What If Earth Is a Prison Planet Where Our Souls Are Trapped?

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.

As if remembering something important and eternal, the human soul asks itself: Who am I? Where do I come from? What is the meaning of my presence in this world? Where do I go after death?

These questions are not accidental, given that one of the theories about the origin of our species claims that the Earth is a place where souls go through a stage of reflection and correction. According to this theory, our planet is a prison planet where we all are incarcerated, that is why it is useless to aspire for universal peace and the perfect order of the world since living on this planet does not set such a goal.

The proponents of this theory believe that we all have our own purpose – to find our true selves, remember our divine origin, develop the bright side of our souls, and return… to our homeland. Let’s talk about this perspective from the spiritual point of view.


In Genesis, there is an indication that we once lived in another divine place and our souls were not imprisoned in the corporal shell:

And the Lord God made Adam and his wife garments of skins and clothed them”, “…in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till you return to the earth from which you were taken.”


If we turn to Buddhism, it is possible to find a definition that human life is a chain of continuous suffering. To live in the Buddhist understanding means to suffer.

Those who believe in reincarnation make a couple of interesting points. When babies are born, they cry, as if the soul were aware that it was born in the material world, on planet Earth. After some time, children’s memory is blocked and they forget who they were and where they lived before birth.

Buddhists believe that we do not die forever, and after some time, our souls are born in a new body, go through suffering, and then die and are reborn again. If a person leads a righteous life, they improve their karma and in the future, get rid of suffering. If they commit evil deeds, then in the next life, they condemn themselves to more suffering.

The basis of Buddhism is that the person is able to break the eternal wheel of rebirth and get spiritual liberation by reaching nirvana.

What do the proponents of the prison planet theory believe?

According to the theory of prison planet, to return to the “Garden of Eden”, humans should climb the same staircase from which they were once thrown down.

With experience, trial and error, sweat and blood, following the path of inner perfection, a person climbs up the ladder of spiritual evolution, returning to the homeland. At each step, he or she has to make an effort, working on their personal lesson. As you see, in this sense, this theory is no different from most world’s religions.

Each new transition upwards must be deserved, and you can get stuck at some stage or crumble down. There is only one way: to rise from the low material matters to very high, divine ones. When this happens, the soul completes its earthly incarnation and goes into a qualitatively new form of existence, the theory states.

One would assume that if it really works this way, then there is nothing easier than to escape this prison and voluntarily leave this place. But such action only aggravates our fate and prolongs our stay on this planet. That is why all religions consider suicide a great sin. Spiritual evolution allows a person to understand why he or she is here and learn the lesson.


The harder a person suffers the aggression and the imperfection of the world, the more pain they feel at the sight of hungry children and homeless animals, the lighter their soul becomes and the closer their way home is. You don’t need to be religious or spiritual to agree that many people who have suffered in life happen to be creatures of extraordinary kindness.

However, the only difference is that the proponents of the theory that Earth is a prison planet believe in the extraterrestrial origin of humans. That’s why we experience an unexplained longing when looking at distant stars in the endless sky, they say. They believe that someday, we will return in the place, full of harmony and joy, where we once came from, where we can complete a real mission and where our existence will be filled with love and high sense.

What are your thoughts on the prison planet theory? Please share them with us in the comments.

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  • YOU ARE ON A prison Planet!
    FOREVER, because of memory strip!

    Read "Alien Interview" immediately to know WHAT YOU REALLY ARE!
    You are ALL "gods", here!!!!

    • You say we are all "gods" here. Could you please elaborate? What do you mean by that? Do you mean we create our own reality? Is that what you mean? If that is the case then why use the word "gods" why can't we just be humans creating our own reality? If the word "gods" is used to imply that we create our own reality then for me word "gods" is superfluous. If you had said that we are "God" as in God Almighty, as in the creator of everything, I would have to disagree.

      • Not only do other beings from the solar system to dump there unwanted on this planet (Have you ever wondered why there are such high numbers of killings and sexual crimes just to mention a few}. The numbers are off-balanced to say the least. Yes, there will be bad immoral people born but not the high numbers like we have.
        The next thing they do to your spirit is clear your past life memory and then back through the birth tunnel that you see when when you pass just to born again. I think if you are lucky enough to have your family there to meet you when you at that time you may be able to continue on to a higher realm and leave Earth the prison planet.

    • Yes I did read the interview and it rang true to me, we cant learn from our past mistakes if we can't remember our past lives, hence the endless loop!

