Remote Neural Monitoring: Is It Possible to Spy on Someone’s Thoughts?

Published by
Yiannis Alexiou, B.Sc., M.Sc.

How many times did you have thoughts that you never wanted to share with anyone and have been constantly worried at the thought of someone ever finding out about these thoughts?

All of us have been through this process, and the new and improved technologies being developed around the world, supposedly to deal with crime and terrorism, and inadvertently intrude on one’s privacy, should probably bring us all to the brink of paranoia. These technologies are funded by governments at the highest level and some of the countries involved include the USA, UK, Spain, Germany, and France.

Recently, the infamous National Security Agency (NSA) of the U.S.A. has developed a very efficient method of controlling the human brain.

This technology is called Remote Neural Monitoring (R.N.M.) and is expected to revolutionize crime detection and investigation.

The below information is based on the statement by Robert C. Gunn, Ph.D., NSA clinical psychologist currently indicted for human and constitutional rights violations of Mind Control.

R.N.M. works remotely (ever wondered why have we all been driven relentlessly towards wireless systems?) to control the brain under the objective to detect any criminal thought taking place inside the mind of a possible culprit.

The inevitable question: How can you isolate a criminal thought if you do not have a comparative measure of non-criminal thoughts?

This undertaking is based on two principles:

  1. The research studies have shown that the human intellect thinks at a speed of about 60 bits per second and, therefore, does not have the capability to contest with supercomputers acting via satellites, implants, and biotelemetry.
  2. The human brain has a characteristic set of bioelectric resonance structures. By using supercomputers, the R.N.M. system can home in on it, and send messages through an embedded individual’s nervous system in order to affect their performance in a preferred way.

The entire system has been developed after about 50 years (!) of neuro-electromagnetic human experimentations, claimed to be involuntary, but there is no evidence to support this claim.

According to some scientists involved in this program (their names are not revealed for obvious reasons), within a few years, it is expected that DNA microchips, under the guise of medical breakthroughs that will be presented to launch the disease cure processes on speed and efficiency, might be implanted in the human cerebrum, which would make it inherently controllable. R.N.M. would then have the ability to read and govern a person’s emotional mental procedures along with the involuntary and visions.

At present, around the world, supercomputers are watching millions of people at the same time, with the speed of 20 terabits per second, particularly in countries like the USA, Japan, Israel, and a number of European countries. A similar program is supposedly underway in Russia.

How does R.N.M. work? It employs a set of programs functioning at different levels, like:

  1. The signals intelligence system which applies electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), to excite the brain for the system and the electronic brain link (EBL).
  2. The Brain Stimulation system that has been planned as particle emission intelligence, which means receiving information from unintentionally created electromagnetic waves in the environment. However, it is not related to radioactivity or nuclear detonation.
  3. The recording machines that have electronic equipment to examine electrical action in human beings from afar. This computer-generated brain charting can always record all electrical events in the cerebrum.
  4. The recording aid system deciphers individual brain maps for security purposes.

The underlining technology of this system takes into consideration that the electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject’s verbal thoughts. R.N.M. can send encrypted signals to the audio cortex of the brain directly circumventing the ear.

This encoding assists in detecting audio communication. It can also perform electrical mapping of the cerebrum’s activity from the visual center, which is achieved by avoiding the eyes and optic nerves, consequently projecting imageries from the subject’s mind onto a video display. With this visual and audio memory, both can be visualized and analyzed.

The machinery involved can, remotely and non-invasively, detect information by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in 30-50Hz, 5 mW electromagnetic emissions from the cerebrum.

Evoked potentials are called the spikes and patterns created by the nerves, as they produce a shifting electrical pattern with an ever-changing magnetic instability, which then puts on a constant amount of electromagnetic waves. The interesting part about this is that the entire exercise is carried out without any physical contact with the subject.

The EMF emissions can be decoded into current thoughts and audiovisual perception, in the subject’s gumption. It sends complicated ciphers and electromagnetic pulse signals to activate evoked potentials inside the mind, consequently generating sound and visual input in the neural circuits.

With its speech, auditory and visual communication arrays, R.N.M. allows for a comprehensive audio-visual mind-to-mind connection or a mind-to-computer association.

The mechanism needs to decrypt the resonance frequency of each specific site to modulate the input of information in that specific location of the cerebrum.

Furthermore, R.N.M. can detect audio via microwaves, and features the broadcast of precise directives into the subconscious, producing visual disorders, illusions, and instillation of words and numbers into the brain through radiation waves.

With all the given paybacks for tracing the unlawful and traitorous activities, there are many alarms and dangers being pointed out by human rights advocates and scientists. The agencies of human rights, worldwide, have criticized the system as an affront to the basic human rights because it violates privacy and the dignity of considerations and events of life.

Several countries have opposed it and refer to it as an offense on their human and civil rights. Along with other biological concerns voiced by scientists, R.N.M. remains a controversial technology, which is being used in many countries for security maintenance and surveillance.


