
6 Signs from the Universe You Should Never Ignore

6 Signs from the Universe You Should Never Ignore

When we are stuck in life, or not sure which way to go, we can look for signs from the…

7 years ago

Waking Up in the Middle of the Night Could Reveal Something Important about You

When you start waking up in the middle of the night, night after night, then maybe there’s something extraordinary happening.…

7 years ago

The Three States of Consciousness – 3D, 4D and 5D: Which One Do You Live in?

If I asked you to talk about the states of consciousness, how would you answer? Would you say that being…

7 years ago

5 Struggles of Being a Truth Seeker in the Modern World

Searching for meaning in life can be a profoundly inspiring experience. However, in modern society, it’s not always easy to…

7 years ago

What Is an Earth Angel, According to New Age Beliefs?

Have you ever heard the term Earth Angel? No, they’re not perfect and pristine individuals, and yes, some people believe they…

7 years ago

7 Signs of Spiritual Maturity That Indicate You Are Reaching a Higher Level of Consciousness

It can be hard to judge where you are on your journey towards spiritual maturity. However, there are signs you…

7 years ago

What Are Kindred Spirits and How to Recognize If You Have a Kindred Spirit Connection with Someone

Finding a kindred spirit is one of the most joyous experiences a human can have. Here’s how to recognize the…

7 years ago

12 Signs You Have High Spiritual Intelligence

We’ve all heard of IQ and EQ. But there is also a measure of our spiritual capabilities. Here are 12…

7 years ago