  • Really enjoyed the thought provoking Post.
    But, alas, I think both philosophical debates are WAY off the mark of the “True” Reality of the here and now we find ourselves enveloped in.
    The question is NOT is there a “god”, or “no god”.
    The question is “where is the here and now we commonly experience?”
    It brought the following to mind, which I thought I would share.
    Here is another “life philosophy” for you all to consider, with a different
    twist. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO sick of reading the prevailing notion that ONE entity
    created all in this physical universe, and that ALL return to the “One”, the
    truly communist-type of god! NO individual “personalities” will exist after the
    body dies in the minds of the crackpots, demons, BOOK “pushers” (market-teers)
    and religious lunatics (Save me, save me, oh, one!) who dominate the
    conversation on BIN! They use name calling (get behind me satan) or even use censorship
    and simply eliminate anything else other than the usual whine of “Save me”!
    “Unite me with the “One”! Whether “Old biblical babble” or “new age crap”, it
    is all the same, pathetic whine about the End of Time!
    So, consider this:
    No god would ever take credit for creating this universe.
    It just exists, as we do.
    All is not known.
    Only your lunatic asylum on planet hell (earth) has ever ‘conjured up’ this god
    Why does your god demand your prayers?
    Why do you think that ‘something’ would ‘take credit, for say, a tidal wave
    that kills over 250,000 on 3 continents and numerous islands?
    You think there was some ‘divine planning’ in that that any rational, thinking
    entity would ‘take credit for”?
    Why did your god jesus sit next to a demon, evil incarnate, and listen to a
    sales pitch?
    Why did your god jesus let that pure evil walk away to continue to torment you?
    And, you worship this insane, demonic personality?
    Nothing does exist here.
    Nothing touches at any level of ‘perception’ HERE (solid, liquid, gas,
    molecular level, sub atomic level- particles that orbit one another and never
    That is the way HERE is designed.
    You see, all of you have a memory problem.
    A big memory problem that causes all of your problems HERE. You have all
    forgotten the purpose of HERE and why HERE was created.
    You are solid energy that vibrates, or resonates, at a specific frequency,
    That individual frequency is how you are recognized by others like you.
    And, who cares if this whole planet does not exist in the future?
    The whole ‘universe’, for that matter.
    You see, like there are athletes among you that can achieve and perform ‘feats’
    that you never will (like, “Big Wave” surfing, or “Extreme Downhill Skiing”),
    there ARE others among you that have memories that extend, very accurately,
    well beyond this one, very hellish-like, lifetime.
    Because, my fellow immortal beings, you have ‘been robbed’ of your ‘eternal
    existence’ memories.
    You wander, trapped on this hellish planet earth, ‘generation after generation,
    recycling, over & over again.
    Stripped of memory.
    Born again as ‘human’ on PLANET HELL, earth.
    I know what this world is really all about!
    I am in hell, right now!
    I remember what and who I really am!
    A sentential being that has existed for trillions of years.
    I exist all the time not on this planet, but, in “my home”, that is ‘not of
    this world”, untouched by all of this.
    Time does not exist where I live all of the time.
    Distance does not exist.
    I think, and it takes form and substance…………………………………. here
    anything I think!
    HERE, in this physical universe!
    Made for my amusement!
    This is an amusement park for us, the immortal beings!
    A “body” is no more than a “temporary meat-wrapper” that we “ride” in! like
    getting into the “ride car” that brings you around the track at “magic
    mountain”. when the ride is over, you get out of the vehicle that transported
    you over the track.
    We are ALL designed to go “at will” from “body to body”.
    We have lost that ability, and now are all ‘trapped on the ride’, and we cannot
    get off!
    We are here to experience sex, food, smell, violence, both giving it &
    receiving it;
    all the things that do not exist when you exist as
    Pure energy forever,
    Energy that is indestructible,
    That cannot die,
    That can not be destroyed,
    That cannot experience pain
    But, you can be trapped, ‘imprisoned’, and have your memory “wiped clean’ after
    every “lifetime”.
    You poor, lost, immortal beings!
    YOU do not remember a thing!
    So, when you “die” you all “go to the light”!
    You cannot help yourselves, images of your dead friends, family, are pulled
    right out of your “fresh memories” and projected to “lead you to the light, to
    love, to god”?
    And that is your mistake!
    Cause you get zapped, like a moth hitting the ‘bug zapper’ screen, your memory
    is “wiped clean’ and you are born back in a body, trapped with no memory for
    another rather hellish lifetime of pain, rape, war, starvation, tidal waves,
    violence, child-birth, and death…again! And again……And again. Death experienced
    over and over and over again!
    “Help me “one”!
    I am trapped on the ride, and I cannot get off!
    Help me “one”!”
    Whether you know it or not, that is where 99.99% of you are ‘at’ right now,
    Unless, you do not go to the light!
    See why I do not care?
    About any of you HU-mans?
    You cannot die.
    The worse that happens is you are born, here in hell on earth, in a
    meat-wrapper of some type, again!
    ‘Memory strip’– completed — again.
    Good luck
    trying to escape this “Designed Terror World” for immortal beings who “Just cannot remember” literally who they are!
    It’s that earthy ‘religious conditioning’ that “sets you up for the psy-op job” at the moment of death! (Save me, oh, one, save me!)
    Your religious leader monsters know all this!
    They are your “prison guards”, and are afforded “special privileges”, torturing your ‘brain washed from birth’ kind!
    No “One” will come to save you, because YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE SAVED FROM ANYTHING!
    NOW, GO, ALL OF YOU, AND “REMEMBER” your eternal existence memories for yourselves!

