What If Earth Is a Prison Planet Where Our Souls Are Trapped?

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.

As if remembering something important and eternal, the human soul asks itself: Who am I? Where do I come from? What is the meaning of my presence in this world? Where do I go after death?

These questions are not accidental, given that one of the theories about the origin of our species claims that the Earth is a place where souls go through a stage of reflection and correction. According to this theory, our planet is a prison planet where we all are incarcerated, that is why it is useless to aspire for universal peace and the perfect order of the world since living on this planet does not set such a goal.

The proponents of this theory believe that we all have our own purpose – to find our true selves, remember our divine origin, develop the bright side of our souls, and return… to our homeland. Let’s talk about this perspective from the spiritual point of view.


In Genesis, there is an indication that we once lived in another divine place and our souls were not imprisoned in the corporal shell:

And the Lord God made Adam and his wife garments of skins and clothed them”, “…in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till you return to the earth from which you were taken.”


If we turn to Buddhism, it is possible to find a definition that human life is a chain of continuous suffering. To live in the Buddhist understanding means to suffer.

Those who believe in reincarnation make a couple of interesting points. When babies are born, they cry, as if the soul were aware that it was born in the material world, on planet Earth. After some time, children’s memory is blocked and they forget who they were and where they lived before birth.

Buddhists believe that we do not die forever, and after some time, our souls are born in a new body, go through suffering, and then die and are reborn again. If a person leads a righteous life, they improve their karma and in the future, get rid of suffering. If they commit evil deeds, then in the next life, they condemn themselves to more suffering.

The basis of Buddhism is that the person is able to break the eternal wheel of rebirth and get spiritual liberation by reaching nirvana.

What do the proponents of the prison planet theory believe?

According to the theory of prison planet, to return to the “Garden of Eden”, humans should climb the same staircase from which they were once thrown down.

With experience, trial and error, sweat and blood, following the path of inner perfection, a person climbs up the ladder of spiritual evolution, returning to the homeland. At each step, he or she has to make an effort, working on their personal lesson. As you see, in this sense, this theory is no different from most world’s religions.

Each new transition upwards must be deserved, and you can get stuck at some stage or crumble down. There is only one way: to rise from the low material matters to very high, divine ones. When this happens, the soul completes its earthly incarnation and goes into a qualitatively new form of existence, the theory states.

One would assume that if it really works this way, then there is nothing easier than to escape this prison and voluntarily leave this place. But such action only aggravates our fate and prolongs our stay on this planet. That is why all religions consider suicide a great sin. Spiritual evolution allows a person to understand why he or she is here and learn the lesson.


The harder a person suffers the aggression and the imperfection of the world, the more pain they feel at the sight of hungry children and homeless animals, the lighter their soul becomes and the closer their way home is. You don’t need to be religious or spiritual to agree that many people who have suffered in life happen to be creatures of extraordinary kindness.

However, the only difference is that the proponents of the theory that Earth is a prison planet believe in the extraterrestrial origin of humans. That’s why we experience an unexplained longing when looking at distant stars in the endless sky, they say. They believe that someday, we will return in the place, full of harmony and joy, where we once came from, where we can complete a real mission and where our existence will be filled with love and high sense.

What are your thoughts on the prison planet theory? Please share them with us in the comments.

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  • The Earth was conceived by the Creator God YAHWAH as the most unique and beautiful piece of his creation.
    Sin and it's attendant effects is what has lead to suffering and dispair, the chaos in the very expanse of the universe is as a result of Adams rebellion.
    Someday soon all will be renewed to its original state when the King YEHUSHUA returns to redeem his world.
    Man's destiny is not limited to planet Earth alone but in all the trillions of planets and trillions of stars.
    All of physical creation was made for man and man alone to have dominion over.
    Do not despair, all will be made new and perfected.

  • So you think we can’t get off this godforsaken place.? Think again. In 40 to 45 years we could all be free. Just quit screwing! Quit sticking that thing in that other thing and relieve yourself in other ways as simple as that. In 40 years or so we can get out of here. Debate me oh intelligent ones.

