
What Is a Soul Place and How Do You Know If You’ve Found Yours?

What Is a Soul Place and How Do You Know If You’ve Found Yours?

What is a soul place and how do you know when you’re in one? Historically, people have understood that there…

7 years ago

A Different View of Mental Illness or What a Shaman Sees in a Mental Hospital

What if I told you that mental illness is not what we think it is? I’m sick. At least that’s…

8 years ago

6 Problems All Old Souls Experience at Some Point in Their Life

Old Souls can be defined in many ways, mainly that they are wise beyond their years and like spending time…

8 years ago

5 Struggles of Being a Cold Person with a Sensitive Soul

A cold person with a sensitive soul may sound self-contradictory at first, but the truth is that many cold and…

8 years ago

10 Signs That Your Psychological Age Is Greater Than Your Chronological Age

Have you ever felt that your psychological age may exceed your chronological age? People are often drawn to those who…

8 years ago

5 Simple Pleasures Every Old Soul Will Enjoy

If you feel that you are an old soul, you will certainly relate to the simple pleasures on this list.…

8 years ago

What Is an Old Soul and How to Recognize If You Are One

Have you ever been told that you are an old soul? Everyone knows at least one person who was considered…

8 years ago

10 Signs of a Mature Soul: Can You Relate to Any of Them?

How do you know if you have a mature soul and what does it reveal about you? Being careless and…

8 years ago