    • Lord,

      So you are saying you are not in a Hu Man body when you wrote that? So what created this energy that emcomposes the universe and what created the prison planet Earth? Just happened by luck and coincidence?

      • Noname, I don't know if you're still monitoring this chain, but beings like Lord are why this prison planet was created by the social beings of the universe. It was created to keep antisocial beings like him from invalidating, terrorizing, and suppressing other beings in the infinite universe. This universe exists for social beings to enjoy.

        There is no way for us to know whether or not there is a Creator of this universe, any more than a flower knows the gardener that created the garden they are in.

        And people like Lord are running this planet and are rapidly turning it into a hell on earth.

        There is a way out. It is a philosophy of life, not a religion. And that is to love thy neighbor as thyself (do onto others as you would have them do unto you). If you do this, when your body dies and you go before the "parole board" (judgment), you will have learned the right to get off this planet and once more be a part of this infinitely beautiful universe.

    • You say we are eternal and we just need to remember who we are. Are you saying we are ultimately the creators of everyting and that we are all one? Are you saying we are the creator of everything that exists? If that is what you mean then I have to disagree with you. As you say, we are in a meat wrapper and therefore cannot remember, so how did you manage to remember and conjure up your theory while being inside your meat wrapper if being in the meat wrapper means you don't remember anything?

      I think the thing that matters most is being kind and considerate towards others, humans, animals, the earth etc. I think we might then get somewhere in gaining understanding about who we are and our place in this existence. It might sound simplistic but I think there is profound wisdom in the teachings of those who have gone before us, the likes of the Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad. We have to apply it and see what happens. I think that's our problem, most of us don't apply the teachings because we think that by doing so we would be being sheep or brainwashed. I don't see it that way. It's like if I wanted to bake a cake, I could do it by trial and error or I could go to an expert cake baker and get their recipe, not that there's anything wrong with trial and error. You might eventually end up learning the same thing that the expert baker knew all along. If I don't know or trust the baker then I could still try it out to see if it works to save time and if it doesn't then I'll just go back to my trial and error method.

    • Thank you. Best comment. This planet sucks and is a soul trap. Agony and suffer is the reason for running this planet. Being kind is a good thing, but it is NOT enough to leave this situation. The light, friends who tell you to come with them, "Lords of Karma" ... this all is BETRAY. Nothing of this is real and the only aim is to get your "free will" to reincarnate on this hell-planet again. DO NOT DO THIS !
      I am not full conscious. Therefore i had to go the "hard way". For a long time i thought how to make the human system better. Until i realized that this divide-et-impera shit is PART OF THE NATURE ! And that is why human systems have this problem, too. Because they are part of the nature. Take sex for example. There are always the same kind of persons who do not get it (nice men and ugly woman). But everybody wants it. Of course, this results in anger, bacause sex is a basic human need. The same with living regions - in the past the ones with much food were the better ones. Today it is the economic abilities.
      This planet has never been designed to live in freedom and peace. That is the ugly truth.

    • Read what he said to read. Basically, mind gives rise to matter, not the other way around. Every living entity in the universe ( that means all terrestrial and extraterritorial sentient beings) have plaid some part to the creation of the entire universe. We're the only things that can break the third law of thermodynamics and can actually bring particles into existence, literally creating something from nothing. This is required to do since it's the only way an IS-BE, or soul, can experience space and time. It's pretty complicated, but will make sense after read or watched enough. "Roswell Alien Interview".... please, to every other immortal spiritual being; read it, and open your eyes for the first time. Love n peace to all my benevolent brother's and sister's😇

    • I enjoyed your rant. I find that everyone of us knows some piece of the puzzle. I take away something from everyone. I beleive we can live trapped in our body, or we can live outside of our body, but we are still tethered to it, until the body dies. I have no clue what God is. But there is something greater than us. I am not a powerful person, but I am protected by that power. I am born again, and that power entered me.
      I'm planning on being here, on Earth, till 2115, helping to free people from mind prison.