  1. Robert C. Gunn, Ph.D., Arbor, Michigan, NSA clinical psychologist currently indicted for human and constitutional rights violations of Mind Control. Extracts from the passage of the affidavit of the indictment.
  2. Declassified documents by NSA of the MKULTRA project
  3. R.G. Malech Patent #3951134 “Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves” USPTO granted 4/20/76

View Comments

  • Satellite Mind Control - Remote Neural Monitoring is not a science fiction but reality since 1980s. It is not known to many as military grade, yet to come, type of this technology is applied on only thousands of unarmed citizens in population of seven billion. That is why this technology is still a secret.

    • I agree that satellite stalking remains a secret because it is cruel and an alarming reality. We have to discover methods to evidence the existence of wireless stalking or it will never stop and anyone afflicted will be seriously harmed if not destroyed altogether. Proving a particular satellite is hosting handheld monitoring devices is the focus we should have. I have not seen any test measurement to evidence a difference that one is invaded with electromagnetic fields that would hold-up in court, which leaves victims at the mercy of the perpetrators. We need to focus on countermeasures but as long as the satellite stalking remains concealed, no one is significantly working on disclosure, evidence against the wireless abuse or countermeasures. It is very upsetting.

  • It is happening to me. My exgirlfriend's friends are doing it to me. She is chipped to. I have recorded conversation with her which i increased volume and you can hear them talk to her. She does respond back to them. She will talk to me then throw in a word that has nothing to do with our conversation but it answeres the other convsaion she is having thru chip. This is the first time i have spoken about this to anyone. All other stuff is true about mind reading, torture , belittling. The mind reading part is very simple, it is your inner voice that you use. It says parts or all of what you are thinking of. You dont even relize this untill you are put thru this for a period of time. Then you figure it out. You will not read about this anywhere else. I tried to find others but know one has figured this part out yet. I figured out alot about this. How to record them with app. I know they have been doing this to others since 2006 here in Fresno ca. They date people drug them then chip them . They use it for sexaul purposes also. They collect people and trade them amongst eachother like a game. They always know where the person is so they are able to cheat on that person without ever getting caught. I have video which i increased volume and u can hear up to 5 different guy telling my girlfriend sexaul things to do all at once. It gets her in a frenzy.there is a part when my ex is askeep and a womans voice is saying something to her, then my ex is repeating what was just said. Scarry? !? NOW this part is a trip, ther is few times when the exact words are being said at the same time, from the chip and my ex. I think its called force speach. You can hear her responed back to them. I have a recording of us talking, then she just starts to talk to the other person thru chip i have no clue what the hell she was talking about.
    7 years my life was just for their entertainment. I dont even know who she really is. The guy that is always with her thru chip is named David. Every video and audio clip i have since 2007 i have checked and they are there in recording. I can catch them but need help. Trying to convince friend soon who is a pd dective.the recording of them i have not heard anyone else do yet. They even helped her pass test to be a school age teacher.

    • Wow Larry, this is horrible, have you tried using anything to stop frequency's? a faraday cage, I know they use brain mapping to achieve the ability to mind control, also a tens unit is invaluable changing your brains frequency is a key to stopping some of the symptoms, I understand the concept as this has happened to me, I have learned to understand the devices they use, and they are extensive, satellites, cell-towers, and smart meters, these frequency's are the key to the trap once you have been brain mapped, I can actually recall when it happened but had no idea that was what was happening, after realizing I had been brain mapped, I quickly had a faraday cage built and do lots of research, purchased Argen Mesh material,to wrapped my head at night, I also listen to different frequency sounds that help change my brains frequency, its also real important to get outside away from your normal living quarters, to focus on the positive, we are all under assault, Satan has realized himself in the Governments, they have been playing devils advocate for a very long time, and have plotted against humanity all along, we are no doubt living in a very dangerous time, I would encourage anyone out there to build a faraday cage now, don't wait, because once your brain has been brain mapped its a battle to get back to a normal, I truly believe this is about enslaving society, this is what they have wanted all along, and the USA has lead the world in subjecting its citizens in this process, and it will be the USA that the world will turn on for creating and bring about this corruption, its only a matter of time, and there will be a huge shift the world has marveled at the USA for its humanitarian efforts since its founding, but what it has created with these devices will undue and destroy the very fabric of its existence, what does this all mean for the people of the USA who have been subject to these hideous devices, that the victimization of society and those behind the curtain will be revealed, and will be held accountable. God talks about these, he calls them men of depraved minds, and they will be held accountable, justice is coming for them, the curtain will be pulled back and the truth be known. Pray for Gods help when these attacks happen pray out loud to the Lord for help, he knows what is happening, open your heart and feeling in Prayer before our all mighty God and watch as he gives you peace. I pray for all those out there suffering, peace to you and God Bless Keep You Safe..

  • If this was done to me, just like if I knew someone was hacking into my webcam, then well I would put on a show! I would piss in a cup and drink it, jerk off all day, and sh$t all over the walls just to make the people doing this to me feel so stupid and like the lowest scum of the Earth which they are! It's never a good day to be a gov peeping tom inside peoples home. That's the line. That's the privacy barrier we need to put our foot down on.

  • That is so inhumane, the world as we know it will collapse if these type of technologies become the norm.

Published by
Yiannis Alexiou, B.Sc., M.Sc.