First of all, it is important to define the connection of Twin Souls. This connection is actually an energy bond above all. Twin Souls have the same energy component as their vibrational frequency is exactly the same.
It is believed that originally, the two souls are part of the same sphere of pure energy. After the sphere was divided into two, the two souls were separated for thousands of years, and they took a bit from the energy of others with whom they interacted in every life.
Thus, there are several twin flame stages the two souls should go through in order to reunite again.
Nowadays, we are noticing more and more twin souls relationships as their mission is to reunite and become examples of unconditional love. They are meant to live a healthy and abundant life and, at the same time, help humanity by increasing positive vibrations and create a New Earth based on values, virtues, and love.
But in order to reach the Union, each soul needs to evolve and leave behind the whole accumulated baggage of the thousands of lives and reach the same pure energy that they both had at the beginning. This is where the seven different twin flame stages come into play.
Long before twin souls physically meet one another, they sense each other. They intuitively know that their better half is somewhere in the world. They can feel each other’s vibrations, they may even telepathically communicate and sense each other’s unhappiness or personality traits.
Both recognize each other and experience a soulful connection. They feel as if they have met before. Synchronicity events take place in order to create the union, and this when the heart chakra opens, so both souls can merge into third unified energy.
Both souls experience an acceleration of spiritual understanding. Every thought or emotion is well understood without requiring much communication.
Spiritual awakening temporarily disappears and the ego reinstalls. One or both of the souls try to bring the relationship into the “old model” of love, where the desires of the ego and false beliefs are highlighted. This is when Internal conflicts occur.
The souls attempt to guide one another to what they have been taught to believe as being the true definition of love. As such, they will try to shape or change one another, while they both feel at the same time inspired and overthrown by the power of the union.
Doubts begin to appear, making one or both of them see the dear one in a critical and suspicious way.
The purpose of this phase is to bring to the surface old believes, perhaps learned over time, in order to be eliminated. This way, the twin souls can regain their pure, initial energy.
The third one of the twin flame stages is defined by a crisis. It is the phase where they reject egotistical beliefs about love or relationships. Having to give up on the ego or the false identity based on desires and beliefs in order to embrace a higher experience of love can lead to stubbornness and anxiety.
Fear can take the lead by triggering many common dysfunctional emotions.
Despite contradictory perceptions, this phase could be considered a ritual that will cement the existing love and create high levels of consciousness in the energy of the two flames.
The accumulated tension between the twin souls can either be beneficial and strengthen the union or can backfire and tear them apart for a while.
This is the twin flame stage where frustrations may appear and a strong desire of ending the union. Perhaps temporary separations or silence may be experienced in order to contemplate the meaning of the union and its chances of survival.
The success of the union is based on the emotional maturity of the involved parties. If one of the partners may still need time to evolve, it may be that rupture of the union will occur, so s/he can then return.
At this stage, the twin souls surrender their wishes and desires into the hands of Divinity, with full trust and faith that their union will remain strong. They also realize their mistakes and see their ego as the main obstacle in the path of their complete happiness.
Consequently, they openly discuss their plans and wounds, as they wish to work out through their differences. Therefore, the frequency of compassion returns and remains.
In this stage, the ego dies, and the divine force takes control, leading to a complete spiritual awakening. This is the stage where the twin souls radiate divine love, instead of mere romantic love.
The partners fully abandon their emotions, mind, and spirit in the hands of divinity and subsequently, reach soulful maturity. New creative and healing abilities are being developed, such as forgiveness, flexibility, complicity, passion, and patience.
After all the seven twin flame stages, the two souls being to think and act like one.
Are you one of the lucky souls who has met their twin? If so, please share with us your experience with twin flame stages, and let’s help others identify their soulmate.
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I had a twin flame ,we were connected from 1975 but together/ married 1998 - 12-27-2015 . our connection was killed when hospital drugged him changed him from loving truthful good person to mean hateful ahole.have not had any contact since12-5-2016. I miss what we had but feel nothing from him . will it come back?
Hello Deb, I am sorry to hear your loss and I can only imagine the feeling of emptiness you might feel now that the spiritual connection is gone. Soulmates can either come to our lives to teach us a lesson or they stay with us until the end. Time will tell if it will come back, but regardless of that do not lose hope.
ill tell you straight and truthfully, clearly NOT your twin flame, move on. everything is an experience and a lesson to prepare you for the next stage in life. what you think is terrible, is merely a very earthly human perception, and not a Godly or spiritual perception.. for example I think I am with my twin, and dont dare say i know, even though my intuition is spot on. Its because if I was, the relationship can be VERY confusing best of times. but beneath all the Ego stuff the things we expect out twin to be. theres a strange feeling of still being connected to this person and in your deep desire you want anything but them to leave, but at the same time, If she ever said she was leaving, Id tell her ok, i accept Go, because if we stay and youre unhappy then go. the amount of times shes said shes leaving and i said im leaving and that I want her to go.... just cant seem to get rid of her hahahahahaha
I believe I may have met my twin flame at a party. Felt like a movie. I was on the dance floor with a friend, busy looking through the crowd taking in the site of all the people having a great time, and then I locked eyes with her across the dance floor and that feeling I felt is like nothing I have ever felt before. I had this intense surge of energy which literally took my breath away. I struggled to breath, had to go outside for fresh air and that's when I realized she felt the same thing or something very similar because she too came outside but she was looking for me. I was not in a great place at that point in my life, and I then my biggest regret happened. I froze, I got shy, scared and had frozen feet, let alone cold feet. I know I should have said something to her but I had the biggest cowardice moment of my life and I am still hoping I will get another chance to fix my mistake by bumping into her again and actually having the courage to say anything. Moral of the story....... moments like that can be very rare, it doesn't happen to everyone and some people only get one shot. It's been about 4 or 5 years since I had my experience. I'm still hoping to get a second chance so I can stop kicking myself about my biggest mistake and regret so far in life.
