions), people who studied at 'academically approved institutions' are some of the most uninformed people on the planet, especially since they're run by the government, so they teach only what they want us to know to serve THEM. We need to always be creating our own learning path through as much research as we can get our hands on, 'academically approved' or not, and then use common sense to teach and practice what actually makes logical sense and what actually works when we practice it ourselves. I've learned a thousand times more about health via self-taught means then I ever did via a so-called 'learning institution'.

    • Thank you Jason...I feel for people like Sean who are just beginning their path of enlightenment...we have been so fooled for so long...keep searching Sean, you will find the answers you need to hear...peace and love to all

  • give me a scientifically sound experiment or source that proves living bone tissue is piezoelectric please.

    • Seriously?!...I don't know why people refuse to do a little very simple research before talking about things they obviously have no clue about. Just do a little internet search on piezoelectricity and see what all the "scientifically sound" articles and journals say about piezoelectricity and what it applies to. I could just tell you but then id be doing you no favors, would I?

Published by
Amie Moses, B.Sc., B.A.