6 Symptoms of Electromagnetic Sensitivity: Is It Real?

Published by
Sherrie Hurd, A.A.

Are you feeling strange lately and cannot explain why? Maybe you have an electromagnetic sensitivity from all the electronic devices surrounding you. At least, this is what some people claim.

Yes, we are surrounded by technology. Smartphones, computers, and other wireless devices provide a window and a voice to the outside world. This is true. But for some of us, we are surrounded by living hell, as our sensitivities cause us to want to throw those devices out of a “literal” window. And why is this?

The controversy of an electromagnetic sensitivity

EHS, or electromagnetic sensitivity, is the ability to sense energy fields and the ability to be overwhelmed by them. When I say overwhelmed, I don’t necessarily mean stressed, oh no, I mean literally sick and physically ill by the energy that surrounds us.

Now, there are opposing opinions about this condition. Some say it’s fictional and the wide range of symptoms experienced are too random and mostly psychological instead of physiological. Opinions also state that these symptoms can simply be caused by something else entirely – it could be some disease or illness with similar symptoms.

George Johnson, column writer for the New York Times, said,

“From the perspective of science, the likelihood of the rays somehow causing harm is about as strong as the evidence for ESP.”

This allows us to examine another area of electromagnetic sensitivity, the paranormal side. After all, many of us do believe in the paranormal, ESP, visions, etc.

Ghosts, spirits and other sentient beings

Some people argue that Albert Einstein believed, in a way, in the existence of ghosts. At least, a statement he made hints at this belief.

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”

It seems that energy never dies, and so some people choose to interpret this Einstein’s quote as a hint at the existence of ghosts. A popular belief is that spirits are made of energy and thus can manipulate their substance along with the earth’s electrical field and manmade electrical fields.

So, this leaves us with a really important question: Are we detecting the energy utilized by these spirits, or does the sensitivity of man-made electrical fields make us hallucinate, making us think we’ve seen ghosts and phantoms when everything is all in our heads?

However, there are those who testify to having experienced electromagnetic sensitivity, both due to ghost sighting and also just due to overexposure to technological devices and the radiation they exude. These individuals take extreme precautions to shield themselves from these rays, even lining the walls with aluminum foil.

The signs below show what the people who think they have an electromagnetic sensitivity claim to experience.

1. Muscle aches and pains

Some people claim that muscle aches could be signs of electromagnetic sensitivities. The way you will know is that these pains come and go, randomly. You could wake one morning and feel as if you ran five miles the day before, even when you never left the house.

You could wake to feel tired and then notice a horrid pain in your lower back or in your shoulder areas as well. These pains are not usually severe and that’s why they can be so hard to diagnose.

2. Depression

Depression is a symptom of mental illness, but according to some, it can also be caused by the absorption of a high level of magnetic energies. When you do experience this depressive mood, it will also come with foggy thinking, temporary memory loss, and confusion. Pay attention to what’s going on in your life and whether or not you have another reason to be suffering from this ailment.

3. Sleep disturbances

Suffering from insomnia could be due to this sensitivity as well. Many times, we blame other aspects of life for our sleepless nights and even take sleeping aids to get rest. Try leaving electronics in another room and see if that helps at all. As you know, many people sleep with their smartphones and the sheer amount of energy radiating from these devices is insane!

Also, psychics claim that if spirits are present in the home, the prime time for manifestation is around 3 a.m. which will definitely keep you awake at night with a huge increase in magnetic field energy.

4. Stress and anxiety

Electromagnetic sensitivity is also said to cause heightened anxiety and stress in otherwise calm personalities. You may feel anxious for no apparent reason at all, much like those who suffer from PTSD.

Personally, I have experienced anxieties which made no sense, but I cannot say whether it was from these energy fields or because of something else entirely. Make sure to pay attention to any sudden changes in stress levels. It could possibly be what’s happening to you.

5. Rashes and prickly sensations on the skin

Mysterious rashes or skin irritations could mean the presence of an abundance of man-made or paranormal energies, some people claim. If you have no known allergies and start to experience a rash, then monitor your surroundings.

Is there a large concentration of electronic devices around you? Are you in an area with a rumored high prevalence of paranormal activity? Either of these situations could be a cause, or it could simply be the detergent you use when washing your clothes! I know, I know…but there are many reasons for this irritation.

