Unexplained Mysteries

Top 10 Things We Believe in Without Proof

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.

Empirical evidence gives us a choice of what to believe, but even when we do not have solid evidence to support the existence of something, we tend to have faith in certain things.

Below you will find the top 10 things we believe in despite the lack of verifiable evidence of their existence.

1. Cryptids

Cryptids are creatures whose existence has not been proven by science, such as Loch Ness monster or Bigfoot. There are uncountable amateur photos and eyewitness observations that make us believe in the existence of these creatures, even if their reality is not officially recognized.

Until any cryptid is captured, they will remain more of mythical creatures as there is no solid evidence of their existence.

2. Aliens

Despite the unimaginable number and variety of conspiracy theories and hypotheses about alien life, there is no firm evidence that there is life somewhere else in the universe except for our planet.

However, watching videos of unexplained objects in the sky and reading personal stories of people who claim to have been on an alien ship strengthens our belief that there is life out there in space.

3. Scary ghosts

Although some people claim to have seen a ghost, skeptics argue that the origin of such phenomena as ghosts or poltergeists can be explained by common sense reasons.

Though the ghost hunters manage to capture ghost activity with a variety of electronic devices, the received results can always be interpreted in different ways. Nevertheless, even though we have never encountered a ghost, we continue to believe in their existence.

4. Afterlife

Psychic mediums claim to be able to communicate with the spirits of dead people and receive information from them. Despite the lack of any material evidence of how they get this information, we still believe that they can see and hear spirits.

While even the mediums themselves avoid claiming that the received information is 100% correct, our desire to speak with our dead relatives and friends is strong enough to have faith and use their services.

5. Astrology and predictions

People throughout the times have taken life decisions based on the stars. Without any proof that the path of the planets and the stars really influences the life of a person, many of us believe that being born under a certain zodiac sign is accompanied by a number of certain characteristics.

Moreover, some of us use horoscopes and astrological charts as a guiding tool in taking important life decisions.

6. Intuition

Intuition or sixth sense are among the things we believe in without proof, thinking that sometimes, it helps us make important decisions. Without any logical reason, we confidently make decisions based on our intuition and feel that they were prompted by a higher power. Being at a fork in our road, we give our intuition a right to show us the way to follow.

7. Fate

Many people say that “everything happens for a specific reason” when something bad happens. Although there is no common-sense reason to believe that the events in our life have a specific reason to occur, we still think that some of them are not accidental and were destined to happen. This is because the idea of fate gives us psychological comfort and helps us go through hardships when something bad happens.

8. The Law of Karma

Regardless of whether we say “what goes around, comes around” or call it “karma“, there is a common belief that the way you think and behave now makes you what you will be tomorrow. Not basing it on anything, we strongly believe that doing good things and following the principles of ethics can assure happiness in our future.

9. Religious texts

Regardless of our origin, most of us follow some form of religion. Religions texts, such as the Bible, teach us to live in accordance with the will of the higher powers.

And though there is no proof that they truly reflect the will of a higher power (if it exists), we are doing our best to follow the principles of ethics and believe in the stories of people who did unimaginable feats because we read about it in the religious books like the Bible.

10. Higher Power

Although the existence of God or a higher power cannot be proven by any experimental data, it is among the most common things we believe in. Starting with the belief that our inner prayer is always heard, we believe that God is not just a reality, but he is everywhere, seeing all our actions and guiding us through life.

H/T: Listverse

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  • A couple other things we believe in without proof is monistic materialism, or the idea that matter forms the underlying basis for reality. This is a philosophical assumption without proof or justification. Another assumption along those lines is the idea of the uniformity of nature. These two assumptions are axiomatic without proof or justification but we go right on believing in them without giving them a second thought.

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.