What If Earth Is a Prison Planet Where Our Souls Are Trapped?

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.

As if remembering something important and eternal, the human soul asks itself: Who am I? Where do I come from? What is the meaning of my presence in this world? Where do I go after death?

These questions are not accidental, given that one of the theories about the origin of our species claims that the Earth is a place where souls go through a stage of reflection and correction. According to this theory, our planet is a prison planet where we all are incarcerated, that is why it is useless to aspire for universal peace and the perfect order of the world since living on this planet does not set such a goal.

The proponents of this theory believe that we all have our own purpose – to find our true selves, remember our divine origin, develop the bright side of our souls, and return… to our homeland. Let’s talk about this perspective from the spiritual point of view.


In Genesis, there is an indication that we once lived in another divine place and our souls were not imprisoned in the corporal shell:

And the Lord God made Adam and his wife garments of skins and clothed them”, “…in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till you return to the earth from which you were taken.”


If we turn to Buddhism, it is possible to find a definition that human life is a chain of continuous suffering. To live in the Buddhist understanding means to suffer.

Those who believe in reincarnation make a couple of interesting points. When babies are born, they cry, as if the soul were aware that it was born in the material world, on planet Earth. After some time, children’s memory is blocked and they forget who they were and where they lived before birth.

Buddhists believe that we do not die forever, and after some time, our souls are born in a new body, go through suffering, and then die and are reborn again. If a person leads a righteous life, they improve their karma and in the future, get rid of suffering. If they commit evil deeds, then in the next life, they condemn themselves to more suffering.

The basis of Buddhism is that the person is able to break the eternal wheel of rebirth and get spiritual liberation by reaching nirvana.

What do the proponents of the prison planet theory believe?

According to the theory of prison planet, to return to the “Garden of Eden”, humans should climb the same staircase from which they were once thrown down.

With experience, trial and error, sweat and blood, following the path of inner perfection, a person climbs up the ladder of spiritual evolution, returning to the homeland. At each step, he or she has to make an effort, working on their personal lesson. As you see, in this sense, this theory is no different from most world’s religions.

Each new transition upwards must be deserved, and you can get stuck at some stage or crumble down. There is only one way: to rise from the low material matters to very high, divine ones. When this happens, the soul completes its earthly incarnation and goes into a qualitatively new form of existence, the theory states.

One would assume that if it really works this way, then there is nothing easier than to escape this prison and voluntarily leave this place. But such action only aggravates our fate and prolongs our stay on this planet. That is why all religions consider suicide a great sin. Spiritual evolution allows a person to understand why he or she is here and learn the lesson.


The harder a person suffers the aggression and the imperfection of the world, the more pain they feel at the sight of hungry children and homeless animals, the lighter their soul becomes and the closer their way home is. You don’t need to be religious or spiritual to agree that many people who have suffered in life happen to be creatures of extraordinary kindness.

However, the only difference is that the proponents of the theory that Earth is a prison planet believe in the extraterrestrial origin of humans. That’s why we experience an unexplained longing when looking at distant stars in the endless sky, they say. They believe that someday, we will return in the place, full of harmony and joy, where we once came from, where we can complete a real mission and where our existence will be filled with love and high sense.

What are your thoughts on the prison planet theory? Please share them with us in the comments.

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  • the missing "link" cant be found because when they came her "they(life-movie)" have created(dna manipulation) us(summarian history text)...

    according the evolution(theory) our endless headhair and beard grow wouldnt make any sense in the wilderness imagine if you try to ran away from a predtator but you stumble/falling over your on hair or you get stuck/snag on tree branches/bushes .

    Remeber what the native americans said to the spaniards:"The gold is only for the(cruel)"gods"(which hate us so much that they poisson evrything around us what we eat/drink/
    breathe and wear...and again summarian texts)... the summarian text also declares the "great flood" which every other ancient civilisations around the world has reported.

    scientists claim that our (non-spinning) moon was created by something big that has hit the planet earth(the moon has the 1/6 gravety of the earth this means it is 6times smaller than the earth so where is this wound which we should see at our planet if a 1/6 of the earth was ripped of it?...
    like they say in the starwars movie this is no moon...

    Did you never wunder where all this products produced around the world(24/7/365 in evryVillage/town/city)goes? do you buy daily stuff just ask your friends how many products they have bought last month..
    prison planet because humans was created to work for them(guess why u get the supplycode "money" for shelter/food which is measured in your work(lifetime)hours! and we keep blinded because this system/society(is the mtrx; if you libarted from it you run out of the food/shelltercode)is planed since they have come here-(which was ca 500 000 years or even more ago, there are indications that this is the 6age of man which means there was civilisiations like our even more advanced than ours right now but was wiped out(remember the"greatflood") by "them" cuz the workingclass(aka slaves) was awakning and saw the truth.. there is a reference in the bible about the 6 age of man(also in the movie mtrx)- guess why the book"1984" predicted exactly the future(technolgoy) which wasnt even invented when he wrote the book in 1948..

    the contienet mu was between southamerica and south eastasia which you can still see the contours on google earthmap.. oh and btw if you are on googleearth try to see the southpole on the antarctisland(atlantis) aka island/continent guess why it is blurred out...

    free free@least what ever comes now @ me I dont care.. They life and Iam ready to die...

  • Has anyone ever tried to figure out what they actually did to be sent here in the first place? Some of us would only be political prisoners, or artistic prisoners etc while some would be Criminal or evil,
    I have read that some aliens are trying to figure out how to stop the reincarnation cycle but haven't been able to disarm the trap as yet? To me this is bogus, I think it would be more along the lines of they can't figure out which spirits are evil and which ones are good so instead of risking the release of the evil ones everyone gets to stay until they can figure out how to look at everyone's spirits past? Until then I guess it's up to ourselves to figure it out.
    I am going with the "Don't go into the light" Theory for now, if it works out then "yay" but I would just like to know where I should be heading too because I would hate to think that they have a backup in place and I go straight to another prison planet?

  • Best wishes to all of you that say we were born here to experiencw nice and nasty things as well. Hopefully youll have the taste of ugly thungs if you havent experienxed it by dar by yourselves. I bet most of you writing here havent experienced war, rape or murder, or at least cancer! If you do then I'll gladly read how untouched by thus you are. OPersonally I find ideas like this sick to thee core. I telk youits not what who universe is wants for us. How sick it all became...

  • 1. Kudos, well composed!
    2. Alleviating the prisoners' conditions is also a good thing
    3. Use your time in the prison to prevent serving another term
    4. Consider applying for pardon...

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.