6. A headache and fatigue

Experiencing headaches and fatigue can mean many things, like stress, for instance. Having a headache every day is probably an indication of something worse, like an effect of high energy level absorption.

Electromagnetic sensitivity is also believed to cause extreme fatigue as well. Keep these things in mind when you are forced to take pain relievers and vitamins on a regular basis.

Symptoms of electromagnetic sensitivity remain controversial

These symptoms listed above are only a small sample of what people seem to experience. Individuals also report infertility, various cancers, and symptoms of the eyes, nose, and throat. It’s important to become educated about this topic and visit your doctor regularly to rule out the possibility of other things.

Have you noticed that all the described symptoms are quite general and could be associated with a number of conditions? It could very well be that people who believe to suffer from electromagnetic sensitivity have a mental disorder or other health condition.

In any case, those who believe this is happening usually end up considering a more natural way of life, eliminating as many sources of electromagnetic energy as possible.

Can you give up your smartphone or the internet? Can you make the changes necessary to lower your levels of energy? What do you need to do in order to address this concern, and do you even believe this is a real condition?

There are many opinions and options, you must choose what’s best for you. Good luck!


  1. https://www.slideshare.net
  2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

View Comments

  • There was something CNN about this in a show with their resident physician; so, it seems very possible. There are some people in this show they profiled who had to move to a place, I think, in the western part of the United States where there was very little electric or electromagnetic energy wires and such. They also had to limit their on-line computer time. So, it seems entirely possible and may explain some peoples' mysterious symptom that their doctors could find no alleged illness as a determiner of these symptoms. There is much to be learned about living with technology these days. Thank you.

    • Thank you for reading, Beth. I couldn't imagine having to deal with this myself, considering a huge portion of my life revolves around electronic devices.

  • There are scientists in the field who claim in different ways that we are electromagnetic beings. Since it is one of the four forces of nature, it is literally everywhere. No doubt that electronic devices have an effect, but you bring up the main problem which is who is going to lay them down and walk away? And doctors would be almost useless in determining gadget causing problems. As to your question, I do believe it could be a real condition with some people due to research, but diagnosing it would be a monster at present.

    • Well Don, as with most things in life, we have to choose individually. Even if a doctor had the gift of quick determination on which devices were dangerous, we would still doubt. It reminds me of those who have substance abuse problems or relationship problems, they have to want to change things in their own time to successfully make that difference needed. As with devices, you have to first, pay attention to any changes occurring in your body and mind, remove something, and then keep paying attention. It's almost like troubleshooting problems with your car, your diet, or anything else, for that matter. It is a monster, and we all are so different, which turns me right back around to what I just said...

      Self-examination, trial, and discovery. It's kind of like my food allergies....*get sick, what did I drink? Oh, let me try that again tomorrow. Get sick, oh okay, I guess it's the milk! There we have it! Lactose intolerance!*

      I know, I know...but get my point?

    • Hi, this is a real condition and a real and present danger to all life on earth, as levels are amped up and now 5G is being rolled out. I became sensitive to wireless after exposure to something called a "smart meter", a device used to send readings to the utility company. The pulsed frequency interrupted my own bio energy fields, and made me so sick, I nearly died. It has taken 7 years to heal, but I am permanently sensitive to wireless, especially smart technology which is now everywhere. This has altered the course of my life, and at 53, when I was first made sick by this, I had three kids, one in college, two more behind him. This was so debilitating and made me so sick, it was a nightmare; suicidal thoughts plagued my brain, as I could not imagine how I would be able to navigate my world. As it turns out, and I have learned, millions around the globe suffer with this disorder: Electro sensitivity and no western doctor can help. This is a multi-pronged, approach to healing, but mostly eastern medicine and therapies and detoxing. The body is thrown out of balance by the forcing of these microwaves into our bodies and brains, and as such, we have a threshold which we will meet and go over. The increase in depression and suicide is linked to this as well as allergies and autism. I have studied this and speak out, now, for over 7 years. I am better, but will never be completely cured. It has taken me out of the job force for obvious reasons and I am basically leading the life of a shut in with random experiences outside the home. I stay mostly in nature, at the beach and in my "safe home" with NO wireless, routers, or other devices. I know, as a "canary" what we are up against and we will see an uptick in this disorder and a massive increase in cancers and suicides. It is what you all want, more devices, less health. I have never been comfortable with wireless, intuitively, I knew it was bad. I have never and will never own or use a cellphone. Only wired devices and landline. All should be aware of the coming nightmare that wireless is, as far as our health and wellness, mental acuity, clarity and responsiveness. This is a tragedy on all fronts, the sooner people wake up to the death tolls from radiation sickness, the better. It is kept off mainstream TV and must be researched. I wish this was not true. But I am afraid, mankind is being used in a giant experiment and not all will survive, which just might be the goal. Time to wake up! I did.

