What aliens could look like is an almost equally intriguing puzzle as that of their existence. This question fascinates many scientists and simple people who like to entertain their minds.
If you believe that aliens are little green men, you should probably forget it, since, according to scientists, these beings (if they exist) would probably look like giant jellyfish with orange underbelly!
According to British scientist Maggie Aderin-Pocock, it is likely that extraterrestrial life exists and is even stranger than what we imagine it to be. She claims that alien beings might look like known jellyfishes that live in the Earth’s oceans.
The difference is that aliens would probably have a metal outer skin, and their internal parts would be of orange color.
But while they might look like jellyfish, they would not live in the sea but in the atmosphere of a planet like Jupiter. Basis of their life would be not carbon but silicon, and the creatures would absorb sunlight through the “skin” and chemical substances through their giant mouths.
Much of Dr. Aderin-Pocock’s inspiration comes from strange life forms recently discovered in the depths of the oceans.
Dr. Aderin-Pocock stressed that it is natural that “our imagination is limited by what we see around us and by the conventional wisdom that life requires water and carbon.
However, some researchers have done a great job, playing with ideas such as silicon, which could support other advanced life forms on other planets and environments very different from ours. “
The chief scientist of the space company Astrium says that while there are billions of planets only in our galaxy, very few of them are able to support life.
Then, even if life has evolved on other planets, it is unlikely to be intelligent enough to contact us. Finally, if it is, the chances that it will happen now are extremely limited.
There are many other theories that explain why didn’t detect the signs of life on other planets – either because it doesn’t exist or for other reasons.
Whatever the truth, it is fascinating to think about the very possibility that there might be other worlds, so different from our Earth, populated by mysterious alien creatures that look nothing like me and you.
This is what aliens could look like, according to Dr. Aderin-Pocock, but what is your opinion? Do you think they exist and if you do, then what could they be like?