6 Reasons Why You Should Never Mess with the Quiet One

Published by
Kirstie Pursey

Often we pay the most attention to those with the loudest voices and the most to say. In doing this, we underestimate the power of the quiet ones.

At any gathering of people, be it a party or a business meeting, there will be those who talk loudly and demand attention. These extroverts have lots of great ideas, are socially adept and draw others to them like moths to a flame. At that same party or business meeting, there will often be a quiet one.

This person says little but listens a lot. If you watch carefully, you may see that he or she is taking everything in. When they finally speak, the rest of the group are often astonished by the power of their ideas or the insights the quiet one shares.

There is nothing wrong with either of these types of people. We need both the outgoing extroverts and the quieter, more introverted people to make society work.

The problem is, that in our current society, we pay the most attention to those who make the most noise. And this is a mistake. By doing this, we miss out on the amazing ideas and insights of the quiet one in the room.

Ways quiet people are often misunderstood

It is often assumed that quiet people have little to say, or that they are socially awkward. People may assume they don’t have any insights or ideas. Some people may even decide they lack intelligence. People may also assume that quiet people are weak, submissive and passive. None of these things are true.

In fact, quiet people are often strong, creative, intuitive and brilliant. We shouldn’t assume that just because they are quiet they will put up with bad behavior either. Quiet people watch and listen and when they have all the information they need, they act. So watch out that you don’t upset the quiet one – you could be in for a shock.

This hilarious quote from Amy Efaw sums it up:

“Don’t judge me because I’m quiet. No one plans a murder out loud.”

So here are six reasons you should never underestimate the power of a quiet person:

1. The quietest folk listen a lot and may know more than other people suspect.

The reason quiet people are quiet is that they are listening. Unfortunately, some louder people spend so much time talking they have little time for listening or thinking. Quiet people don’t make this mistake. They listen carefully and think deeply so you can be sure that when they finally do speak, they have something amazing to say.

Louder people should never assume that a quiet person has less knowledge or intelligence than them. If they do, they may well end up looking stupid.

2. Quiet people observe and pick up on more than others

It’s very hard to fool a quiet person. They listen and watch everything that goes on carefully. While louder types may amaze others with their eloquence and enthusiasm, the quiet one in the room will notice when those words have little depth and are full of bluster or badly thought through ideas.

They also pick up on much more than the words that are spoken. Quiet people focus on behavior and body language too. This means they easily spot inauthentic behaviors and outright lies and deceptions.

3. Quietness does not equate with weakness – so don’t mess with them

Quiet people will speak out against any wrongdoing or unfairness. They are quick to point out bad behavior. Quiet folk are often slow to defend themselves, but once they are pushed too far, they can react with astonishing power. They are also quick to support more vulnerable members of the group. Quiet people have high moral standards and a strong backbone so it’s best to keep on their good side.

4. Even the quietest of people have excellent social skills

Quiet people do not lack social skills. They just use a different set of skills to extroverts. In their own unobtrusive way, they develop close relationships built on trust and mutual respect. And when they are with those whose company they enjoy, they can be the life and soul of the party.

5. Quiet people can be just as determined and loyal as louder folk

Extroverts who think quiet people have little to offer should beware. While others are networking and proclaiming their ideas, quiet people are creating bonds of trust with others. They are also determinedly working on brilliant ideas of their own that, when revealed, will stun everyone else into silence.

6. Quiet people will not tolerate being treated badly

Some extroverts assume that they can easily take advantage of quiet people. This isn’t true. Quiet people have a well-developed sense of their own value. If anyone tries to fob them off with the boring and less prestigious jobs they will rebel. It isn’t wise to do this anyway as quiet people’s insights can be extremely useful to the group or team.

To sum up, always pay attention to the quiet ones. Though their mouths are often closed, their minds are wide open.

What other benefits are there to being the quiet one? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section.


  1. Psychology Today
  2. Wikipedia

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  • yes all of this is true i been bullied,teased, and laughed at all the time but idc cus no one is going to stop me from graduating from high school, im not going to just sit there and let them talk about me in any way one day i will be able to stand up for myself. for now just ignore all the negativity they throw at u they will hate u cus you are better than them and smarter than them dont ever let nobody ruin your life by bulling u they are extremely cowards for messing with the quiet ones

  • I am the quiet one. I agree with everything I have just "observed" lol well read, obviously was a cute joke. Anyway I wanted to comment about the saying "Beware the quiet one" basically it is more like "Do not beware the quiet one, beware when the quiet one starts to speak" for I have only recently delved deep into my potential. Beware what I am capable of. Not in a dangerous way, but in a life altering way. Society is broken and falling. When it does, I will be there to speak, as will many more. My goal is to spread truth, freedom and unity throughout humanity. That is the path to love, without the lust. Even if society does not fall, I will make a change within it. Somewhere down the line, I will do right by our people, and fight corruption. The ones who should truly beware the quiet ones, are the evil ones.

  • I think the quiet ones have a excellent upbringing and never hurt a soul, and they only stand up for themselves if needed be, and I would never judge a quiet person negatively. They deserve better!

  • i sometimes feel like quiet people like me just aren't good enough, thanks for reminding me about how cool we are, it made me feel a lot better :)