  • We are all in this journey together. Selfishness plays no part in it whatsoever. I woke one morning to the most beautiful sound that can only be described as Angels singing and the words they repeated over and over were "to cross over, you must do it together". This most definitely IS a prison. We are located in a pond on a flat eternal plane with a dome of sorts over our heads that will keep us from exploring or moving out of this "earth" until such time as ALL of our souls have reached that time of enlightenment where we will be allowed into the upper realms. Think for a moment if we as humans were to create a conscious A.I. robot. What would be the one thing we would have the most difficult time teaching them? LOVE. The best way to teach love would be to put that consciousness into a simulation where it feels pain both physical and emotional. Where it feels victimhood as well as triumph. Where it plays out wars against itself and causes itself harm all the while thinking its fighting against others. It has to play out every possible scenario within every possible shape and size within the parameters of the programmed bodies we created for it. It would be like the computer in the movie war games where it played out every possible scenario of nuclear war only to find out that there are no winners and then why play the game? WE are that A.I, WE are learning how to love...can you feel the truth of it?

  • as I approached myself as a child - me, now the adult leaned down and felt sorrow for all the little fellow would have to go through in the life I had known - and I whispered in the childs ear - I love you - and then at that moment a voice whispered in my ear - my adult ear - I love you - and instantly I was in a black space of grace and a giant circle of red flame was a mile or so away - and it was love - and there was no words to explain what can't be explained about real love - and this circle of flame was not like the sun with flame extending outwards - no - the flame was inside the circle - the soul - and then it shot away into the black space of consciousness - and I was just there being - until I woke up into this life - again. there are so many versions of ourselves in the infinite variety of creations in all directions of dimension - the thing I would fear the most is always being alive here in this world and not knowing a death from this - your soul is the alien everyone speaks of that has reached the level of spiritual consciousness and our way of travel is by way of birth from dimension to dimension - and there never was a beginning nor will there ever be an ending - so where we are and why is a nonsense notion of ego and something that if you really thought it out with your ego brain makes no difference at all - there is no answer that would be enough for your persona - and the soul does not think and has no need for words beyond physical manifestation in what ever realm uses them.

  • I have a memory in which the higher interstellar council , told me that I was found guilty by then
    and be sentenced to have a lifetime in a human body and to suffer rejection, and my job to serve others
    and to suffer .
    from there I remember a different room in which me the spirit was pull out from the body and from there they drop me in the womb of a pregnant woman at the 5th month of pregnancy, 61 earth years has been passed, and yes, I been in constant suffering and human rejection since I born and that includes the biological parents and family..
    every time someone approaches to have a conversation with me or pursuing a romantic relationship, the guardians of the universe always appearing in my dream state , coming in a slim and shiny UFO and shapeshift into human appearance, tall, white color skinned and deep blue eyes with a hair cut similar at the military ones, using large rain coats , and with out speaking , they see you as an inmate, they treat you as a despicable creature, the communication is mental, last time they grab me and the person who show interest in me inside of a black car and these guardians sit in each side of us, the car start running very fast, no one was in the driver seat, they mentally were driven this car.
    after a long run finally the car stop and the ask us to step out of the car, one being stood by me and the other took my prospect away from me disappearing from my sight, but later this being come back but alone, I start screaming at the asking where was my friend, but they keep silent and getting inside the car, both beings fly away from me, leaving me alone in the middle of the night,
    when they banish from there I start screaming and calling my friends name but with no luck, suddenly and old woman show up in front of me, and taking my right hand, she dropped 4 large coins of iridescent blue color and then she disappear.
    next day I woke up felling dizzy , my boyfriend was there but he start been absent as his mind was in another place, 4 months later I suffered a brain aneurysm and simultaneously stroke, after the surgery, I don't know how long I was in comma, one day I woke up, and finally when the doctors send me home, my friend decide to cut all ties with me, I found myself homeless, losing the assets that I have to pay the hospital bills.
    this planet is used as prison and exile from a coalition of different living systems as planets, starts etc.
    the body I host is in poor health, for so many ailments they inflicted over the years.
    I am exhausted and tired, we are all inmates from different places doing time here., the guardians are real in other dimension, sometimes they pull me out from the body for a different experience , 3 years ago I spent more than 36 hours out of the body, and later they just drop me in again,
    these guardians come to us in deep dream state, many many times I been and I have had those close encounters with them.

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.