Quantum Theory Claims That Consciousness Moves to Another Universe After Death

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.

A book titled “Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe“, published in the USA, has stirred up the Internet because of the notion that life does not end when the body dies and can last forever.

The author of this publication, scientist Robert Lanza, has no doubts that this may be possible.

Beyond time and space

Lanza is an expert in regenerative medicine and a scientific director at Advanced Cell Technology Company. While he is known for his extensive research on stem cells, he was also famous for several successful experiments on cloning endangered animal species.

But not so long ago, the scientist turned his attention to physics, quantum mechanics and astrophysics. This explosive mixture has given birth to the new theory of biocentrism, which the professor has been preaching ever since.

The theory implies that death simply does not exist. It is an illusion that arises in the minds of people. It exists because people identify themselves with their bodies in the first place. They believe that the body is going to perish, sooner or later, thinking that their consciousness will disappear too.

According to Lanza, consciousness exists outside of the constraints of time and space. It is able to be anywhere: in the human body and outside of it. That fits well with the basic postulates of quantum mechanics, according to which a certain particle can be present anywhere and an event can happen in several, sometimes countless, ways.

Lanza believes that multiple universes can exist simultaneously. These universes contain multiple ways for possible scenarios to occur. In one universe, the body can be dead. And in another, it continues to exist, absorbing consciousness that migrated to this universe.

This means that while traveling through the ‘tunnel’, a dead person ends up in a similar world and thus stays alive. And so on, infinitely, according to biocentrism.

Multiple Worlds

This hope-instilling but extremely controversial theory by Lanza has many unwitting supporters – not just ‘mere mortals’ who want to live forever, but also some well-known scientists.

These are physicists and astrophysicists who tend to agree with the existence of parallel worlds and who suggest the possibility of multiple universes, known as the Multiverse theory.

Science fiction writer H.G. Wells was the first to come up with this concept, which was proposed in his story “The Door in the Wall” in 1895. 62 years after it was published, the idea was developed by Hugh Everett in his graduate thesis at Princeton University.

It basically states that at any given moment, the universe divides into countless similar instances.

And the next moment, these “newborn” universes split in a similar way. You may be present in some of these worlds – you may be reading this article in one universe or watching TV in another.

The triggering factor for these multiplying worlds is our actions, explained Everett. When we make certain choices, one universe instantly splits into two different versions of outcomes, according to this theory.

In the 1980s, Andrei Linde, a scientist from the Lebedev Physical Institute in Russia, developed the theory of multiple universes. He is now a professor at Stanford University.

Linde explained: “Space consists of many inflating spheres, which give rise to similar spheres, and those, in turn, produce spheres in even greater numbers, and so on to infinity.

In the universe, they are spaced apart. They are not aware of each other’s existence. But they represent parts of the same physical universe.

The notion that our universe is not alone is supported by data received from the Planck space telescope. Using the data, scientists created the most accurate map of the microwave background, the so-called cosmic microwave background radiation, which has remained since the inception of our universe.

They also found that the universe has a lot of anomalies represented by black holes and extensive gaps.

Theoretical physicist Laura Mersini-Houghton from North Carolina University argues that the anomalies of the microwave background could exist because our universe is influenced by other universes existing nearby. And holes and gaps are a direct result of attacks from neighboring universes.

Soul quanta

So, there is an abundance of places or other universes where our soul could migrate after death, according to the theory of neo-biocentrism. But does the soul exist?

Professor Stuart Hameroff from the University of Arizona has no doubts about the existence of an eternal soul. He believes that consciousness does not perish after death.

According to Hameroff, the human brain is the perfect quantum computer, and the soul, or consciousness, is simply information stored at the quantum level.

It can be transferred, following the death of the body; quantum information carried by consciousness merges with our universe and exists infinitely. In his turn, Lanza claims that the soul migrates to another universe. That is the main difference his theory has from similar ones.

Sir Roger Penrose, a well-known British physicist and expert in mathematics from Oxford, supports the multiverse theory as well. Together, scientists are developing a quantum theory to explain the phenomenon of consciousness.

They believe that they have found carriers of consciousness, the elements that accumulate information during life, and “drain” consciousness somewhere else after death.

These elements are located inside protein-based microtubules (neuronal microtubules), which previously have been attributed to a simple role of reinforcement and transport channeling inside a living cell. Based on their structure, microtubules are best suited to function as carriers of quantum properties inside the brain.

