What Are Precognitive Dreams and How to Recognize & Interpret Them

Published by
Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

Some people remember most of their dreams. Yet, there are some who have precognitive dreams and wish they didn’t remember them at all.

The basic meaning of these dreams is to be able to see the future by extrasensory methods. In this case, dreams can be psychic dreams. While so many people think their dreams foretell the near future, others think these ideas are only a coincidence.

How to recognize precognitive dreams?

It’s not always easy to tell whether the dreams you are having are precognitive or just ordinary lucid dreams. However, there are signs which point to these types of dreams, helping you to understand how to deal with them.

Most precognitive dreams can be recognized in several ways:

1. Sensory indicators

Yes, some vivid images are actually psychic dreams, but not all of them. One way to find out if your sensory experiences are indeed indicators is to gauge how powerful the elements seem.

For instance, if you can clearly hear voices in your dream, and you can remember the statements made, then you will often awake and hear exactly what was spoken. This also works for visual experiences and other strong sensory feelings. Pay close attention to these things.

2. Dream frustration

If your dream seems to irritate you both while dreaming and when awake afterward, you may be having dreams of precognition. You may wake up and be agitated from the dream and then fall back to sleep.

Some of these dreams can be visions of terrible things while others can be positive events. Either way, even with good dreams, they will have a sense of irritation about them.

3. Urgency

Since precognitive dreaming means witnessing future situations derived from psychic abilities, you will often feel an urgency about these dreams. After you wake, you will feel a need to do something or be somewhere.

Unfortunately, most of the time, you have no idea where, when, or why you need to be in another place. You have a purpose without instructions for that purpose. And again, the purpose is faceless.

4. Dreams of others

Do you know how sometimes you dream about yourself and the strange things you’re doing? Well, a psychic dream will mostly be about someone else. In these dreams other people are doing things, speaking, and fulfilling a part of some elaborate happening. So, truthfully, you will be absent as if you are an onlooker of someone else’s life.

5. Vivid details

Precognitive dreams, unlike most vivid dreams, will have much clearer details. While vivid dreams will be pictures you can remember and sounds which stay with you all morning after waking, these dreams are almost supernaturally vivid.

The details of these dreams seem so solid you could reach out and touch them. Sometimes during these dreams, the people you dream about can do just that. They may be reaching out to touch a dress and when you wake, you can feel the fabric in your hands as if you were there too.

How to interpret your precognitive dreams?

Analyzing dreams is important because there is a reason why you have them. There are different ways you can see these dreams as well and simple steps toward understanding where they come from and why they happen.

Here, let’s look at the basics.

1. The dream journal

I bet most of you’ve heard of keeping a dream journal, haven’t you? Well, as a teenager, I attempted to do this. Except my biggest problem was remembering the task from one day to the next. The truth is, If I didn’t write down the dream when I first awoke, I would forget many elements from the dream, which was irritating once I remembered later in the day.

So, it’s kind of obvious what you should do. As soon as you wake up, write down as many elements of the dream as you can. Even if there are only pieces of the dream in your memory. If you don’t dream, then write down, “No recalled dreams”. This statement may even kickstart frequent dreaming.

2. Forget the dictionaries for dreams

Stop using these dream interpretation guides and just pay attention to the elements of the psychic dreams. Most of the time, these details will be clear in symbolism.

Just think about what happened in your dream and connect images to the events in your life. For example, one night, I dreamt of being in a war zone, and I believe that is because I am at war in my mind with mental illness.

3. Simple details

Pay attention to simple details in the dream. Although these elements may seem fairly lame, they could have a greater meaning. Ask questions about the details and learn even more about what the dream may mean to you.

4. Therapists and dreams

Do not rely on great revelations from therapists who use dream interpretation as their only tool. Actually, these aren’t what real therapists do. Instead, quality therapists and counselors usually get to know the patient long before speaking of dreams and dream elements.

Images in the dreams could come from deep roots from childhood, or even present negative circumstances that are revealed in private sessions.

The power of the precognitive dream

Oh, how powerful dreams of precognition may be. They tell of negative and positive events which leave us with a foreboding feeling, or at least what we’re starting to believe.

But, please remember, there could be much more to your dreams than visions of the future. In fact, they could simply be dreams warning you that you have needed changes in your life.

So, examine your life, and connect those details with reality. Then you can interpret and separate dreams from reality, leaving the rest for fate.


  1. https://psychcentral.com
  2. https://www.psychologytoday.com
Published by
Sherrie Hurd, A.A.