Albert Einstein

4 Time Travel Theories and the Physics Behind Them

4 Time Travel Theories and the Physics Behind Them

Time travel has been the subject of many science-fiction books and films for the last few decades. But is it…

5 years ago

How to Be Smart the Way Genuinely Intelligent People Are

If you want to know to be truly smart, not just appear so, you can learn a lot from the…

7 years ago

Everything Is Energy and Science Hints at It – Here Is How

Many spiritual traditions have viewed everything in the universe as part of an interconnected web of energy. Now, certain scientific…

7 years ago

How to Improve Your Critical Thinking Skills with These 8 Strategies

Our modern education system doesn't aim to develop one's critical thinking skills, but quite the opposite. These science-backed strategies will…

7 years ago

6 Symptoms of Electromagnetic Sensitivity: Is It Real?

Are you feeling strange lately and cannot explain why? Maybe you have an electromagnetic sensitivity from all the electronic devices…

7 years ago

7 Traits That Separate a Wise Person from a Smart Person

We sometimes assume that wisdom and intelligence are the same. But there are some special traits that mark out a…

7 years ago

8 Albert Einstein Quotes That Offer Profound Insights about Life

Many Albert Einstein quotes show that this remarkable genius had important things to say, not only about science and mathematics…

8 years ago

Is There Life After Death? 5 Perspectives to Think about

Is there life after death? Have you ever reflected on this time-old question, which has tortured the human mind for…

8 years ago