  • Hi Sherrie,

    Very good article and I would want to know what can be done to avoid such things permanently e;g, waking up all night and sleep around 4:00 am . Please advise.


    • Shweta,

      As I told Don, let's try self-examination and troubleshooting. Stay away from a certain device for a while and see if you feel any better. We first have to figure out what's hurting us before we can battle that thing, or run from that thing. Find out what's making you sick and then get rid of it, find another solution for your needs for that device. Yes, I am sure it will be more than difficult, but it's a start toward the right direction.

    • Waking up at the same hour or thereabouts on a regular basis is just your body's clock, something of a habit, totally natural.

  • What about a runny nose that will not stop, even with the strongest of antihistamines, and seems to occur mostly in my residence?

    • This could be a symptom, but it could also be a symptom of so many other things as well, like allergies. You have to do a process of elimination first and then you can tell if your sinus issues may be coming from this sensitivity.

  • I feel as if I am dying from this, nobody can diagnose me as the illness "doesn't exist" I literaly feel as if I am slowly dying no one belives me and doctors family etc think I am crazy, gone mad. I can't get away from it! We are living in hell on earth

    • This is a diabolical agenda. The Russians studied radiation sickness a long time ago. It seems this is being used deliberately to cull the population, many are sick and dying. I am on a day to day therapeutic regimen, trying to stay in balance is no easy task as we bathe, daily, in EMF's. The FCC is being sued for the insane rollout of 5G, we shall see where that goes. Protocols for healing are vast, it starts with detoxing the body from heavy metals, again, an arduous task. Using energy work, like Reiki helps to remove the loaded up trauma and stress, which is necessary for anyone suffering long term chronic illness, as most of our debilitating symptoms come from emotional stress. Then add all the EMF's and we are setting ourselves up for disaster. NO western doctor, or very few can help or will admit this is a problem. They are all "gagged", as are our politicians. We are in the fight of our lives now and all must join groups and activists in their communities to fight against this at the local level. Voices must be heart, and scare tactics, such as "liability" should be used when confronting our leaders. Hold them accountable and p ersonally liable, they don't like that. For me, cranial sacral therapy worked wonders, but I bought a "stillpoint inducer" for twenty bucks from Amazon, to use at home, cheaper and more convenient. Salt and baking soda baths help alkalyze the emfs in the body, and iodine is needed to combat radiation. I take it daily. Use of organic essential oils to raise the vibration in our own bodies and supplementation with C good C is crucial. I take organic CBD daily, this really helps me. But first ALL wireless must go. You must turn off cell phones, get rid of CFL bulbs and stop charging phones, in the home, especially at night. GEt a hardwired landline and hard wired computers. I invested in a neuroplasticity program last year and found amazing benefits, it helped me to get out of the "Loop" our limbic system get stuck in, and rewiring to get OUT of this loop is incredibly helpful. I have coping skills and mechanisms to retrain and refocus. When we get sick with this diabolical radiation sickness, we tend to focus all of our energy on it, which reinforces the cycle and keeps us stuck. This is an all out battle, we are facing dire times and 5G is a dead end. We must all fight this now.

      • Thank you so much for this great reply!
        I have been in the detoxing process for 5 years, I need to remove my algam fillings, I use essential oils and some emf protection stones are in the post. I dont have a bath but will try and get one. I will look into sacral therapy and other things you suggested. I feel better already knowing people are suffering but managing this disease. Thanks again :)

Published by
Sherrie Hurd, A.A.