
Do Superstitions Have Any Actual Scientific Basis Behind Them?

Do Superstitions Have Any Actual Scientific Basis Behind Them?

Superstitions are among issues that have long been perceived to have some unrevealed secrets as their origins. With the progress…

8 years ago

Our Childhood Beliefs about Afterlife Stay with Us Through Adulthood

Do you remember your favorite superhero as a child? How about angels and demons? Do you have the same beliefs…

9 years ago

12/12/12: Mysteries and Superstitions of Today’s Date

Numerologists and superstitious people all over the world are in alarm today since the current date is an extremely rare…

11 years ago

10 Unsolved Mysteries of the Human Body and Mind

Nothing is more intriguing than mysteries associated with the human body and mind. Why do we smile? Why do we…

12 years ago

Friday the 13th: Why Are We Afraid of It?

For some, Friday the 13th is an ordinary day and for others, it's an unlucky day that causes fear. Up…

12 years ago

13 Most Common Superstitions and Their Origins

We are daily surrounded by superstition. Don’t pass under a ladder, don’t step on broken glass… Where do these common…

12 years ago