That is mainly because they are able to retain quantum states for a long time, meaning they can function as elements of a quantum computer.

What do you think about biocentrism? Does this theory seem feasible to you?

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  • We assume that the teachings we have received through our lives are true. BUT LOOK AT QUANTUM PHYSICS! Things exist everywhere at once, the world is made of MULTI-DIMENSIONAL STRINGS OF ENERGY! Is it really so strange espicially in matters of Astrophysics to consider un induced, natural immortality and preservation of consciousness through parallaxes. I mean come on, it's not like it's weirder than what we already know.

    • I think the cornerstone of this argument is the double-slit experiment. It changes everything. By observing an event we directly influence it. We change it. Reality is not the same if we do not observe it. Robert Lanza hypothesizes that in order for reality to exist we MUST exist and that without us there is no universe and therefore we will always exist. The universe would cease to exist if we simply no longer existed.

      • No not at all that's not what that means. An observer doesn't mean a human being, if you had any matter that interacted with anything on a quantum scale that would be an "observer". This fits the theme of this whole article and book though. People who don't actually learn the physics, ignore math and play around with and tamper with (to disasterous effects) knowledge of quantum behaviour. The many worlds interpretation doesn't necessarily even affect macroscopic systems. It's present to explain a phenomena known as wave function collapse... Please keep in mind your wishful thinking and disregard for science is just that. Wishful thinking. The science here is fundamentally incorrect.

      • By the way, what I said near the end applies to virtually everyone on this thread. If you want to actually learn about QM instead of confidently asserting... Whatever you are all asserting, then feel free. But do leave all this nonsense at the door. It really has no place here and no respected or knowledgeable Physicist versed in QM would agree with these points.. It's. Not. Science. It isn't a model, is useless, and no logic can be used to back this up. The examples and phenomena given in this article are either wrong or misunderstood. I.e. The definition of "observer" etc.

      • That's reliance upon an observer effect and observer effect isn't always direct. Also, you assume that only humans can be observers. I suggest that animals and plants would get along fine without humans except for those that have become reliant upon humans or those where the natural balance may have been irretrievably disrupted. I can misquote "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to witness it, did it really happen" to be a more relevant "If a dog shits on the grass and no one is there to witness it, can I still step on the shit?" I can answer that from experience, the answer is "Yes."

  • I've been considering parallel worlds, occupying the same space but they exist on different planes; typical 2 sides of the coin analogy. I've had numerous occurrences in my dreams (Don't disregard with the neurology and psychology of dreams, consideration of anything, no matter how malleable is the mindset of the ponderous and free-thinkers.) where I've woke up in environments that show distinct similarities with the environment I've experienced in my lifetime yet they differ in subtle ways; one example being I had been dreaming but woke up in my friend's room, from what I can recall the plot was it was after a party in our local city, I had been walking over people who had drunk themselves into deficiency. The room was orange which I knew wasn't the case, from my recollection her room was green. She requested corn flakes, I responded with "I thought you didn't like cornflakes?" Simple, structured conversation. Walking down the stairs I attempted to recall the crazy night I had but there was issues in my ability to recall what I had done. As the answer was in my reach I had faded out of that reality (I assumed it was correctional, like there was some bio-recognition that assimilated with consciousness, myself experiencing that reality was just an error that had to be corrected. After that I returned to my body and since I had a very vivid memory of what exactly happened the idea has been thought-provoking material.

    It's evident in such varying degrees that the conclusion I've made (which is there are other realities that do exist), it's unscientific, seemingly no methodology to validate this observation and as a product, rendered abstract and subjective; not scientific in any degree.

    I'm aware thr idea is fallacious in nature as a situation that explains everything coherently (What I've posited some dream-like states are- experiencing alternate realities) yet has no evidence acting as a premise is fallacious, but I can not completely erase the idea from my mind. I don't care if it sounds crazy, illogical, irrational and any other belittling insult you consider my experience to be. I cannot know for sure, I doubt I'll come to an adequate conclusion anytime soon. What was considered dumb-founded, nonsensical theories are now regarded as the paradigm of modern science, such as darwninism being a widely accepted foundation for what biology is contingent on; evolution. Each cell, organism, protein all having an intrinsic and evolutionary function.