Hello Sean, indeed some experiences are unique and unmatchable. However, people tend to make a confusion between infatuation and spiritual connection. They are both very intense and difficult to tell which one is what. From a personal experience, twin flames connect and their bond lasts for a long period of time. Whether forever or for a period of time until we learn something about ourselves or the world.
I do believe that you still have to meet your twin flame whose presence will stay longer in your life than a few moments.Good luck!
Hi Andreea, thank you for the reply. That presence would have last longer if had I had acted on it. I believe that experience was maybe more of a lesson to act upon the events that make me feel the way I felt in that moment and to find the courage to act upon it as opposed to feeling those feelings and then not doing. I've read that we should seek out the moments that make us feel the way I felt in that moment as that feeling, that vibe I got was something that resonated with my own soul, hence the intense energy I felt. Is that now wrong, to try and seek out moments like that? Is it better to wait for those moments to find you?
I am for certain I have met my twin flame, we met in 2007 it was like I always felt like I knew him already, 2011 we had our fallout but were still spiritually connected no matter the distance we always kept in touch it was like we can always feel eachother. 2018 we reunited and we decided to be husband and wife after being friends for so long. We had to go through insecurities, hurt, pain,forgiving, all that to know that us being together was written in stone. We are designed for each other I can feel him always. Right now we are a apart but yet so close I can feel him every step of the way. I remember like yesterday when I doubted us ever being together, but I always knew that I would always be by his side that’s where I belonged I just couldn’t see what I see today. I look forward to this beautiful amazing journey of love it will only get greater.
Hello Sean,
I don't know if you met your twin flame or not at the time, but may I give you an advice?
I know it's hard to open up to people, especially when you've been hurt in the past (believe me I totally understand you), but is it to much trying to contact her directly instead of hoping to meet her randomly somewhere? I mean, you are expecting a different outcomes in response to the same action you've been enacting during these 5 years...
Believe me, once you'll do it, you feel free from regret and sadness, because at least you tried.
I did the same with the person I thought was my twin flame or significant one... we met, I felt home and already acquainted with him from first time, fallen in love with him, and then he humiliated me (even though with time I realise that I let him doing it) to the deepest and broke me... then it started the sorrow phase, then he started appearing and disappeared till last year, he came very very close, he didn't spoke a word while starring at me (I suppose he expected from me to approach him and starting conversation, whereas at the time I was expected at least an apologie for what he "did").
A week later I put my pride or ego aside and texted him if he needed to talk with me, at which he's never replied. Waste of time. End of the story.
This ain't a happy ending love story, but at least I know that was unrequited love.
I mean when I'll be old I will not regret or dwell in those thoughts like: what if I tried, what if I told him and so on, because even if I could ending up being rejected, well at least I TRIED.
So dear, I hope you'll find one day the courage to express your feelings to that person, because being in love with yourself and with another people it's just the most amazing thing it will happen to you in this lifetime... so be BRAVE! I wish you all the best.
I met my soul mate in 1975 . I had graduated from high school in Brown County Indiana. My parents were living in Indianapolis. Because my dad had an appliance business. My sister was a newspaper delivery girl. I went with her to collect the money from her clients. That's when I first saw him. We started dating later that year. We got married in February of 1977. But we got divorced in April 1983. Every since. We have run into each other over the years. My mom had told me that, me and him were soul mates. But I just kinda brush it off. But she's right. Because I haven't been happy with anyone else. I have been in several relationships. None of them have lasted very long. And the same for him. I'm currently married to my 3rd husband. Whom of which I am separated from now. My first husband was my soul mate. He's been on my mind extremely strong. To the point, I can feel him. I get really nervous, anxious, and jittery. Every time I have those feelings. He shows up.
I am in a twin flame relationship and working toward union. It is a very, very challenging spiritual connection. Please consult Marla Kelly of Twinstrology, Cassady Cayne of Twin Flames 1111, Karen Burness of Twin Flame Psychic 1111, Sonya Evans of 10 of Cups Ministries or Sabriye Dubre from Gangsta Goddesses for accurate information on this journey. This is much different and infinitely more complicated than a soulmate connection. Thank you.
I met my twin when I was 17 . He walked into the nightclub and I turned to my friend and said “it’s him” I was so in love and our chemistry was so intense , we hung out for a few years , we both had suck complicated lives . Seemed we were an unspoken oasis,
We went our separate ways and then reconnected some 30 years later.. It’s a bumpy ride but I just know , there will never be anyone who I have such a deep connection with.. I’m learning so much and hopefully evolving , I have had to put my boundaries up for now as I would rather wait until we can be equal in each other’s lives.. we need this separation in order to heal and be open enough for what will come. We are so powerful , loving and fun together, we both have so much past hurt . This is so hard and think everyday about my twin.. here I am sat on my hands, waiting for my love to fully come for me.. in the meantime , I continue to peel back my layers , learn , love , evolve.. I’m at the “please God, arch angel Michael , Arc angel Gabrielle , Saint Mary I give our love to you , trust you will work your divine magic over myself and my twin and bring us together so we can be stronger lightworkers and keep sharing heaven on Earth ❤️🙏🏾