What If Earth Is a Prison Planet Where Our Souls Are Trapped?

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.

As if remembering something important and eternal, the human soul asks itself: Who am I? Where do I come from? What is the meaning of my presence in this world? Where do I go after death?

These questions are not accidental, given that one of the theories about the origin of our species claims that the Earth is a place where souls go through a stage of reflection and correction. According to this theory, our planet is a prison planet where we all are incarcerated, that is why it is useless to aspire for universal peace and the perfect order of the world since living on this planet does not set such a goal.

The proponents of this theory believe that we all have our own purpose – to find our true selves, remember our divine origin, develop the bright side of our souls, and return… to our homeland. Let’s talk about this perspective from the spiritual point of view.


In Genesis, there is an indication that we once lived in another divine place and our souls were not imprisoned in the corporal shell:

And the Lord God made Adam and his wife garments of skins and clothed them”, “…in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till you return to the earth from which you were taken.”


If we turn to Buddhism, it is possible to find a definition that human life is a chain of continuous suffering. To live in the Buddhist understanding means to suffer.

Those who believe in reincarnation make a couple of interesting points. When babies are born, they cry, as if the soul were aware that it was born in the material world, on planet Earth. After some time, children’s memory is blocked and they forget who they were and where they lived before birth.

Buddhists believe that we do not die forever, and after some time, our souls are born in a new body, go through suffering, and then die and are reborn again. If a person leads a righteous life, they improve their karma and in the future, get rid of suffering. If they commit evil deeds, then in the next life, they condemn themselves to more suffering.

The basis of Buddhism is that the person is able to break the eternal wheel of rebirth and get spiritual liberation by reaching nirvana.

What do the proponents of the prison planet theory believe?

According to the theory of prison planet, to return to the “Garden of Eden”, humans should climb the same staircase from which they were once thrown down.

With experience, trial and error, sweat and blood, following the path of inner perfection, a person climbs up the ladder of spiritual evolution, returning to the homeland. At each step, he or she has to make an effort, working on their personal lesson. As you see, in this sense, this theory is no different from most world’s religions.

Each new transition upwards must be deserved, and you can get stuck at some stage or crumble down. There is only one way: to rise from the low material matters to very high, divine ones. When this happens, the soul completes its earthly incarnation and goes into a qualitatively new form of existence, the theory states.

One would assume that if it really works this way, then there is nothing easier than to escape this prison and voluntarily leave this place. But such action only aggravates our fate and prolongs our stay on this planet. That is why all religions consider suicide a great sin. Spiritual evolution allows a person to understand why he or she is here and learn the lesson.


The harder a person suffers the aggression and the imperfection of the world, the more pain they feel at the sight of hungry children and homeless animals, the lighter their soul becomes and the closer their way home is. You don’t need to be religious or spiritual to agree that many people who have suffered in life happen to be creatures of extraordinary kindness.

However, the only difference is that the proponents of the theory that Earth is a prison planet believe in the extraterrestrial origin of humans. That’s why we experience an unexplained longing when looking at distant stars in the endless sky, they say. They believe that someday, we will return in the place, full of harmony and joy, where we once came from, where we can complete a real mission and where our existence will be filled with love and high sense.

What are your thoughts on the prison planet theory? Please share them with us in the comments.