      • I'm in my 50s and started seeking answers when I was 13. I started with "messages from michael" series. My last read was "Alien interview" which was on audible. I found it very interesting, but by the end dismissed it. Linking Hitler, weapons along with the giant barrel that sucks souls to store inside the moon and Jupiter was ridiculous. WHy all this? Souls are fuel. Sorry, I don't buy it.
        I believe aliens are basically demigods. They are between heaven and earth. I believe Jesus may actually be our only way to a place called "heaven", and the rest maybe get what they believe, nothing or recycled. The truth is the mystery is by design, you're not supposed to know or it would destroy why you're here. I would agree with the idea that souls reincarnate until whatever needs to be experienced is experienced. Free will, in my opinion, is a mixed bag. You're are steered into situations throughout your life and how you deal with that situation is where free will comes in. Honestly, free will feels less and less as I get older, I see how hard the patterns worked to push towards certain overall outcomes, but that's just me. We are so shaped by our particular environments and judge too easily. Every single one of us is capable of being a great loving leader, or a serial killer and everything inbetween....and maybe you're going to be every one of them before you're "finished" here. Sadly, the only conclusion I keep coming to is that this indeed is a prison planet or punishment of some kind, it just doesn't make sense any other way. I hope I'm wrong.

  • Let's say that you have made statements of truth and that I accept it. Let me as an "if = then" question. If this is a prison planet,....
    1) Why do I find it so amazing and I feel happy here? I understand that the prisoners begin to accept their surroundings which they cannot change and begin to create a world of illusion. I understand that this may be an answer to this question.
    2) What should my goal be? to get out? Should my goal in each life be to learn and become more and more enlighten so that I can try to remember who I really am and be able to get out and escape?

    If earth is a prison plante, then the reason for all the evil and hardship is understoond. For a prison planet, we have it pretty good!

    • I have similar questions. A prison ... maybe. Whatever it is I don't care (in a positive way). I think we should be "above" everything, to experience everything, good things and the bad ones, as if it was some kind of illusion, that's never truly ours and shouldn't touch us. I appreciate the beauty we find here, but not to the point it becomes my aim, whether it relates to environment, a body, etc. The goal? Don't know, maybe we have some designed "fates" as well. Whatever it is, I want to experience whatever it takes and feel just emptiness, 'cause even so many emotions here are just illusions or the results of our weaknesses. So some "nirvana" would be cool as a goal, I think.

      • Exactly my perception, as we live our daily lives, we often notice something deep within us, maybe some kind of truth we feel that leads us to some kind of inspiration that eventually leads us to a desire to correct ourselves along the way. I was 8 years old when my first awakening experience came to me, as I realized and said to myself, "well, here I am".
        So much energy was flowing in my mind as grinned, laying in the grass and looking up at the blue sky with few clouds. I was just laying there and my mind was innocently wandering. As time went on, I humbly walked through life, seeing and hearing the good and the evil, then discerning between the two while holding on to the inner truth of what my soul was saying, the same one that said, "well, here I am", and thus correcting myself. For I am happy, I have no control over what people may do and things that happen, but I do have control of what "I am" doing and saying. I have learned, that I have choices, I can choose, if not physically in some cases, then mentally, even if it requires that I face death, then at least I know I did what was righteous for my soul. If "I am" re-incarnated back to this realm, then I feel in my soul, at some point, I will lay in the grass and look up at the blue sky, my mind innocently wandering, will reply, "well, here I am".😊

  • Lord is absolutely spot on.... we got lost in our own technology.... we made a game real... a holiday turned into forever... a few of us turned psychotic and now pretend to be god and demand adoration and obedience and worship... Time to kick ass and clean ship i say... gonna beat the snot out them soon..... they deserve whats coming their way...

  • Interesting assessment. I think you're closer to actuality than most. My opinion is that this world isn't just a holding cell, but a waypoint between bliss and torment. I tend to think there is an almighty God and He has two races of creatures formed in His likeness, (the malachim who are formed in light and the sons of men who are formed in dust). Because there was a fall within their race, there is an ascension within ours. And between us God has faithful ones from high and low, material and immaterial. Here on the earth amid innumerable stars and in the depths of time, the right and the wrong are pitted together to express obedience or defiance in their alotted years and at the end God will recieve a race of creatures who have forceably been through suffering and death yet willingly trusted in the living One, knowing both good and evil. See, earth is a cosmic sifter to see what passes through the dust. Here and now evil is permitted, because by and by it will not be. A new heaven and a new earth... Meaning our vexation and our suffering here will not exist there. This is why there is a judgment, this is why the wicked spirits are entombed within the earth, it's why there is a hell. To purify the raw material... Understand?

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.