    Obviously, mine isn't in great depth such as biology. Just to avoid dismiss, I've experienced multiple dreams like the one above, I just used this one as an example.
    Quantum mechanics would be suggestible that my experience could be valid if consciousness was put in terms of sub-atomic particles. Quantum entanglement would also suggest there could be a connection with yourself between other planes, a sea of information and knowledge that are interwoven ans transferable.

    • THIS ISNT WHAT THOSE WORDS MEAN. Please... People stop using things you have not learned about. You are defacing modern science. Even if I humour your last comment, despite how uninformed it is: entanglement means that with two entangled particles or systems, with a change of spin to one particle, the other would change to be antiparallel. (Not spin as in around an axis, it's a quantum phenomena.) However if one was to change the spin of one particle in one universe (putting aside all other inconsistencies and errors with this assertion) and the other particle in another universe followed suit... This would break a fundamental law of physics known as conservation of angular momentum, as the universe would gain or lose a unit of spin. (This is because the other entangled particle would inhabit another universe and therefore the spin wouldn't balance).

      Even if there are macroscopic varying universes (IF!) then there is no contact between them or way to "transcend" them. So many laws would be broken, and so would common sense.

      This is just like when people think time is infinite (technically wrong) and therefore time travel is possible (wrong as far as we know and is literally completely unrelated to what they previously said.)

      • Everything you're talking about is a theory. There's really no "common sense" with subatomic theory. Laws are predictions of future behavior based upon previous data of past behavior. Where have you observed particle spin and observed any of which you speak in actuality? Computer models =/= observation of phenomena. That you haven't observed it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, but its not proof of anything except you haven't observed it, but observing it, doesn't mean it will always happen, either.

  • Listen I love science but understand very little of it. It seems when it comes to Quantum Mechanics and other strange Physics one can theorize anything. At times I feel the human being is indeed very unique then at times I say well we murder and kill without pity or remorse so in that sense were worse than animals. But I digress. Perhaps it's the hope within me that ultimately sees human beings different. No Animal seemingly has our high level of consciousness. No Animal seemingly even contemplates life after death. So why do we? Is the answer simply evolution? If so how did we get so cursed? Much better to live with only food, sex, predator avoidance and play on our mind than to be burdened with all this other stuff. Yet if evolution is the answer we are indeed the most cursed of all animal species. So in short I choose to believe that Quantum Conscience is a real possibility. I in short don't think were a high conscience creature by accident. Perhaps it's not a God thing but a universe thing. Perhaps on some level they are high conscience atoms, or even smaller high conscience particles that we can't see or measure currently. Perhaps those high conscience particles that somehow gravitate to large complex brains! I close by saying this to all those who think we die and go to non-existence. When I was born into this world my conscience came from nothing and when I die it will go into nothing then perhaps I can once again be reborn from nothing. It happened at least once for all of us why not again. Good Day.

    • The funny thing is that we can only conceive that we are the only creatures capable of doing what we do because we don't have a shared language. People thought that animals didn't feel, communicate or have memories when its obvious they do but "scientists" at earlier times were too stupid to see the plain evidence that nullified their unproven theories. Perhaps animals know that there is no point to thinking about these things and knowing that they know all they need to know to maintain homeostasis in the environment unlike "Man."

  • Its ok buddy, not everyone is capable of understanding all subjects. Its obvious you don't have the gifts which is possessed by the few which understand through first hand experiences. Your brain is just not advanced enough to understand this subject. With that being said I understand your anger and frustration. Just because you don't get something doesn't give you the right to doubt the research and theory put into place. Do the honorable thing and return to your level of consciousness/intelligence peacefully. Its clear you don't belong at this level. Have a nice day and good luck trying to understand thee enhanced and more evolved minds in this world.

  • I have written about parallel world existing and that our soul or consciousness still exists even after our death. I felt our lives are very precious to just end when the body stop functions. The consciousness travels to another universe to join another body to continue another journey in our infinite life circle.
    I have a theory that if you're good in this universe your consciousness you'll be fused with a body that will match your temperament. You have different stages of your journey. The purpose is to give you all the opportunity in your first life and thereafter your Karma will lead you to your next journey.
    Therefore being born in this universe is to prepare you for the infinity of life. It's in your hands how the next journey will evolve depending on your performance in this universe.

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Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.