Human Brain

Possible to Read Each Other’s Minds? Study Finds Evidence of ‘Telepathy’ in Couples

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.

Researchers from the University of Technology in Sydney, led by Dr. Trisha Stratford have found out that some couples are so harmonious that their brain starts working “on the same wavelength”.

The researchers claim that this is the first scientific confirmation of the existence of the so-called sixth sense or telepathy in particular.

I should emphasize that this study didn’t find evidence for any kind of mysterious psychic abilities, so don’t get too excited just yet. However, it has revealed some pretty interesting findings about the way our brains work.

It turns out that a close relationship eventually leads to some kind of ‘mind-melding’ between two people where they can read each other’s minds to some extent. This is true for any kind of close relationships, including friendships and family bonds, but is particularly prominent in couples.

Mind-melding in couples: partners can indeed read each other’s minds

Many of us have ever had a feeling that someone is literally reading our thoughts or that you are reading someone’s mind. Especially it often happens in couples or between very close friends.

Scientists have found evidence that people in harmonious couples really start thinking in sync. These data were derived from observations of brain activity in patients and psychologists during therapy sessions.

During the experiment, the research team has ascertained the similarity of the brain activity model of partners-volunteers who had reached a state in which their nervous system was pulsating almost coherently, helping them to recognize each other’s thoughts and emotions.

Scientists believe that their findings shed light on the behavior of couples, close friends, and family members. Psychologists have long known that in some couples, people learn to think like their partners.

They know what they are thinking about or what they are going to say. It has been believed that it has to do with the habit because if you observe a person for many years, you get an idea of how they are going to react and what they are going to say.

But the researchers from Sydney have shown that it is not the habit but the activity of the brain and the nervous system. They were observing a group of 30 pairs of patients and psychologists.

The scientists have identified the critical moment when the nervous system was beginning to act in sync while their brain was working in an altered state of consciousness.

That was the point when the sixth sense “switches on” and people can read each other’s minds, said Dr. Stratford. The parts of the brain that control the nervous system begin to work at the same pace.

Final words

While this study doesn’t provide any actual evidence that telepathy as a psychic ability exists, it sheds some light on the way the brains of two close people synchronize. I bet that you have had this kind of experience with your special someone or friend.

After all, this makes perfect sense – when you have known someone for years, you inevitably learn the way they are thinking and perceive the world. It could be that it happens unconsciously.

After some years, you learn to read the subtle cues in the other person’s behavior, for example, their facial expressions or the nuances of their body language. As a result, you know what your special someone is thinking about just by looking at them.

Call it sixth sense or telepathy, but in reality, it’s just a brain syncing.

Have you experienced this kind of telepathy with your best friend, partner, or family member to the extent that you could read each other’s minds? Please let us know. We’d love to hear about your experiences.

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  • I have seen people connecting to other people need to be their close one. They get exactly the same thoughts with the same words with the same pictures in the mind. But these people never want to reveal their this physicic ability.
    I have experienced it personally. I have seen two people doing this perfectly and two more but I am not sure about their perfection. It's true....

  • My boyfriend and I have known one another since he was 1 year old and I was 2 years old. His grandmother babysat us when we were younger all day, everyday. My sister even married us in his grandmothers backyard when we were kids, playing lol. But we eventually grew apart and grew our separate ways. I got married (twice) and I had 4 children to my first marriage and he got into major trouble as a teen and went to state prison for 5 years. So 2 completely different lives and 2 total different people. 20+ years later we meet up on Facebook and that was 3.5 years ago and we’ve never been more in love with another. He’s a superstitious guy as it is and we both have admitted to one another that we feel a true connection. There’s this electricity that runs through our bodies and it’s absolutely mind blowing. We think identical. No joke. Today it happened to why I’m here. I wasn’t getting his texts (we don’t live together) and I told him I’m not making dinner tonight so let’s go out to eat. He sent me a text that I did not receive 10 minutes prior to my text and asked about dinner and he was bringing me dinner. This article makes perfect sense in my mind. Because this kind of stuff happens all of the time between my boyfriend and I. True soulmates.

  • My wife reads my mind every day. SO many times I have a plan in my mind or am about to do something, and my wife say:why don't we do this" and that is exactly what I was going to do or had already done that day. It happens so often that it annoys me, it probably should not annoy me but it really does. Or we are thinking about the exact same person at the exact same time. Or I'm about to do something , like make a sandwich and she jumps up and starts the exact process I was about to do, crazy I know but it happens every single day. We have been married for 30 years and have a close relationship. Agree on almost everything and we like many of the same things,

  • My wife & I literally just over the past couple weeks have started talking to each other, we both find that this is strangely bizarre that we can set here talking to one another without saying a single word. There’s truly no answer out there other then something I found today while surfing the web that we are in fact (twin flame’s/mirrored souls) its all I’ve come up with as I’m typing this she literally is telling me that she is also blown away that this can even be possible & that she really loves me & wants us to be together forever. What is the answer to what I’m speaking about other then what I’ve defined us as above please don’t say this isn’t possible because it surely is we are communicating on a different frequency than anything we’ve even known we have conversations.

  • If you had any questions to people that feel they have this connection with others I’d be very curious? I don’t have much of an idea about this as iv never looked into it, Until now. Yes this happens with close friends. But this also happens with people iv only met a handful of times but have loads of memory’s with. It’s almost like chatter, probably a sign of craziness. However this can happen with other people that I don’t really know but I would only pick up on comments. Strange thought probably a sign of being some what crazy. Let me know with questions please

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.