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  • for once i agree ..Energy cannot be created nor destroyed...someone once said hell is empty all the devils are here...makes absolute perfect sense...i am not for one for violence, rape, murder, thievery, gluttony, and greed but we have all of that here...i dont believe the bible after all it was written by a freemason (just think no letter j before 1500s) a loving God would let us be like we are because we are in hell..the reason there are so many athiests is that you cannot actually see God in hell..makes perfect sense...also what if reincarnation and karma was actually true...we have to work it all out....ive seen karma right before me.....someone did do something bad to me...the broke their back and it snowed on the day of their surgery....anyway what if all the problems we have now regarding terrorism are people who have been reincarnated who were murdered in a previous life..and also why the cycle of rape will never end.....people just being who they are because they were born this way....there are memes circulating the internet ....why does God not feed these children...i hate that meme most athiests believe that the christian God is all evil and torture..and shoot i believe that too after all jesus doesnt exist in other languages no letter j..and quite possible jehovah is really the evil one.....however i think there is another being God one that is all love and would never send us into the fiery pit but only reincarnate us back into this pit.....reincarnation actually does serve this purpose as to explain all problems known to man...why babies die, why people get cancer, why people are lgbt, why people will never end the problem of war and terrorism, and why good people suffer...we were born this way...evil until we see the light of a loving God...and realize earth is just a prison planet and will always be.....there is no evidence in the bible (lies) that we would be totally removed from this place.only that (no flesh would survive)...a culling is needed every now and then to curb the resource usage (black plague) or should i say the illuminati's version of population control....only to be reborn right back here where we came from..another thing that gets me to thinking that the earth is hell is that it really is run by satan....just google pope and illuminati hand signals and you will get that ...also most preachers on this planet and tv are freemasons...i have seen famous preachers flip illuminati i luv satan hand signs including pat robertson...along with all the superstars including amy grant and beyonce (just google christians and the sign of the horns)...this world is run by satan and his minions there is no hell other than the fiery pit below us that serves to protect our planet...and the main ruler is actually the pope...he is the greediest and richest person on this planet....just think of how many people he could feed with all that gold he sits with in his throne room

  • With the trend of global police becoming more and more in our face we truly are almost a global prison.

    This is what happens when you cry for one world peace and zero terrorism you get a global prison as most people have given the *finger* to a divine purpose and just do what they please and a police state is what happens when the majority go that way.

    We slowly head the route of ISIS and sooner or later things start *exploding* like dynamite.

    Will the security agencies be happy when we become a global police state/prison?

  • PS> This may be why we are having the Mandela Effect which I believe it's wrong to call it that. I call it a reality effect where we are all shifting at different rates and it's causing reality to change which for now is in small details.

    Like the word *Flintstones and Flinstones* which I saw with my own eyes and Hillary or Hilary which all media showed it changing.

    It has always been BerenSTEIN Bears to me not BerenSTAIN as STAIN is easy to spell but I couldn't figure out if STEIN had *EYE* in it or it came out as STEEN? Like teen?

    If it was STAIN I'd have no debate about it and neither would people reading it to me. It would be universally accepted.

    Oh and the sun DID use to be a more yellow color and it did not burn your skin unless you were out in it for long periods of time and I mean like hours and hours. Maybe all day for some people.

  • When I feel in my heart what is right, it involves doing things for others and taking the emphasis off of myself.
    When I think about the Creator, I think, "Wow. How humble. To create a world for me to live in, including creating me - and not taking credit for it. I have to seek out the Creator myself to express gratitude."
    To me, this is true humility and what to aspire to in life.
    It hurts my insides when I live only for myself, and I feel like it is a prison the longer I put the emphasis on myself.
    The "human" problems that exist are there because working together has yet to be learned globally.
    I ache and my insides hurt constantly because I'm a sensitive soul who has awoken to the truth that I chose to come here to Earth to learn lessons. Nobody tricked me into it, nobody hornswaggled me. I chose it, to learn.
    Therefore, when I truly take responsibility for my life, I realize that I can create whatever I want - a garden of Eden, or a Prison Planet.
    For now, I choose Prison Planet because I don't resonate high enough to feel in my heart that I choose what I want. I feel like a victim and live that way right now. Hence, I feel like a prisoner.

    This is a school, we are souls here to learn. When in doubt, look around at earth and realize that the Spirit world is a reflection of it. Hence, "On earth as it is in heaven." Schools and learning and jobs are here on Earth, you can bet that the equivalent is happening in Heaven.

    Good luck to everyone evolving on this Earth plane. May we all heal ourselves one step at a time.

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.